Need an online site that is airing the inauguration!


Does anyone have the name of a site that is airing the Inauguration online? We have internet and Netflix, but no network TV (satellite or TV). Thought it would be fun to watch with the Dude today. :)


Hoosier Gardener
Excellent web site, thanks for posting, Limner. I always try to find a C-SPAN live stream for political events, they don't have any talking heads to narrate and interrupt, just raw feed. I've been watching a Fox News live stream on YouTube this morning and there is a definite aura of jubilation there, not only from the news people and their guests, but even the bumper music is celebratory, e.g. "We Will Rock You" by Queen, "God Bless the USA."


Pass the coffee!
The Fox Youtube stream just quit. Copyright claim by Fox it says. Anyone find another Fox link yet?