

I'm really disapointed with the lack of replies to TEOTWAWKI, so I think I'm not going to cross-post any more stories here. :(

If anyone wants to read my stories, feel free to read them at Frugal Squirrels forum.

I finished TEOTWAWKI II, and I'm in final preparation to sell CD-ROMs containing at least 7 of my stories as PDF files.

If anyone knows of someone who can do a mass duplication for CD-ROM's inexpensively, please let me know, because the less I pay for duplicates, the less I can charge per copy. I'm going to need between 100-1000 copies based on requests I've recieved so far.




That is a real bummer! Since i do not know what or where Frugal Squirrel is, I guess I won't get to read anymore of your work.

I am sorry that we didn't give you enough accolades to warrant further story postings. It looks like you won't get anymore at all now. Like I said - bummer.

brake pedal

ignored by all
:eek: I am sorry to hear this FT. But i have to admit i am guilty of reading your stories, at least TEOTWAWKI I, and not posting a reply. i read it over at frug's. well actually i cut and pasted it on to a floppy and read it at work. i had planned on reading the other stories also, until everything blew up. But with everything going on i didn't get a chance to thank you for posting the story and let you know i did enjoy it. You can apparently work a story way faster than i can, as there were up to date references.

you write a good story, its just that some readers don't realize that when you post a story here, or on any board that you do so not expecting monitary gain, but that the encouragement and input at this stage are worth more than the money. we need that encouragement to continue our efforts. how else are we to know if we are on the right track as writers? Feed back is important.

i don't know about other people, but for me this type of fiction is getting scarce to find. we need writers like you to keep it going. sometimes books and stories like yours are the only way the DGI's will ever begin to see the light. johnstones ashes was what opened my eyes. this type of fiction also lends ligitamacy to the doomer life style.

so where ever you post, keep up the good work! your work is needed! i wish you luck on selling the CD's. you might try LULU.com where i put my book. they also publish by download and maybe by CD. but even though its free to upload and get started it comes out expensive for the buyer, but not as bad as other places i have checked.

those that read these stories, remember to leave comments. we provide you with hours of entertainment, and all we wish in return is a little word from you about how you enjoyed it. thats way cheaper than a cover price but its worth way more to the writers. thanks

BTW thank you lib for your support of the writers here. i am sure we all appreiciate your comments and support!


You're welcome BP. I figure if you all go to so much trouble to entertain me the least I could do is let you know that I enjoyed it. In case my comment to Flea Taxi got lost in the multi post (pre-consolidation) Thank you. I am not a Christian and do not believe your premise but it was an interesting read.


< Yes, I do look like that.
I thought it interesting but as someone with a strong interest in scripture I found the introduction of the religious overtones distracting to the storyline. Sometimes works of fiction try to be too many things - sci-fi and faith-centric tend to be mutually exclusive.

That aside, I did like where you were going with it.

Oh, don't take a lack of response to indicate dislike - look at the thread's views as an indicator. If it steadily climbs for a few weeks or longer after being posted, then people ARE reading it.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
loved it

Sorry also, as i printed out what i could got to chap 7, so i could read it in camp, as we were in the middle of moving, want to get the rest now also, Very good story.


I wish that you would reconsider and post it here. I have been trying to register on FS for several days now and haven't been able to get it to work. It will not allow me to get past the birthday/COPPA page. I have written to their contact addy but no one has bothered to reply.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
yes please post it here, as i cant get in to the other also, you cant leave us hanging here. Pretty PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP.