The ACLU vs. America


The ACLU vs. America

By Michelle Malkin

On April Fool's Day, the American Civil Liberties Union will show us what a joke its commitment to American civil liberties really is.

April 1st, in case you haven't heard, is the launch of the Minuteman Project, an all-volunteer effort by law-abiding American citizens to call attention to the nation's wide open southern border. Hundreds of Americans from New York to Michigan to California will travel down to the U.S.-Mexico border for a month to monitor illegal aliens and alert immigration enforcement officials if they witness law-breaking.

Call it the mother of all neighborhood watch programs.

In doing so, the Minutemen will be exercising their constitutionally-protected freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Those would be fundamental civil liberties found in something called the, uh, First Amendment, of which the ACLU is supposed to be the foremost expert and champion. Or so the group and its celebrity supporters say. In sanctimonious new fund-raising ad campaigns, the organization features the likes of liberal actress Holly Hunter, who asks:

"Do you want to be heard without fear? I am not an American who believes that questioning or criticizing my government is unpatriotic."

Uh-huh. "Dissent is patriotic," the Left likes to preach. Except, apparently, if the questioning and criticizing deals with the government's abject failure to enforce immigration laws. Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist has been harassed by open-borders activists at his home. The group is reportedly being targeted by savage illegal alien gangsters from Mara Salvatrucha (a.k.a. MS-13). Mexican government officials are lobbying American law enforcement officials to suppress the Minutemen's rights to speak and assemble.

But instead of coming to the defense of the Minutemen who are challenging our government, the ACLU has warned the 1,000 volunteers that it will send monitors to document the Americans' activities. Moreover, the ACLU has already threatened lawsuits against the American dissenters for exercising their rights.

This bullying of pro-immigration enforcement activists comes as no surprise to those of us who have followed the ACLU's aggressive open-borders agenda — from its support for driver's licenses for illegal aliens, to its opposition to detaining illegal alien terror suspects after 9/11 and profiling foreign visitors from terror-friendly countries, to its efforts to stop local and state law enforcement officers from helping federal homeland security efforts.

ACLU spokesman Ray Ybarra argues that the mere presence of the Minutemen at the border constitutes "unlawful imprisonment" of illegal (excuse me "undocumented") aliens (excuse me, "migrants"). Ybarra told the Washington Times that the ACLU will have lawyers on standby ready to file civil cases against the volunteers. He warned that the Minutemen could "come to our state as 'vigilantes' and end up leaving as 'defendants.'"

The Minutemen have made it clear on their web site and in repeated statements that they "will not violate anyone's civil rights, and will not abuse anyone from any country…We will alert border patrol to the location of illegals, and wait for [the Border Patrol] to come and pick them up. We will follow illegal aliens from a distance and continue spotting them until authorities answer our cell phone and/or back-pack radio calls. All spotting, calls for assistance, and the response from the appropriate authorities will be chronicled and provided to any media representative."

Contrary to the ACLU and mainstream media representations of the group as racists and immigrant-bashers, the Minutemen are a diverse volunteer group that includes Americans of Mexican, Armenian, Russian, Lebanese, Indian, and Cuban descent; and black and Native American minorities. Also among the volunteers are 19 legal immigrants from Mexico, Peru, Russia, New Zealand, England, Australia, and the Philippines.

By recklessly linking the Minutemen to white separatists and casting them as outlaws, the civil liberties crowd engages in the very guilt-by-association smear tactics it has so loudly condemned. And in putting the protection of illegal aliens' rights over law-abiding Americans' civil liberties, the ACLU demonstrates which side of the border its true allegiances lie.


Membership Revoked
Hegel's Dialectic is alive and well with Michelle Malkin. She just wrote a book defending FDR's concentration camps.

Her view totally aside (as in, I don't care) here is the ACLU skinny.



Socialism is alive and well in America
America's crippled educational system

Cynthia A. Janak
February 20, 2005

I am sitting here at my computer looking at the screen. I am wondering how do I express how I feel. The words that convey the magnitude of what I have read are not available in the English language. But, I will try anyway. I never envisioned what I would find when I embarked on the research about our educational system. The people that are involved and how each of their lives crossed one another. These people, in ways that you could not imagine, have touched our lives. The deceit and lies under the guise of education and patriotism with the final goal Socialism. We are in trouble and the future of our children has to be our first and foremost priority. We need to save America before they turn this wonderful country into Amerika. What I write today is but the tip of the iceberg.

Initially, I researched a man by the name of John Dewey. He is known as the "Father of Modern Education." I documented, chronologically, the principal events of education in regard to this man. What I found was that he was a socialist bent on destroying the minds of the American child. Dewey's belief goes back as far as 1887 with a book he wrote called, "Looking Backward."

He was a totalitarian socialist who wanted government to take over all education via government schools. He wanted the government to create an "industrial army" of totalitarian socialism.

Dewey developed ideas of evolutionary democracy, education and law. The premise of these evolutionary ideas is that nothing is constant. Dewey said that, "The only constant good is change for the good, i.e., positivism." This was based on human desire. You see, relativism rejects absolutes and God is an absolute. Therefore, since God's word teaches absolutes, evolution flies in the face of God's word.

Both positivism and relativism are ideologies that are destructive in nature. They take men away from what is the truth a little bit at a time. Carl Marx and Joseph Stalin used this to lead the people astray. They understood that if you take people away from their roots you could easily sway them to your point of view.

Dewey was a signer and wrote most of the Humanist Manifesto. Humanism refutes the Salvation of God and replaces it a humanist salvation view. He promoted the teaching of The Theory of Evolution in order to popularize this teaching and reinforce the foolishness of God and the Bible. Evolution denounces any existence of God so you have no need for salvation if there is no God. This is no more than making man to be his own god.

The ultimate goal here is not for the betterment of mankind but to enslave mankind to a society that is self-serving in the name of money and power (evil). When money becomes your god then you are doing Satan's work. You let the evil make your decisions and the profits determine what course you take. You then allow judgment to be right or wrong by how much money you gain or lose.

John Dewey was adamantly opposed to anything that would support the Christian faith in children. He introduced strong ideas about accepting multi-values this opposes absolute values. Many children today do not believe in absolute right or wrong. There beliefs are based on personal needs.

Dewey in 1927 said that it was wrong to believe in something that could not change and he ridiculed those who put their trust in the traditional understanding of the Constitution and the Laws. (The Public and Its Problems, John Dewey, 1927).

Langdell and Dewey mocked and drove out of the teaching profession any teacher than held on to the belief of absolute values. They discarded Blackstone's Commentaries on the Law, which taught that there were certain rights and wrongs that did not change related to human behavior. Blackstone also believed that law came from God.

I also have found that Dewey was an instrument in the founding of the NAACP, ACLU and the NEA. These groups are of high regard in our society and espouse to help Americans. I have since found out the truth behind these organizations and what their real agendas are. How could I have been so blind as to not see what they were doing in our society? I understand why now.

The ACLU's founder Roger Nash Baldwin was a CPUSA (Communist Party of the USA) Stalinist. He summed up nicely what his expectations were for the ACLU in his advice to Louis Lochner of the socialist People's Council in Minnesota in 1917. "Do steer away from making it look like a Socialist enterprise...We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make of this country, and to show that we are really the folks that really stand for the spirit of our institutions,"

Other people who were instrumental in the founding of the ACLU were Norman Thomas, Jane Adams, John Haynes Holmes, Eugene V. Debs, Felix Frankfurter, Oswald Garrison Villard, Clarence Darrow, Charles Beard, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Upton Sinclair, and other declared socialists, anarchists and communists.

Dewey assisted the AFT's founder Clara Goldwater in the formation of this organization. Initially the NEA was first called the Teachers Union Auxiliary then became the Teachers Guild. Later it became known as the American Federation of Teachers. Presently the AFT is in partnership with the NEA. The NEA had John Dewey serve on the legislative commission in 1917 when it was formed.

In the early 1930's Dewey taught his theories of evolution at the Peking University in China, Japan and then in Turkey. These governments wanted to establish state schools and to indoctrinate the children more as wards of the state. This is why Russian children were encouraged to turn on their parent's values. He believed that the children needed to be reeducated away from the traditional values of the parent. He felt that this would make them better citizens for the new world order. That is why we are seeing our children being turned away from family values, parental love, pride in our nation and loyalty to elected officials.

1945 – 1953 Dewey wrote the Americanized version of the Communist Manifesto. This helped introduce socialism into the American culture.

In 1940 the California Senate Committee investigated various foundations in regard to controlling the training of teachers and promoting specific philosophies. One of the foundations that were investigated was the Rockefeller Foundation. What they found was that this foundation spent millions of dollars in creating new history books. They also found that the new history books undermined the free enterprise system and patriotism. Here is an excerpt from their findings.

It is difficult to believe that the Rockefeller Foundation and the National Education Association could have supported these textbooks. But the fact is that the Rockefellers financed them and the NEA promoted them very widely.

The 1970's heralded the communist and socialist oriented anti-Vietnam war activities, the emergence of the modern NEA openly advocating the use of public education for social change, and the rise of the United States Supreme Court's unconstitutional contradiction in terms called 'substantive due process.'

In 1995, Clinton's unqualified support for the NEA in their use of public education for social change. It was accompanied by the current Supreme Court's "lifestyle socialism." We had the emergence of the "international rule of judges" which was the means of achieving social and economic change under mandate by the United Nations. During this time Goals 2000 was signed into law by President Clinton.

This is the feel good society, the humanist society. It is because of this our educational system has changed to the way it is today. The people changing our laws to reflect conformity and one worldness are the results of this Dewey education system. Laws are being changed to accommodate anyone without regard for what is right or wrong. Changes are being made to how much government is involved in our lives. Changes, changes and more changes until we are no longer a free society but a socialist one. This is why multi-culturalism is the buzzword. It is to prepare us for the one world system.

Thank the Lord that we have a Christian in the White House today. We need to get back to what is really important for our children and the United States of America. We need to act now before it is too late and change the tide of things to come. What I am saying is that we need to get back to the family and the values that it holds. We need to get back to the basics of what made us who we are today. Which are the values we have in God and our Country.

The question that I have to ask myself is, "Is it too late to learn from the past and make the changes necessary to stop the trend of American degradation to Amerikan Socialism?" I pray on my knees to my God in heaven that it is not too late.

Right and wrong are absolutes and those absolutes are reflected in the Ten Commandments. It was no mistake that we have them in our government buildings.

Cindy Janak is a freelance writer, mother of three, and grandmother of three. She was trained as an administrative specialist. Hobbies: Writing prose, crocheting, Conservative Studies, rehabbing houses.