revolutionary micro chiping the auto industry

NC Susan

parking this here for a later discussion

its a "BOOK" history of the electrical revolution of chips in automobiles.....starting on page 200,M1

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Computer chips are an almost invisible part of our modern lives, and yet they make much of what's "modern" in them possible. Even the tech-averse and the tech-opposed among us depend on their hidden capabilities. From today's automobiles, medical scanners, and DVD players to annoying musical greeting cards, space travel, and movies like The Lord of the Rings, microelectronics are everywhere-and taken for granted. But how did this revolutionary technology emerge? Microchip tells that story by exploring the personalities behind the technology. From the two pioneering men who invented the integrated circuit, Nobel Prize winner Jack Kilby and Intel founder Robert Noyce, to luminaries like Gordon Moore and An Wang who put the chip to work, Jeffrey Zygmont shows how the history of the microchip is also the story of a handful of visionaries confronting problems and facing opportunities. A compelling narrative about the germination and advancement of a single technology, Microchip is essential reading about the now-ubiquitous integrated circuit and its outlook for the future.

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Microchip: an idea, its genesis, and the revolution it created
By Jeffrey Zygmont
Edition: illustrated
Published by Basic Books, 2003
ISBN 0738205613, 9780738205618
245 pages
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