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Pics from today...


Another Infidel
We're due for some light snow tomorrow night so I wanted to get my errands run before taking my Dad to supper. I'd hoped for a good walkabout, but I'll have to settle for the neighbour's stove, one of the draws with a heavy mist rolling in, and the herbs and nuts I bought today that I put on my own stove earlier to photograph. I was all out of rosemary, so I got that, some Bay leaves and a bit of mint still growing.

I deleted that pic of the draw because of its weird-arsed colours! They were NOT like that yesterday and I don't know how I screwed up my settings so bad. So I dumped it.


  • the stove today.jpg
    the stove today.jpg
    60.3 KB · Views: 81
  • Herbs today.jpg
    Herbs today.jpg
    58.2 KB · Views: 81
  • nuts for bakingRS.jpg
    nuts for bakingRS.jpg
    62.8 KB · Views: 81
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Photo Junkie
Damn nice Mo! I especially like the one of the milk jar and all the erbs...for a pic that looks to be shot in available light it looks pretty good!

What happened to the mountain one?