{ot}New job, Drug test


Contributing Member
Got a job yesterday. I have been an at home mom for around 17 years. I was not prepared for a drug test. First they make you empty your pockets, then they make you pee in a cup, after that they make you sign a bunch of papers and initial and date stickers which they seal a small plastic holder that they make you pour the urine into. Now mind you, I do not use drugs and I guess they do this for their own protection, but I gotta say it made me feel really weird.
Have any of you gone through this procedure? Do you think it's right? Or do you think it is the further eroding of our rights to privacy?
:mad: :mad: :mad:

Lee P. Lapin

Well gee. You shoulda gone to work for the FBI handling critical national security information. No jar wars, no polygraphs, no hassles.

And you get those nice lucrative part time jobs from the Russians.



Techno Junkie
Yeah.. gotta say, It scared me to at my last job and NO I dont do drugs lol.. It gave me a feeling like they were invading my bodies privacy.

My concern was somehow someway my sample would get confused with "Joe the crack addicts" sample and I would get in trouble lol.. Guess its silly but I do hear what you are saying there! Its a freaky feeling.


I've had to pee in a cup for every job since I joined the USN at 17. There it was monthly as I was loading nukes onto planes. this while a USMC guard looked over your shoulder.
Since then,it's been for trucking firms.
It's an unfortunate reality in the workplce now. It's somewhat of a deterrent,but most companies cannot afford to do more than a pre-employment screen.
As for the Marine whom I handed my sample,trust me it was waaay full<slop,slosh> :D



Welcome to the NEW world...

In the name of the "fight on drugs" to "save the children" many of the "RIGHTS" you were born with have been disgracefully eroded and diminished. Hardly a soul has spoken up to defend these rights, and when they did, whoa, how politically incorrect and subversive they were made out to be.

Little things like a drug test for a job are nowhere near as invasive as it will become shortly, and I'm not talking a decade, I'm talking within a few short years.

Privacy, in almost any shape or form, will become something we wistfully recall when speaking with our grandchildren.

They will react incredulously when we describe being able to make a telephone call, drive down a road, work for someone, shop in a supermarket, use a credit card for a purchase, visit a doctor or other professional, and many other things we have taken for granted, and not have it monitored in numerous ways, by a multitude of folks who don't necessarily have your best interests in mind.

Society has been slowly, but SURELY conditioned to accept this intrusion as in their "best interests".

Personally, I'd love to have access to the person who masterminded this PR campaign. Obviously they retained the best, because most everyone is buying right into it....

And the best/worst is still yet to come.


[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: michaelteever ]


Drug testing is just like the traffic roadblocks. It is in society's interest for all to give up their rights so, maybe, a few "bad guys" are caught.

I don't accept drug testing anymore than I accept random strip searches on the street.

If "they" want to search me, they had better have a valid search warrant issued by a judge.

Yes, I used to have a job where I was supposed to leave my rights at the timeclock just to be able to feed my family.

I took my 15 years experience and left the field. The drug testing is a big part of my decision to find another carreer. I am not a drug user, either illicit or otherwise. I rarely take asprin, but that is not the point.

After doing extensive reasearch on the topic, I found the only way to protect my livelyhood while working for drugtesters was to have a laywer meet me at a clinic immediately after "giving at the office", and supervise another drug test at my expense.

My answer to this was to just leave.


Veteran Member
Drug testing has been going on for years in trucking. Last survey I read said less than 1/2 of 1 per cent of drivers were using as compared to 13 per cent of the general public.

There's no way it'll stop because there's too much money being made.

Still, it would be nice if the tests started in the white house & worked down, wouldn't it. Last I heard, tptb were exempt. Big surprise there! :rolleyes:


Membership Revoked
Every job I have ever had involved either a COMPLETE background ingestigation, full set of prints, polygraph, urine test, credit history, or a combination of the above.

Did it bother me, yeah. At least it was done above the table. There are a lot of employers out there, who do the same thing without your consent or knowledge.



Leska Emerald Adams
Yep, gotta pee in the cup, get fingerprinted, waiting for the iris scans and DNA sampling not far off.

We've been on the other side too, dip-sticking lotsa urine and other bodily excretions -- having done scores per night, ya wonder if there isn't a more pleasant line of work :p

Your fluids peese.


Membership Revoked
To all of those who have "peed" in cups for jobs etc. You have just given these people your DNA signature.

Yes, it's invasive. So is giving your thumbprint, retina scan, voice recognition, etc. Nope, not much we can do about facial recognition which is why I don't care if my pic is on the board here. If you've ever bought gas, gotten a driver's license, been to a bank or ANY store in the past couple of years they have your mugshot on file already. Too late for that.

However, "they" ain't gettin' any bio information from me. Certainly not voluntarily or with my knowledge and/or consent. I no longer go for annual physicals opting for healthy living and preventative medicine instead and let the chips fall where they may.

The day I give my thumbprint to the darkside, I'll be cold, dead and uuuuuuugly! - Jesse.


Jesse, If you've ever had any blood or urine samples taken, "they" can get your DNA from that. Doesn't matter how old it is, DNA doesn't change. But I doubt "they" consider you that much of a threat to make the effort worth it.

As for thumbprints, have you ever signed anything using someone elses pen? Can get a partial print off that. Or signed a check, insurance form, credit app, etc etc etc.. Can get prints off the paper.

Voice signature. You know how easy it is to get a voice print on somebody? A friend of mine built a laser listening device YEARS ago that enabled him to listen in on conversations inside a house just by pointing the laser at a window.

As for job related drug testing, it's a neccessary measure IMO. Many times, if someone on drugs while working has an accident, the company they work for can be held liable for any damages.


Membership Revoked
I never would have dreamed that the people on this board would voluntarily submit to anything as invasive to personal privacy as drug testing, much less that one of our own longtime members was part of the "dark side". So much for "walking the walk." Not much point in worrying about the "number of the beast" anymore I guess, because I can't imagine anything more degrading than submitting your life's blood or bodily secretions for someone's else's inspection.

No, I have never taken such a test, nor will I. I'd rather be unemployed, or become a criminal.


Membership Revoked

That's why I typed in the words "voluntarily" and "with my knowledge and consent." These vultures can steal anything from me, even my earthly life, I know that. But I will never give it to them voluntarily.

Non illigitimus carborrundum. - Jesse.


I took a drug test once for a job. It was back during the recession early 90's and you would go to an interview and over 100 people had applied for the same job. My income is the only income so I took the test pissed as hell about it.

I was not allowed to shut the door to pee it was open to the hall and there was no water in the facet for me to even wash my hands after and if your a woman you know if you hold a little bottle there you are wetting your hands. I left my purse in the car as I had heard they make you leave it with them.

I was concerned my test would be mixed with someone elses. They have all the power as they even make you sign a paper saying you release them from all harm if there is any problems with the test and it causes you any legal problems or career problems. IN other words we can screw you by messing up your test and you will not do anything to us for doing that to you.

I do not think drug tests should be allowed unless you are flying or driving public transportation or are a doctor or nurse giving injections or rationing out dangerous drugs to patients.

Why in the heck you need a drug test to do work in an office I have never figured out. It is just a control factor. If the people don't rise up and take back their control of their own lives we will continue to be the slaves of the gov. and the elites and busiess owners who think they have the right to run your whole life.


Contributing Member
Thanks for all the replies.
There is one reason I let them test me, and that is I really need a job. I have been looking for about three months and have not been hired for anything :( . The most humiliating was applying to Burger King and even they did not hire me, I was devestated :p . I was thinking I was too old {43} and was very depressed, But my husband said to have faith in God ,Hubby is always right. And when they hired me I had to accept.
Ron, I hear what your saying, but when you have three kids, your own slowly growing business, and $15.00 bucks to your name you have to survive.


Membership Revoked
Ron, your post cracked me up. If you think giving a urine sample or a background test for a job is the "DARK SIDE", you're in for the surprise of your life. This is tame, compared to the "dark side" of what really goes on.

Were about 20-30 years late here, and all of this personal information about you is already databased, whether you realize it or not.

There are a few more people here, that are "aware" of what goes on Ron, more people than you might be aware of. Maybe thats why were here now, we do know................


[ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: suzy ]


Membership Revoked
Degrading is the word.

I have done it twice. The first time is the hardest, then you get used to privacy invasion.

I do not think it is right, ever. Those who are losing their capacity to do the job should be fired. But firing is not as easy as drug testing. That was the origination of this abomination.


Yes, for this current job I had to have the drug test because we have government contracts. And like you, "Iamnot", I was out of work for 9 whole months, searching feverishly and beyond feverishly, all that time, with excellent background and references, BUT at age 63 then, two years ago, noone was hiring us "older folk." Then this fine firm, which honors seniors and handicapped persons, and all races, hired me.

Know what? I hated doing it and it WAS messy to boot, but I'd have given them any bodily fluid they required to have money to avoid becoming what I nearly was then...a bag lady!It's easy to pontificate about how "bad" those of us are who gave our urine for testing...unless it is YOU who are going to be out in the street with a tin cup.

And no, of course I don't consider this "the mark of the Beast," but yes, an invasion of my privacy, though I can also see the reasoning behind it.

Don't you wish we lived in an earlier, more innocent age? I'd settle for the one in which I was a child any day, and relive it as an adult.

[ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: Gods1sheep ]


Contributing Member
You are so right, it is the worst thing in the world to know you have viable skills, but nobody will hire you. At one point we were on the verge of welfare, now I know some people look down on that, but I would do that , take a drug test, whatever I had to do, legally of course, to help take care of my children.
I really believe the Lord leads our way, and I look only to him for guidance in all matters, and it turns out he is always there for me. :)



Okay, well, I "smoke" on occasion and never worried much about it. I've taken a couple drug tests ("piss in this") and come thru it will flying colors. There's something called "Vales" (I prefered the cherry flavor) that will get light "users" past the test (as will drinking galons of water to flush your system). Since I doubt I'll ever have a "real" job again (what I do is far too much fun) don't expect to ever test again....

Two friends...Friend #1 is a genius organizer, project manager and programmer. Left his previous job because they promised him a break after a project he completed and then renegged so he left. Interviewed with another firm (one of the biggies) after taking an extended vacation and they really wanted him bad. He told them he smoked on occasion and the interviewer told him "we just said you had to take a drug test, we didn't say anything bout the results". He's employed there making the big bucks these days and has been rapidly promoted.

Another fellow I know (nowhere near as gifted), also a "smoker" is a little less stable job wise. He's applied for jobs over the years, taken drug tests, failed some and amazingly passed some. He's convinced that the statement about having to take a drug test is often to scare off the majority of folks who figure they'd fail. Apparently either the samples aren't always processed or the testing companies either don't do the analysis or do it poorly. This guy works for Home Depot these days.

So...How much of the testing is wall dressing and how much is real is tough to say.

[ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: dkulha ]