Need help for pain

Angel Lady

Well, I posted a prayer request on the main board but I didn't put everything that's going on because I didn't want anyone to think I was a hypochondriac (sp?).

Besides what's going on that I mentioned in the post on the main board:

Anyway, the rest of what is going on in my life is the pain that I have day and night. I have had it for some years now but it has gotten so much worse. The pain is in my back, legs and feet.....with a range of pain, numbness and tingling in my feet.

Quite by accident I found that 1/2 of an ambien pill will relieve the pain like nothing else I've tried. This is ok, but when it wears off (in 4 hours) the pain is back full force and I can't just keep taking sleeping pills all day to relieve the pain.

I cannot take NSAID's of any kind. I take tylenol, which I don't know why I take it because it doesn't help but that and darvocet is all I have. Darvocet helps a little but not nearly enough to take the edge off the pain.

If some of you have any suggestions for me I would greatly appreciate it.


Veteran Member
I had good results with CoQ10 when my thyroid went out of wack and my joints were really bothering me. I could always tell if I forgot to take one that day. It's supposed to help a lot of problems. It's kind of expensive though, but worth it when it helps.


Angel Lady... first, have you had this investigated? It sounds very much like something is putting pressure on your spinal cord. That could be anything from a swollen or even herniated (ruptured) disk to calcium build up in the spine, causing a narrowing of the passageway for the cord (Google Spinal Stenosis for an explanation of this) to something like a tumor.

IOW, it's not something to ignore and treat symptomatically, until you know WHAT is causing it...

Other possibilities are various circulatory type issues.. do you smoke? Or have diabetes? Poorly controlled blood sugar will often cause neuropathy in the limbs, especially numbnes, tingling and pain in the feet and legs.

If there is an actual mechanical problem, surgery may be indicated. While I'm absolutely not saying to rush into something like that, in some cases, it's the only thing which will help, and it can pretty much CURE the problem.

I blew two disks in my back early in my last pregnancy, and the pain and weakness was horrendous. A laminectomy which removed the parts of the disks which were compressing my spinal cord was sucessful beyond my wildest expectations. I actually came out of the surgery in less pain than when I went in!

If you have any signs of arthritis in your spine, glucosamine and chondroitin may help.. but they aren't an instant cure, by any means. Still, hubby fractured ,,, totally crushed... three vertebrae in his lower back when he fell 40 feet off a silo 25 years ago. He also broke his hip (and ankle, and every bone in his foot) but they didn't NOTICE the hip fracture at the time. It showed up clearly as a healed fracture on x-rays he had about 15 years after the fall when he was having unrelenting pain in his hip and leg. The orthopedic surgeon said "you WILL need a hip replacement, but you're too young and it's not bad enough yet. Probably within 5 years, you won't be able to stand it any longer... come back and see me then"

I immediately put him on glucosamine and chondroitin, and here we are, 10 years later. He just had a set of x-rays done recently (he badly overdid things and his back was painful) and guess what? Not only is there no further sign of degenerative changes, the joint space actually INCREASED a little. And it's perfectly smooth inside. The doctor literally didn't believe it.

Anyway.... what you might want to try is Virginia skullcap, preferably in a tincture. You can buy the dry herb and make your own tincture, and it's also a very easy to grow plant... it grows and spreads much like the mints (to which family it belongs) but isn't quite as invasive.

I've given it to people and they've gotten great relief from various nerve- pain issues. One woman couldn't sleep due to diabetic neuropathy, and said the skullcap worked better than the narcotics. It also seems to help shingles pain, which also is "nerve pain".

Darvocet isn't a great pain reliever.. it's actually considered to be a bit LESS effective than aspirin. It has some sedating properties, which can help relax tense muscles and possibly help pain that way. But there are several other Rx pain meds which are a lot more effective. Remember that all of them have some dependence issues, though.

PM me if you don't want to discuss all of this on an open forum,



Veteran Member
I agree with Summerthyme about the Glucosamine and MSM for pain. Went searching for something that helped with pain and found a topical Glucosamine, MSM and Arnica Liposome lotion, 8 oz, and use it quite often for pain. Found it at a health food store - (NOW brand) - it is about $12. but it lasts for a long time = you just rub in where the pain is. Have also found the Arnica in it really helps when you bruise an area - takes the blue out of it and helps it heal so much faster. Hubby rubbed the area where he felt arthritis pain and was quite impressed by it. Others I have told about it have been pleased as well, so hope this is the answer you have been looking for! Have liked it so much have bought a couple extra bottles for my bug-out bag!!!


I would first be seen by a doctor to rule out anything serious, or to rule in anything obvious and easily treated.

If it's nerve pain, some people have had relief from anti-seizure medications. Personally it made my joints hurt, some medicines more than others, but the doctor said it was an unexpected side effect for many. (the pain relief)

I also think that anti-depressants can help with chronic pain. If you prefer not to take prescription drugs, maybe you can give st johns wort a try.

Again, get seen by a doc.

I hope you are feeling better very soon.

Angel Lady

Thankyou all for your responses. Yes, I am having this all checked out with a doctor. He seems to be checking for symptoms of Fibromyalgea (sp?). He has agreed for me to keep taking a 1/2 of an ambien at night to relieve the pain so that I can get some sleep. More testing has to be done, probably next week. I don't know if there is even a cure for fibro (if that is what I have)

thanks to all of you for your suggestions. I am already on anti-depressants, and glucosomine as well as pottasium and magnesium for my heart. But, I will have to see about the other ideas here.

Thankyou all again so much for taking the time to post.