BLOG The progressive push to subvert the US armed forces (Padre Peter)


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Bayou Renaissance Man: The progressive push to subvert the US armed forces

The progressive push to subvert the US armed forces

In case you were wondering why President Trump's appointees to US service academy boards were asked to resign (and fired if they didn't resign) by President Biden a few weeks ago, it's now becoming clear. It seems that, with their influence removed, the service academies are to be transformed into ideological-indoctrination sausage machines.

... it seems that the “woke revolution” has infiltrated the War College with the latest issue of Parameters that features an article entitled “The Alt-Right Movement and U.S. National Security,” by Matthew Valasik, associate professor of sociology at Louisiana State University, and Dr. Shannon Reid, associate professor of criminal justice and criminology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Their article examines what the authors call “the disconcerting connection between the US military and the White power movement,” ... The authors allege that “there is an overrepresentation of military veterans affiliated with far-right groups and the broader White power movement.” Military veterans, they write, have a “greater willingness to join far-right groups than the average civilian.”
. . .
To combat the White power movement, the authors recommend that the military “suppress the far-right activities of both active-duty and retired service members.” They seem to believe that the Uniform Code of Military Justice would permit the monitoring of all digital communications of active-duty service members and veterans, though they acknowledge that the ethics and legality of such monitoring would be “problematic.” ... The authors ... suggest, couched in sociological terminology ... reprogramming or re-educating our soldiers, sailors, and airmen as they leave the services. There is a need, they explain, to identify those who are “susceptible to White power . . . groups.”

Someone —perhaps the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs — would institute policies to assess whether the former soldier is “vulnerable to extremism,” and following such an assessment, the soldier would be “required to participate in the prosocial support groups or one-on-one therapy or risk losing benefits.” In other words, they will be required to submit to struggle sessions where they would have to confess to their White power viewpoints or risk losing benefits they earned defending their country.
As for active-duty soldiers, if they support White power groups, they should be criminally prosecuted instead of simply disciplined, according to the authors. The Army needs to prevent “casual engagement with White power viewpoints” and ferret out the far-right extremists, labeling them as villains who “seek to undermine and corrupt American democracy.” Penalizing “viewpoints” is as Orwellian as it gets.

There's more at the link.

Note that until the Biden administration, nobody saw the US military as a hotbed of white power propaganda or beliefs. It's a shibboleth of the progressive left, designed to provide an ideological fig-leaf under which to change the US military into yet another arm of the hydra of power of the "nanny State". I wouldn't be surprised if right now, there weren't serious discussions about how to use the US armed forces against the US people if necessary, to destroy any attempt to restore the democracy that the far left has stolen from us.

This is yet another development of the anti-military propaganda war that the progressive left has been waging for decades, in the military academies as well as wider society. Spenser Rapone didn't emerge in a vacuum, and the professors who aided and abetted his radicalism didn't arrive at West Point with him - they were already in place.

This is the November 2020 election playing out. Having stolen power, the Biden administration is stealing anything and everything it can to maintain its illegitimate power. If that includes co-opting the US armed forces to buttress their power, to keep them in office despite the will of the people, they're OK with that.
Speaking as a combat veteran, and with 18 years under my belt of living in or near a combat zone, I suspect the powers that be haven't thought this through - or are viewing it through ideological spectacles. I don't think they bothered to ask the US armed forces what they thought about it. I suspect they may find out in due course.


Posted by Peter at 9/28/2021 05:49:00 AM