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My Crafts that keep me so busy


Thank you Faroe. I'm 3/4's finished with another like the last one only in a pale pink with the same turquoise but silver instead of gold. I might get good at this if I keep it up. :)

I'm glad I'm not the only one puttering along on sewing crafts. It certainly relaxes me and that I need pretty much all the time. I'm really going to try harder on these pictures but geez Louise, it's not something I'm fond of doing so.. yeah, crappy pictures.

Pretty color combinations.

I'm looking forward to getting back to sewing. I can punch up a Cliff High video, and listen while I work, even if the piece is at a tedious stage. It IS relaxing. Knitting requires a different kind of concentration, and I can't always listen and knit at the same time.

BF has been home for weeks (his last gig got cancelled with the .gov shutdown, and his next may get cancelled too....grr.) In the meantime, his son has been visiting from Nevada. It's not that I don't like them, but I NEED large blocks of time alone. At present time, I'm climbing the walls, which is probably why the knitting got messed up.

Good luck with your next purses. I think the pics look fine.


Girls With Guns Member
That's what I do Faroe, Clif High, Freeman Fly, Daniel Ott to name a few while I cook, clean, make stuff. I can relate. I am surrounded by furkids almost 24/7 and they get needy too. They also cover my bed with me when I use my laptop.

Thank you on your comments and you sparked an idea for me. I have an antique mannequin that I recently dressed. I flung the latest purse over her shoulder and thought, THAT would make a good picture. Thanks for the inspiration!