Rush Limbaugh: Ron Paul "sounds like an Islamic terrorist."


Middle of the road
Audio at link.


Limbaugh: Ron Paul ‘sounds like an Islamic terrorist’

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh reacted to news that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) might have been detained by the Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) by saying that it would have made more sense if they detained his father, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX).

“Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has been detained by the TSA at the Nashville airport,” Limbaugh announced on his show Monday. “Now if this had been Ron Paul, you couldn’t really blame the TSA.”

“You have to admit Ron Paul almost sounds like an Islamic terrorist sometimes,” he added with a chuckle.

In a statement to Raw Story, TSA spokesman Michael S. McCarthy disputed the younger Paul’s story.

“The passenger was not detained at any point,” McCarthy said. “The passenger triggered an alarm during routine airport screening and refused to complete the screening process in order to resolve the issue.”

“Passengers, as in this case, who refuse to comply with security procedures are denied access to the secure gate area. He was escorted out of the screening area by local law enforcement.”

McCarthy added that Paul “has since rebooked on another flight and was rescreened without incident.”


Veteran Member
The TSA prevented a sitting Congressperson from getting to a session.

We are fortunate that they did not elect to 'disappear' him.



Faithful Steed
John Adams was looked upon as an upstart and a rube. Also a threat to the Crown.

Also a turncoat to the Brits during his Boston Massacre trial.

He put principle ahead of personal gain.

Today he would be in prison, methinks.



Ah yes, the Islamic terrorists are always talking about the constitution, rule of law, probable cause, and champion personal freedom and liberty. Limbaugh is an idiot and he's not growing in wisdom as he gets older.


Used to listen to him on am radio every day, until he started going out of his way say anything sensational, no matter how false, once he started making megabucks. From that point on, he was just a highly paid entertainer with no convictions. Like I needed that on my morning drive.


Membership Revoked
When I listen to Rush he barely mentions R. Paul. When he does it's mock his voice and to call him a nut.

The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
Sorry far as I am concerned, Limbaugh works for the Globalists.....supported NAFTA (designed to suck all of the mfg jobs out of the USA, and bleed it to death.......continues to stir the Hegelian pot of Repub's vs. Dems.....diverting our attention from what is really taking place, and allowing the NWO Globalists to divide and conquer.

Once again, if you doubt what I say....then call in and ask him to discuss the CFR, and why he does not spend more time on the CFR, Trilateralist Commission, Bilderberg, etc.


On TB every waking moment
Oh crap! Limbaugh is an entertainer! So was Beck and Beck was the first to admit it. If during their entertainment they get some ideas across, great!


Faithful Steed
Beck and Limbaugh. New entertainment team? Sort of like Penn & Teller for the uninformed.

I would rather see P&T.

The small guy (Teller?) is like me. He doesn't talk much. I like him.



Heart of Dixie
Lemme Guess. Clear Channel, Bain Capital.

My question is, if Ron Paul got the GOP nomination would these conservative talk show hosts be standing up for him?

Another thought, if they really wanted someone to beat Obama, wouldn't that person be Ron Paul? Since the Republican Party will back whoever the nominee will be, the only other person to tack extra votes on would be Ron Paul.

Ron Paul would theoretically get all Republicans, Independents, and some liberals.

Mitt or Newt would get only some Republicans because it would be a repeat of last election where many conservatives would just stay home.



Rush will take an hour to develop a point.

Quoting a couple of three sentances doesn't mean squat.

The audio's at the link.

Rush is a neocon tool- calling RP a terrorist is exactly what Beck did. Once he was sure RP was out of the 2008 race, then he became nice to him- Sort of.

Now that we have the glorious NDAA, I would think that brilliant commentators would also be a little wiser in their rhetoric.

And BTW-

FRED! Where the hell you been!!!


Taking cover
Lemme Guess. Clear Channel, Bain Capital.

My question is, if Ron Paul got the GOP nomination would these conservative talk show hosts be standing up for him?

From comments Rush has made so far no he wouldn't. I'd imagine Rush would just implode if RP was to get the nomination.