[tip] Braveheart is on now!

Wise Owl

If anyone needs a dose of real patriotism go turn on the tv to the USA channel. Braveheart is on and they are about to give the British their just deserts. Great movie! Later all, gotta go watch William Wallace kick some arse.....


F-4 Phantoms Phorever
What a way to follow up this week's showing of 'The Day After'. And we had 'The Postman' and 'Red Dawn' running locally this weekend.

Is somebody running a "doomers tv ratings sweep week" schedule? I haven't watched his much tv in a long time.


Wise Owl

Hoo rah! Go Sir William! I hope that all of Amerika is watching tonight. Maybe they will wakeup. :)

Or not. :(

Whupps, comercial is over, back to the movie.