Thanks to Herbmountain


Wanted to publicly give my thanks to Herbmountain. a few weeks ago there was a post about restless legs. I PM'd Herbmountain, told her My lifestyle, what medications, other herbs I took. She took the time to recommend what I needed to add to my diet and suggested amounts of vitamins and herbs. I did what she suggested and Lo and behold no more RLS for me. So Herbmountain Thank you, May the Lord bless you for taking the time to help others. Inky


Veteran Member
Yes Herbmountain is great. I always read her posts, I learn something every time.
Thanks for answering our questions and offering advice.


You are all welcome. I love doing this work. It pays no dollars anymore but the job of helping just one person be more comfortable is worth millions to me. It is so cool what simple vitamins, minerals and plants can do for health. The Lord put them here for us in their simplicity. We just need to use them.