The Lesser of Two Evils Trap


Has No Life - Lives on TB
There are actually TWO good articles pointing out reasons why we should elect Romey despite Mormon misgivings. Hope it helps because we REALLY, REALLY need to get Obama OUT!!!

(bolding is mine.)

Beware the 'lesser-of-two-evils' trap

Exclusive: David Kupelian on how Founding Fathers would vote Nov. 6

Wow. It’s one week before Election Day, the re-election of Obama is unthinkable, and the election is extremely close – every vote counts.

Against this backdrop, I am still seeing lots of articles and blog postings from self-described conservatives, Christians, constitutionalists, independents and patriots fervently proclaiming they will not vote for either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, because they refuse to choose “the lesser of two evils.”

“The lesser of two evils is still evil,” they intone, as though those magical words encapsulate some transcendent logic.

Ironically, most of these people revere America’s Founding Fathers, quote them and refer to them often – indeed they see themselves as following in the founders’ footsteps, or at least adhering to their principles.

But in this they are profoundly deluded. For in reality, the Founding Fathers, by drafting, ratifying and implementing the Constitution of the United States, engaged in the most monumental example in American history of deliberately choosing the lesser of two evils.

By 1787, under the flawed Articles of Confederation, the recently liberated union was already unraveling. States were growing increasingly hostile toward one another, engaging in tariff wars that paralyzed interstate commerce. The national government was too weak to have a usable currency or to raise a decent army or navy, leaving the nation vulnerable – in fact, the British were occupying forts in parts of the U.S.! In short, escalating national and international problems threatened to destroy everything for which so many patriots had sacrificed their lives, fortunes and sacred honor.

So, what did our nation’s founders – from James Madison (“Father of the Constitution”) to George Washington (“Father of our Country”) – do in Philadelphia 225 years ago?

These courageous and devout Christian statesmen consciously, deliberately, purposefully chose to accommodate slavery – in fact, to constitutionally protect it for the next two decades – in the newly independent United States of America.

Slavery is evil. Yet, to obtain the needed state ratifications, our nation’s founders chose to allow and preserve this evil (temporarily) in the Constitution, which provided for the continued “importation” of slaves until 1808 and prohibited citizens from helping escaped slaves, requiring they be returned to their owners.

The founders didn’t have to do this. They could have proclaimed with righteous indignation, “Slavery is evil, and we refuse to enshrine it in our new Constitution. It doesn’t matter if the republic dissolves, God will not hold us blameless if we elect to support slavery.” That, of course, would have been the end of the convention as the Southern states would have bolted immediately, and the young nation’s slide into chaos would have continued unabated.

The founders chose the lesser of two evils – because it led to the greater good. For them, the greater evil, worse than allowing slavery – which they realized would come to an end before too many decades – would have been to allow the disintegration of the United States of America to continue, to permit history’s greatest birth of liberty to be smothered in the cradle.

Therefore, to all those who today proclaim so high-mindedly that they cannot dishonor God by choosing “the lesser of two evils,” I would say this:

Our wise forefathers, seeing our nation disintegrate before their eyes, did what they did in Philadelphia because it was the only way forward – otherwise they would lose their country. Today, our nation is likewise disintegrating. Whether you like Mitt Romney or not is irrelevant, just as the founders’ attitude toward slavery didn’t deter them from doing what they had to do to save the nation. Electing Romney is simply the only possible way to stop Obama from continuing on as president. Everything else is folly.

So if, rather than casting your ballot for Romney/Ryan, you vote for a third-party presidential candidate like the Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson or the Constitution Party’s Virgil Goode, or write in some name like “Jesus” or “God” or “Ron Paul” (I cite these examples since some people are claiming this is how they will cast their vote for president), or if you refuse to vote, you are knowingly contributing to the continued reign of Barack Obama, the most catastrophic president in history, whose actions of late have bordered on treason and who has almost destroyed America in four years and will complete the job in four more.

As I said at the outset, this is a very close election. Every vote counts. Your vote counts. A few ballots in a few key states next week may well determine the destiny of America for all time.

God forbid that good people, believing they are honoring God, upholding higher principle and refraining from supporting evil, would be deceived through their own anger and pride into doing the opposite and betraying all that they love.

Black Christians: Shame! Shame! Shame!

Increasingly, I am hearing the following mantra/narrative from Black Christians. “I’m voting for Obama because he is the lesser of the two evils.” This is an extremely weak veiled attempt to justify their racism and loyalty to The Black Code (never side with a white against a fellow black).

From a Christian point of view, how can any Bible believer conclude that Mitt Romney is more evil than Barack Obama?

Here are a few of the numerous things on Obama’s anti-Christian agenda. Obama supports same-sex marriage and has vowed to be an advocate for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities. Obama supports abortion including infanticide (making it illegal to provide medical aid to a baby that has survived a failed abortion). Despite their strong will to survive, these babies must be left to die.

Massive governmental controls hidden in Obamacare include forcing Christian institutions to fund abortion services against the teachings of their faith. Think about that; the federal government demanding that Christians betray their biblical beliefs. Forty Catholic groups are fighting back by suing the Obama Administration. In typical liberal incremental fashion, our military has gone from a “Don’t ask/ Don’t tell” policy to being mandated to celebrate Gay Pride Month under Obama.

Indisputable facts are available everywhere exposing Obama to be the most anti-Christian president in U.S. History. I know some of you Black Christians will continue to stick your heads in the sand, refusing to accept the truth. Woe be unto you. Racism is evil, whether it comes from whites or blacks blindly worshiping Obama because of his skin-color.

So Black Christians, tell me Romney’s stated ant-Christian agenda. Grasping at straws, some will say Romney is a Mormon and Mormonism does not jive with Christianity. Well, you may have a point. However, Romney has not attacked Christianity or pledged to force Christians to betray their faith. Obama is boldly and dictatorially implementing his anti-Christian agenda. Regrettably, many of you black so-called followers of Christ realize who Obama really is and what he is doing. And yet, you will vote for him anyway because of your sick addiction to racial politics.

I have also heard Christians say, “OK, I admit that Obama is destroying America, but I cannot vote for a Mormon.” Such thinking is illogical. Imagine, your home is on fire and your family is trapped inside. The Hells Angels motorcycle gang arrives at the scene offering to go inside to rescue your loved ones. How absurd would it be to reject their “God-sent” help because you disapprove of the Hells Angels’ lifestyle?

Remember this old joke? A guy was trapped on his roof during a flood. He prayed for help. Various volunteers came to his aid in boats. The man rejected them all, waiting for God to save him. The foolish man drowned. In Heaven, the man asked God why he did not answer his prayer. God replied, “I did answer your prayer. You rejected everyone I sent.”
America is on fire folks. Romney/Ryan are the most available firefighters. Thus, I believe they are “God-sent.”

I asked a black minister friend to further explain this “lesser evil” thing. He said the “lesser evil” in his mind is the economy. While not disputing Obama’s anti-Christian agenda, Obama still wins his vote because he believes Romney/Ryan’s plan will further the decline of America’s economy. In essence, this black minister of the Gospel is saying he values the economy over God’s condemnation of homosexuality, over the lives of babies and over freedom of worship.
And by the way, this minister thinking that Obama’s economic plan of spending our way to prosperity is superior to Romney/Ryan’s plan is idiotic, nonsensical and absurd. I can not believe my friend is that stupid. I believe sighting the economy as his reason for voting for Obama is a weak excuse to mask his racism; pure and simple.

To all you, Obama-is-the-lesser-of-two-evils black Christian voters, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You “ain’t” foolin’ nobody. You are racists! May God have mercy on your souls.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Campaign to Defeat Obama – Rebuild America Tour