[PREP]Abby we are appalled by what happened to you!

Anne in TN

Reference: http://www.gunsnet.net/forums/tb2k/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000387

You said:
"The there was the kerosine, major, I couldn't put in a uhaul, so I called the city to see what to do with and guess who showed up, the city FEMA, tried to fine me for
having it plus the heaters, now these were all in an out building, but they took it the
heaters and lamps anything they saw once they were there. But decided not to fine
me when they saw a few lawn mowers and said 'lady you want to keep those' and I
said no and they left without hauling me off."

What was done to you must be totally illegal! Oh, I wish you had told us at the time this all happened to you. I would have certainly offered you words of support. I am so terribly sorry. I just don't understand. Is this the kind of thing we should expect from our cities when we ask for help? How much keosene did you have? How could FEMA have the power to hurt a member of the community this way.

We have 5 cans of kerosene which totals 25 gallons. What is going to happen to us if we decide to get rid of it?

What do you say people? Was a super big injustice done to Abby or not?


[ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: Anne the Happy Doomer ]

[ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: Anne the Happy Doomer ]

Mountain Mike

Guitar Man

I am sorry that you went through this as well, and that you went through so much alone.

As a general rule, I think you are always asking for trouble when you request the "city" (or other members of TPTB) for advise or "help." See how they "helped?"


F-4 Phantoms Phorever
You mean the confiscation of Abby's kerosene, her heater and lamps wasn't done for the public good?

Those useful supplies weren't taken and put into a stockpile for use if the city needed such supplies but instead went home with someone for the personal use of one of the crooked civic employees?

I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you! (In my best Claude Rains voice from Casablanca)



Leska Emerald Adams
One of the points of becoming prepared and self-sufficient is to NEVER have need of .gov in any form. Especially if something has gone wrong or if there is any perceived weakness or "broken law" they can exploit.

We've taken FEMA training to know how to not need them ... :)

Still, we will volunteer to help our neighborhood in the event of a Mother Nature catastrophe. But we won't let them help us :)


cantankerous old coot
abby, could have told ya somethinglike that would happen, a while back there was a conversation in a resteraunt, with some volenteer firemen, next to us, they kept goin on about if they needed something they would just confiscate it, yada, yada, and then joking about this or that , they evidently got someone elses goat too, a old man walked up and mentioned what they were talking about, and told them in uncertain terms that he would drop them like feral dogs, if they tried something like that on him, they started back on him, of how they had authority to do this or that, anyway they got more people going, to the point, a guy walks up, pulls his ID, a state police officer, and told the firemen in uncertain terms they tried something like that and he got wind of it, they would be in jail or worse, and told them it was time to leave, NOW!, a interesting event, you have those who think they have power, and are more than willing to abuse it, and those who HAVE power, who don`t like to flaunt thier power,,,,food for thought, moral of the story don`t give anyone who thinks they have power, any ideas,,,, :eek:
I agree that was a gross injustice to Abby, to have her kerosene and heaters confiscated.

My kero is in a large tank I had installed in the far side of my garage, especially for the rollover. (I checked with my ins. agent, who said he was doing the same thing.) Wonder what FEMA would do about that? (Only cost 99 cents a gallon, back then, too.)

jed brulen

Drop'em like feral dogs. Ewwweeee I'd like that guy for a neighbor.

Official type crime like that is more common than people realize. I've been threatened by these people just for asking for ID, which he didn't have btw. When is a threat not a threat, supposedly when someone has a smile on his face. Ha ha. I truly get very angry when people try this kind of crap on me.


Stone Cold Crazy
get your ocal law involvws,,,,if you cab't have more than 25gals of fuel on property then aue everyone wuth an LP tabk or a gas engine'd vehickf [including the fire deot.]...


Membership Revoked
kero heaters are illegal in Philly. Tons of folks have them ,but in theory they are forbidden by the zoning laws.

Be happy this happened to Abby. Next time, in a crisis, she will have learned a very good lesson, and will keep her mouth shut and lie low, and not trust unknown authorities ( they are not all bad....) Good lesson for us all, really.


Membership Revoked
Thanks all, I did know better, I had prepped I was a doomer and trusted no one, but I was desperate to get back with the traitor knowing I was the strong one and being stupid enough to believe his lies and having went through it all and being ill I did not no what else to do, the traitor was 500 miles away and cheering me on.

Okay I am a basket case right now just thinking about it all.

I learned something NEVER trust those closest to you, as they can be your worst enemy.


[ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: AbbyLane2001 ]


Membership Revoked
Abby, thanks for posting this. It sounds like you got some real hot dogs in there that liked your stuff for their own. I would bet they didnt give you a receipt, and that it wasn't quite a legit deal. Dirty cops and LE, make my blood boil.



Membership Revoked
I just edited mine because I said to much.

Dean do me a favor and edit yours so thats not in there, please!


[ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: AbbyLane2001 ]
Dear, dear Abby.....I feel your pain, I really do. (And I'm NOT trying to be a BC!) Just that I can understand some of what you went thru, having had a personal experience that was similar.....wanting so hard to believe a pathological liar! (They really know how to turn on the charm.)I am a strong person, too.

Fortunately, I have had some other wonderful relationships, and I refuse to judge all men because of one rotten apple.

Please do not feel you can never trust anyone close to you. Someone who would treat you like that is NOT someone close to you. (Maybe geographically, but not emotionally close.)

I know that an experience like that makes it harder to trust, again, but we have to realize that not all people are unworthy of our trust. We just need to be slower in developing relationships and keep our antennae up. I hope that time will heal your wounds, and a Mr. Wonderful will come on the scene after you have worked out your "baggage". You deserve someone who will see the gem that you really are!

Lee P. Lapin


Several lessons in your recent experience, and believe it or not, they were pretty cheap in cost from what I understand from your posts.

Hope you will learn what you need to learn from these experiences without subjecting yourself to more unnecessary pain and expense. First thing is, choose people who are assets (NOT LIABILITIES) for significant otherhood. In order to do that,though, you have to BE an asset. First things first... .


[ 06-02-2001: Message edited by: Lee P. Lapin ]