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Three Sunsets


We have some dramatic sunsets here in the high desert.


  • sunset1.jpg
    30.2 KB · Views: 47
  • sunset2.jpg
    28.6 KB · Views: 47
  • sunsetjpg.jpg
    26.5 KB · Views: 47


Plastic owl.

Supposed to keep the pigeons away.

It's ineffective at that task.

I was wondering how you managed to get a picture of an owl. :) I have a lot of owls in my area - but the only way I know that is because I hear them. I have only actually seen one once. It was about 3 in the morning, and the dog wanted out. When I opened the back door, I saw the silhouette of an owl on a sitting on a post in my back yard. It quickly flew away, but that is the only time I have ever seen one. It would have been great if I could have taken a picture of it.

Nice sunsets!