Help Post CPR First Aid- bruising, pain, low energy etc


Molon Labe!
Ok, I'm thinking that most of you know what happened to me on 11/29/14. For those that don't know, I coded, and from what I can tell initially, I was probably dead for up to 1/2 an hour before I was able to be resuscitated successfully.

I'm looking for some herbal advice for pain, inflammation, bruising, and a low energy level.

IIRC, I've read some of you over the past few years talking about arnica for bruising, but I tell ya, it seems like I left half my brain cells on the ED gurney. I'm having trouble remembering things, it's getting better, but, it's bothersome.

I had been taking Maca, but my cardiologist took me off of it, as well as about 1/2 of my medications as well.

Thank you for any advice,


P.S.- I'll make up a list to bring to my next appointments, if it's in pill form, to see if it's ok to take with my injured heart.


Veteran Member
I had a problem when I had my angioplasty last June which resulted in a massive bruise from knee to waist and around to my backside. I started using arnica cream and the bruising was gone in a record short time. For the other stuff, I bet other members have excellent suggestions.

Good luck and keep on healing.



Neither here nor there.
arnica gel is absorbed by the skin quicker than arnica cream and is wonderful for healing bruising and reducing swelling. Since you've just had a cardiac event do NOT take those little arnica tablets orally as they can cause heart palpitations in some people.


Veteran Member
Were you cooled? Post-resuscitation hypothermia is policy where I work. That may make a difference on how you are reacting (and what would be best for you to use).


Molon Labe!
Were you cooled? Post-resuscitation hypothermia is policy where I work. That may make a difference on how you are reacting (and what would be best for you to use).

I wasn't on a "Sun" device, or whatever they're called. I was on an Amiodarone drip, and I was just wearing a small sheet covering my man parts. I was burning up, I couldn't stand anything being on me at all. My family was saying that my extremities were icy cold, yet my face, upper chest were fairly dark red looking, almost sun-burned appearing. My regular Doc thinks that I was in cardiac shock, from the sound of it.

I wasn't having a good time, that's for sure. Well, at least my bruising is just about all gone now.



Veteran Member
Amiodarone will do that sometimes - make you feel really hot. Glad to hear you're doing well. Depending on how CPR was performed (we use an autopulse to give CPR - it's consistent and never gets tired), and I've seen bruising and even skin breakdown from it being used - even for just 15 minutes.