GUNS/RLTD Preppers Require Tactical Training Now Before They Need It

Henry Bowman

Veteran Member

RT 10:00

Preppers Require Tactical Training Now Before They Need It After taking a carbine novice course with The Concealed Journey here in North Dakota, it reminded me just how important firearms training is for us. To be as prepared as we want to be for SHTF style events, we often look for expert advice, informative literature and suggestions from the prepper community. Yet, often I have found that the same approach is often sidelined when it comes to tactical training or firearms proficiency. Until you acquire the help of those who are more knowledgeable than yourself, it is hard to really understand where you are lacking in terms of your ability to defend yourself. Even someone like myself, who has over a decade of firearms experience including receiving professional training, felt like a complete noob when attending a recent carbine novice course. You might have all the gear, guns and ammo but, without actual, non-static training, you may never realize that none of it will work the way you want it to.

Special thanks to Dameon & Cory from The Concealed Journey for putting me through the paces, allowing me to film and answering my questions. If you are in North Dakota and looking for tactical training related to firearms, check out"