The Red Tie Society part one


This is just a small excerpt, posted to allow those who will be immediately put off, by the initial non christian conformity, evident in the beginning of the chapter. However this is part of the design and important to the storyline. I didn't like this myself, however, in my determined way, I read past the seeming new age idea, and allowed that more may be of value, than not. I was not disappointed. I thought some here might enjoy this story, and so with due respect to the author, and no disrespect intended towards any of our very own great authors here at my much loved home, I leave with you a link, ofcourse. :D


By Julie Atkinson

Part One​

The black limo was waiting when Hubert and Stanley emerged from the dismal basement offices they were assigned to. The sunlight hurt Stanley's eyes, and dazed him for a moment. The color of the sun was so different these days thought Stanley. He had memories as a small child of when the sun was a warm golden color. It never hurt to look into the sky then. These days, you couldn't look anywhere near the sun. You could barely look up and not be blinded by the intense light! Almost everyone had skin cancer these days. Stanley didn't though. He never went out into the sun on purpose. The sun's heat burned his skin instantly when he went out into it. Something wasn't right with the sun. The earth too for that matter. He didn't know what, he just knew that something was wrong. The weather was crazy. Half the world was flooding, and the other half was in a permanent drought. There was snow in odd places in the middle of summer, and tornados forming all over the place. Volcanoes were erupting around the planet, most of them under the oceans. The north and south poles were rapidly melting. Permafrost in the Artic was totally gone. But the worst was the earthquakes. It seemed like no place had escaped those. Stanley smiled to himself as he watched Hubert take center stage with the limo driver. Oh well he thought to himself. He had a little ace in the hole. Something Hubert didn't know about. It had taken more than a week; longer than anything he'd ever done, but he had finally hacked his way into the private White House computers! There was some really interesting correspondence going on to say the least. Much of it was in some low level code, but he had figured out enough to know that something big was going on that was going to affect the whole planet! He belched as he lumbered onto the limo seat beside Hubert. He knew that annoyed Hubert. Then for good measure, he raised the cheek of his butt and let one fly. It was his private way of telling Hubert what he thought of him.

"You keep your mouth shut when we're there, you hear me Stanley?" said Hubert fanning the air with his hand. "Look at you. You're a dirty fat pig. You could at least have changed into a clean shirt," he continued, as he picked away at a dried spot on his own tie. "Just you don't embarrass me you understand?"

Stanley's face remained calm as he farted again. Only a very slight curl to the right side of his lips revealed his mood. He was thinking about the last email from the President that he had seen.