

Advocate Discernment
i like to share this wherever i can.....

my DH, the sweetest man on the earth, snores like a buffalo on some occasions. causing me less than comfortable nights----after one night in prayer (and tears from lack of sleep), this is what i discovered. and it works.

i call it my snore spray.

2 1/3 t olive oil
1 t sunflower oil
2/3 t peppermint oil-food grade
1/3 t almond oil
1/3 sesame oil

pure water

put oils in blender and mix up real well. pour into measuring cup. your total amount will be 4 ounces in the end. once you have put the oils in the measuring cup, add in purified water and the glycerine til you reach the 4 oz mark. i put in a tad bit more glycerine than the water. put back into the blender and whizz up some more til it is whiteish looking. a stick blender works just fine, too. put into a little spray bottle.

have the snoring offender spray the back of their throat at bed time. no eating or drinking afterwards. swallow.

this amount lasts about 2 months. BUT, you need to shake the bottle real good or the oil seperates. if you need to, put back in blender to re mix as time goes on.

i have found this reduces the snoring incredibly. it really helps alot! most nights there is No snoring at all.

the oils can be found in most cooking sections, the peppermint oil and glycerine i get from a health food store.

if this works for you, please pass it around. why spend 40 bucks on the stuff on tv and in the stores when you can make it yourself. it has helped everyone that i have given it to, i hope it can help you all.


Veteran Member
I use the Breath Right spray and it works great for me during the waking hours too! Keeps my throat open. It is expensive and this recipe will be a great way to save money. The directions on the Breath Right say do not eat or drink 30 min before use.


Advocate Discernment
i really hopes it works for you--please let me know your results, i like to hear back from folks their experience.