[tip]Really boring vegetables-how to cook - Author seraphma


Crash Test Dummy
Some of the easiest vegetables to grow are not everyone's favorites.

Parsnips- pick after a frost for added sweetness, steam or boil until soft. Sautee in corn or sesame oil, add chopped kale (another veggie that does fine if frosted)until kale turns bright dark green. Add salt or soy sauce. Nice combination of sweet and lightly tart, good texture and color mix.

Root vegetable stew: Layer in a heavy pot: start with good vegetable oil, 3 or 4 tablespoons, then add layers of onion, turnips, sweet potatoes, carrots, burdock, lotus root,winter squash, celery, potatoes, etc as you have. Turn on low and allow to cook slowly several hours. The trick is to have it on very low, and to put onions on the bottom. Try different combinations. Cooked slowly, this stew will have a good rich sweet flavor, better the next day.

A small amount of sauteed turnips are very good in apple pie-one turnip for 5 or 6 apples.