Trouble Diagnosing Old Cat

Fly Girl

Veteran Member
I need help, bad! I have a 14 yr old cat that I have had since she was 3 months. Last January, she started to pee outside her box, and would flop on the floor, ball up and meow. This would occur 3-5 times a day and it would last for 30-60 seconds. Then she would get up and go on her way. Her eyes do not glaze, nor does she twitch, so we dont think it is seizures (we meaning the vet and me). She has chronic urinary tract infections and has been on Baytrill off and on since January. We give her the anitbiotics and she ceases to "ball up" for awhile, then she goes off and it starts again. In august, the vet thought she had become arthritic, so he gave her a cortisone shot. It was good for about 3 weeks, then started again, so I took her back and she got a stronger dose about the 22nd of September. That week, I read about glucosamine. I bought some and started giving it to her (Hartz brand) and within a week, she was back to her old self. Just today, she has started to pee outside the box again and she has "balled' twice tonight, though not as bad as in the past. The vet has done Chem screens on her and the only thing he found was a borderline diabetes, but has said it is not enough to treat for, yet. We cant figure out why she is doing this. Has anyone else ever had this happen to them? I am heartbroken because he said the time to think about putting her down may come. I had to put down my 17 yr old cat last year (had her from 2 weeks old) and I cannot bear to lose my last best friend. Please help me if you can!

Thanks so much, if for nothing else, letting me vent my sorrow and frustration.


When my 17-year-old cat get those urinary tract infections (about 3 times a year) the Vet always gives her prednisone in addition to the Baytril. The pred takes down the internal swelling and burning. That's probably what is causing her to ball up - it really hurts to pee. Cats can take pred. long term without any negative side effects unlike dogs. I have a kitten on it twice a day for GI swelling via coronovirus until he gets to be about 2. The Vet said his system would mature and he wouldn't need it then. She also may have a stone in the urethra but that's hard to remove sometimes and pretty spendy. Should be able to see if there is one via x-ray.

Fly Girl

Veteran Member
goatlady2 said:
When my 17-year-old cat get those urinary tract infections (about 3 times a year) the Vet always gives her prednisone in addition to the Baytril. The pred takes down the internal swelling and burning. That's probably what is causing her to ball up - it really hurts to pee. Cats can take pred. long term without any negative side effects unlike dogs. I have a kitten on it twice a day for GI swelling via coronovirus until he gets to be about 2. The Vet said his system would mature and he wouldn't need it then. She also may have a stone in the urethra but that's hard to remove sometimes and pretty spendy. Should be able to see if there is one via x-ray.

Thanks, Goatlady. I think the last time we went, on Sept 22, he did give he did give her the predisone (i think!). It breaks my heart that we cant figure out what is wrong with her. He said he doesnt think it is petit mal seizures, though, which I suppose is good. I just wish we could figure it out. :bwl:


I think it's likely that it is pain causing this... does she "ball up" at any other time except when she uses the litter box?

You might want to consider giving her a TINY amount of licorice root powder daily. It's a powerful anti-inflammatory, although I haven't used it for urinary tract inflammation. I have seen it cure serious gastrointestinal tract irritation and stomach ulcers, though. But... it can cause adrenal problems in large doses (water retention and edema), so I'd be careful using it. A pinch on her food once a day for a week or so, and watch her carefully for any symptoms. There IS a variety called "DGL" licorice available at health food stores which removes the component which affects the adrenals, and is perfectly save. My problem with that is, I'm afraid it also removes the most effective component!! (the prednisone can cause the same type problems as licorice, except a lot more severe)

What about putting some cranberry extract in her food? Acidifying her urine might prevent the bacteria from getting a foothold, and cranberry also actually makes the lining of the bladder "less sticky", which keeps bacteria from taking hold. A bit of cranberry juice in her water might work.. but unfortunately, cats are awfully picky about what they eat and drink, and I'm afraid she would stop drinking. You do NOT want that to happen! (I've been trying to get colloidal silver in our cat's water, but even the tiniest amount makes him refuse to drink it).

That's why I'd probably mix cranberry extract (the powder from capsules from the health food store) into some tuna fish or other treat to get it into her.

There are other herbs which can be effective for urinary tract problems, but cat's are..... different... and I'm leery of trying something new on them. They react to many drugs completely differently than other species.


Fly Girl

Veteran Member
Thanks, Summertyme! I had thought to try the cranberry but didnt really know if it would work since I didnt know what it does.....your advice makes sense so I will pick some up! I think you are right that it is pain. It is not happening at the litter box, it happens actually everywhere BUT! I am assuming that it might be the build up of urine in the bladder maybe? I will try the cranberry today!



I just remembered back in May when mine had her last UTI the Vet put her on 1/4 tablet )0.25 mg) estrogen every other week. He said for older female cats who had been spayed that stimulating the hormone very slightly would provide a "barrier" to bacterial urinary infections and since she has been on this program it's been 5 month infection free. Apparently it promotes some moisture and flexability to the urinary tissues so they are not so "open" to infection. Might check on that.

Fly Girl

Veteran Member
thanks again, Goatlady! I will definately ask him about that, since she has been spayed since she was about 6 months old!


I would strongly suggest a stone in the urethra. That should be easy to check out and it could possibly be moving around and causing all the problems.

Good luck

Fly Girl

Veteran Member
Update on my "doll face"! She "balled and flopped" twice late last night, so I stopped by the vets this morning and asked him about Goatlady's estrogen idea. He said he had heard that, but that he was reticent to do that because even spayed cats still produce hormones from the adrenal glands and with the anti biotics and cortisone, he is not ready to add more chemicals to her. Then I asked about Summerthymes cranberries. I said I was on my way to the pet supply store to buy some, he said that he had no problem with that. He did say though to bag the Hartz or whatever brand and go to GNC and buy the cranberry extract as it would be more potent. Being a very down to earth guy and not very full of himself at all, he then told me that he is schooled in how to treat with drugs.....anti biotics, anti inflammatories, pain relief........not herbs, BUT he is open to whatever will work! He gave me a scrip for amoxicillan and said a switch from Baytril might help us, and then said give the cranberry a try and keep him posted, it was an interesting idea. He did giggle at me when I told him that I visit a forum where we can discuss our pets......I kept our name a secret though ;)

Anyway, Thanks so much, all and I hope this will give my baby some relief. BTW, Txzen,
I asked about stones, and he said he was pretty certain that is not the issue, but he said "good thought!"



My Vet mentioned the adrenals but also said the adrenals do poop out with age. My cat is 16 now. Aso she has never had cortisone which may be a deciding factor. Do keep us posted re: the cranberry stuff.


Fly girl,

Sounds like you got hold of a good vet and with the herbals some relief.

goatlady2 has a good herbal that I am going to try. I have had a paw exrayed and some expensive medicine prescribed and it has not worked. An animal does not limp for no reason so will try that.


Veteran Member
So sorry to hear about your kitty troubles.

I would first suggest a complete blood panel to find out how all the body organs are functioning. There is no sense attempting a fix until you are positive what to fix. Also include a urinalysis and urine culture to determine what bacteria you are dealing with if the problem is a urinary tract infection (UTI).

If it turns out to be a UTI then I would change the diet to natural raw with plenty of raw meat. Cats are true carnivores and do much better when their dietary needs are met. So many do fine on traditional dry cat foods but when the body is stressed they do better with a much higher quality diet. The raw meat diet will also change the ph in the bladder which will help get rid of or prevent bladder infections.

You can do an internet search for natural raw diets for cats. There are many. Even some that are designed for the cat with UTIs. Choose one that fits your needs and I suspect you will see a difference in kitty's ability to fight this problem.

I also think that the balling up is due to suffering extreme pain from an infection. Poor little thing. Good luck.
