[POL/WOT/USA]Sooo...now what??


I'm a tad confused...

Kerry is conceding, which is fine. I wish he'd done it last night before 2am because today I'm bone tired staying up--but that's besides the point.

But what I'm confused about is what happens now...

I thought that if Bush lost and Kerry won, then we were either going to be A)nuked by N. Korea, B)The "Iraqi Insurgents" would have bumrushed us and defeated our troops, or C)The Al Queda folks would have commenced their war with us.

But now that Bush has won and Kerry has conceded...

What happens?

A) Riots in the streets?

B) We declare war on Iran and start in on that?

C) Keep our borders open, and continue using the highly irregular and unprofessional TSA goons at airports that check elderly ladies because, you know, they ARE the threat to America.

I'm musing here...


cantankerous old coot
look at it this way,,,,

this country as a boat going down a river,,,way way down stream is a water fall,,,

it matters not whos rowing, the demorats , republicats, the boat is stilll going down the river,,,now,,,with that said,,,,IMHO,,the demorats would row faster and get us over the waterfall faster,,than the others but,,,,in the long run it AIN`T gonna matter cause we`re still going over the waterfalll one way or another,,,, :kk1:

simple enough idea,,,,


Nothing much is going to change. The country is still pretty well split down the middle and for the most part what we've seen for the last four years is what we're going to see for the next four years.

The waterfall is a long ways off but we get a little closer to it with every passing year.


old bear

Probably no riots, or at least no more than usual. Yes to the other stuff you said, plus now that he has been re-elected Bush will continue his war against the US Constitution. I was not for Kerry and I am certainly not for Bush. Bush might attack North Korea, if they had oil, but sence they don't, most likely they will be free to build nuclear weapons to their heart's content. The "war" in Iraq will now get a lot bloodier. Bush has been holding off until the election was over, but will now unleash the war there.
I expect to see a steady rise in gas prices at the punps now. IMHO the big oil companies have been holding the gas price down to help thei man Bush, but now that he is re-elected they will start to slowly but steadily raise prices. The economy will continue down hill while Bush will keep on telling us that the economy is doing well.
How much oil does Iran have? I think that will control if Bush attacks them or not. About a year from now the draft will be brought back IMHO. Bush saying theat he would not reinstate the draft is just like his father saying there would be no new taxes. It was a campain promice and made to be broken when the time is right. As their young tails are being sent to boot camp some of the younger set that did not bother to get out and vote may wish they had. America will just have to try to survive for another four years of Bush, and we can hope that enough of America and the Constitution is left when this is over to start rebuilding from.


Membership Revoked
I really think everything will be ok, we'll all just go on with our respective lives, eat, have children, work, die, etc etc...