Need help for Bleeding Ulcer


Veteran Member
My 30 yr old daughter found out she may have a bleeding ulcer due to the stress of the divorce she is going thru. Are there alternative drinks, meds, herbs, etc. that she could be taking to help this heal? Not sure what advice to give her. Thanks in advance.


Devil's Advocate
I don't know about bleeding ulcer, but I have found that taking chamomile capsules (which also are pretty cheap) helps keep my innards settled down ... to the extent that when I *don't* take it for a few days I really really notice, and it is just such a simple thing. Do be aware that allergies to pollen and stuff are NOT good if one takes this herb ... but aside from that seems harmless.

*not a doctor, and this was not advice*


Cabbage juice is for a regular ulcer NOT a bleeding ulcer. Got to get that bleeding stopped first then work on the ulcer.

fruit loop

The best cure for ulcers is a bland diet

Ulcers really aren't caused by stress...there are genetic and diet factors. The best way to treat it is a bland diet. Several small meals each day with low salt and lots of milk. Avoid spicy foods, carbonated drinks, coffee - anything acidic at all.


THE best healing herb to start as quick as she can is licorice root. I've seen licorice root powder completely heal a severe gastritis caused by too many NSAID meds after several rX scripts didn't touch it.

If it's actually bleeding, your in dangerous territory treating it yourselves. However, yarrow (achillea millefolia) is a powerful yet usually safe astringent herb which can work on bleeding. Shepherds Purse is an even stronger one, often recommended for internal bleeding of all types. Whether or not either of them are available commercially, I can't say.

If the divorce is causing her that much stress, she might want to consider taking some of the nervine herbs- skullcap, passionflower, lemon balm, valerian or kava kava- for awhile. Of them all, I prefer skullcap, but others have different preferences. Most places that sell herbs or alternative health care products have products which are combinations of some of the above list, and they really can make a large difference in the stress level the body is feeling.

Also, because of her stress, she needs to get on a good B Complex vitamin package as soon as possible. Stress absolutely eats the B vitamins, and without adequate levels, the body can't deal with stress- it's a vicious circle.

Hope she's feeling better soon



Veteran Member
I had bleeding ulcers 2x caused by aspirin, ibuprofren and maybe the Paxil I was on. I became severely anemic both times. Tell her not to mess aound with it too long.


Saved, to glorify God.
There are times to GET THEE TO A REGULAR DOCTOR and this would be one. Tests have to be made to make sure she does not have the easily curable bacteria that has recently been found to cause most ulcers.(I forgot the name of it right now) ALSO bleeding ulcers produce blood in the stool and she has to be checked for colon cancer which ALSO can produce blood in the stool. Also BLEEDING ULCERS CAN PERFORATE AND KILL HER, so it is NOT something you turn to alternative medicine exclusively for ESPECIALLY if you are doing it by guess and by golly.

I am confident that many many things can be cured or helped with alternative medicines but they must be part of and under the oversight of a professionaly trained and accredited physician's care. As true as it is that many cures lie hidden in natural medicines, it is also true that A GREAT DEAL OF THE "HERBAL CURES" ARE "SNAKE OIL SHAM RIPOFF OF GULLIBLE PEOPLE.

The only good course of action is BECOME INFORMED and read up and research everything you can get your hands upon regarding whatever illness or disease you are dealing with, paying particular attention to the SOURCE of your information (ie. is it at a .gov, .edu, .org, or .com website?) What is the incentive for the claims? Make sure you can find more than one credible source for any claims for a particular medicine or herb. Find out how long it has been used for that treatment and how many people have taken it if possible. Find out the side effects and the possible interactions, find out the proper form and dosage to be effective. The responsiblility to KNOW and find out these things is YOURS and cannot be delegated, assigned or abandoned to anyone else.


Membership Revoked
Punch cayenne pepper into the TB2K search--1 a glass of warm water is supposed to cure bleeding ulcers....