ENVR Three 6.0-plus earthquakes on the same day in three different locations (that's a little unusual)


Has No Life - Lives on TB
They just had a third 6.0-plus earthquake, making that three in three different locations for today alone (which seems a bit unusual to me). There was a fourth 6.4 earthquake on Thursday. Thought I'd mention it for the ones who think the Earth is about to crack open and give birth.

Southwest Indian Ridge
2024-01-20 14:09:40 (UTC-08:00)
10.0 km

123 km NW of Tarauacá, Brazil
2024-01-20 13:31:07 (UTC-08:00)
628.8 km

Pagan region, Northern Mariana Islands
2024-01-20 07:48:40 (UTC-08:00)
184.0 k

three 6.0-plus earthquakes on the same day.jpg