BLOG Pep talk on a dark day - Kunstler


29 Apr 24

“We live in an age of full spectrum deception.” — Edward Dowd

You realize, don’t you, that what’s going on in our country is the collapse not just of an empire, or an economy, but a comprehensive paradigm of human progress. The hallmark of post-war life in Western Civ was supposed to be a return to sanity after the mid-twentieth century fugue of mass psychotic violence. The wish for just and rational order was not entirely pretense. But that was then. Now that we are going medieval on ourselves, the not-so-ironic result will be our literally going medieval, sinking back into a pre-modern existence of darkness, superstition, and penury, grubbing for a mere subsistence in the shadow of scuffling hobgoblins, our achievements lost and forgotten.

What’s most appalling is that our governing apparatus is visibly willing that to happen. When Barack Obama warned America to not underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to **** things up, was that some kind of joke? After all, it was Mr. Obama and his fellow blobsters — the cabal of Intel spooks, covert Marxist bureaucrats, lawfare ninjas, globalist megalomaniacs, post-liberal think tankers, weapons grifters, degenerate billionaires, and assorted mentally-ill camp followers — who inflicted Joe Biden on the body politic. And then ran him on the country like some demon algorithm designed to wreck the USA as fast as possible.

The source of anguish in all that is the struggle to understand why they would want that to happen. What debauched sense of history would drive anyone to such lunatic desperation? It’s a cliché now to say that the Democratic Party has turned its traditional moral scaffold upside down and inside out. It acts against the kitchen table interests of the working and middle classes. It’s against civil liberties. It demands mental obedience to patently insane policy. It’s avid for war, no matter how cruelly pointless. It’s deliberately stirring up racial hatred. It despises personal privacy. It feeds a rogue bureaucracy that has become a veritable Moloch, an all-devouring malevolent deity. And now, rather suddenly, it aligns itself with a faction that seeks to exterminate the Jews.

And how did the opposition to that epic divergence into bad faith turn so flabby? How did the Republican Party roll over and wheeze so feebly while the FBI ran amok swatting grandmothers in dawn raids, and the US attorney general made justice a whore, and a Republican Congress allowed the Frankenstein agency of Homeland Security to flood the country with its enemies and give them gobs of operational cash? If Mr. Trump was unappetizing to them as a leader, why were they unable to produce an alternative figure of standing and stature at least equally resolute? They look like traitors and cowards.

For the moment, the country lies mired, inert, and demoralized in the face of those terrible mysteries. But events are still tending and the hidden hand of emergence still operates backstage, preparing surprises for us. You are necessarily aware that the center did not hold. It’s even hard to locate where the center used to be with the action so heavy on the far-out margins. You’re watching drag queens importune young children to shove all the Jews into the sea. And the kids are sitting next to their mommies. What happened to the mommies’ brains that permits them to think this spectacle is okay? How will the mommies ever get their minds right?

In some quarters, a great rage is building. Not a few resent the overthrow of common sense, common law, and common decency. You better believe they will be aiming to do something about it. They will stand up for their dignity, their culture, their history. Virtue isn’t dead; it’s just broke down on a lonely highway waiting to hitch a ride back to where the lights are still on. Don’t forget that this really is the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Meanwhile, prepare for action. It’s obvious that the enemies of the people don’t intend to rest. They are going to try to play out this string to the last move because otherwise a lot of them will be going to jail, or might even hang for their wickedness. Once they turned criminal, there was no turning back. They have dishonored themselves and they’re trying to dishonor their country.

It’s true nonetheless that we’re moving into a new disposition of the human project. It’s going to be smaller and leaner, and not nearly as complex as the tottering Rube Goldberg apparatus we’re currently trapped in. We don’t know yet what the shape and texture of that America is going to be. As the sage Yogi Berra observed, our whole future is ahead of us. If you’re not among the insane, have faith. We’ll get there and everything is going to be all right.****-nation/pep-talk-on-a-dark-day/


Res ipsa loquitur
as bad as the klin-TOONS were and the bidet iz . . . this once great nation REALLY PROFOUNDLY declined under the HNIC. It was at that point - when one man who truly did have the opportunity to serve as an example of what COULD HAVE BEEN unification - chose to divide and died so at every opportunity


Faithful Steed
as bad as the klin-TOONS were and the bidet iz . . . this once great nation REALLY PROFOUNDLY declined under the HNIC. It was at that point - when one man who truly did have the opportunity to serve as an example of what COULD HAVE BEEN unification - chose to divide and died so at every opportunity
Methinks the rot had set in BEFORE Obama mounted the saddle. He wouldn't have had a chance had not SOMEONE put him there.

Owner has spoken of the rise of Obama. As Owner has said on the board even before he left here - "Obama talks a good game - I took him as a sort of Paul Tsongas (Massachusetts Rep who died of cancer and seemed to have a 'connection' to the voters.")

But horse looks at that now and I'm AMAZED at how little he had to offer as President, how totally he was marketed, how quickly he rose - even with Bill Ayers ghost writing his books (there is no bigger Marxist than Bill Ayers) and EVERYONE "knew" Bill Ayers wrote the book - but it didn't seem to make a difference in Obama's electorate acceptance.

There was a lot of "entrenchment" necessary to push Obama forward so quickly and so precisely and give him the clout which now Brandon/Joe is wielding like a whip.


Methinks Joe McCarthy might have been right. The Marxists are the patient ones.
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Res ipsa loquitur
McCarthy was right…..we should of listened.
110% HFC . . . virtually EVERYTHING Joe spoke and warned us about eventually came to pass. Even at that point in the far distant past when what would eventually come to be the completely owned and whole controlled meeeedia worked diligently to collaborate against him. He became the object of scorn and ridicule.

Having once been a long time member of the John Birch Society I’m well aware of his position. JBS is
another group of individuals who have long preached against socialism and the UN.
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Veteran Member
Encouraged this morning that they are shoveling the Hamas manure off college campuses, but they got what they wanted. Moved the level of "madness acceptance" one step closer to "normalization".

About time the average person realizes that the Dark Ages can return, and the window for saving Western Civilization is closing fast.


Faithful Steed
About time the average person realizes that the Dark Ages can return, and the window for saving Western Civilization is closing fast.
Owner says civilization is like building a pile of dirt. You get above a certain slope and the "angle of repose" causes the pile to fall down on itself. The earth unsupported simply can't stand at a higher angle.

He says the problem with technology is that it becomes a support which allows a higher angle - and more tendency for the pile to fall suddenly and possibly with loss of life - and in the process obliterates the supports.

One thinks of the statement that "if electric power goes off people will die." THAT is exactly that angle of repose.

So think your food lines of supply. And your energy supply. And your governmental support (which is like "terraces" to the mound of civilization and allows you to build higher.)

Owner says civilization needs a "wider base for its height."

Think of the parallel here to "Tower of Babel." Language became just another technical support which Maker caused to fail. And the tower fell.
