Story Market Day


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
It was less than a week ago when the earthquake and the tidal wave hit. The aftermath was all over the news twenty-four hours a day. The last time she saw coverage like this, she was a young girl and the World Trade Center fell. She was a military child on a military base so it absorbed her world. She had a feeling the quake and tsunami would as well. It was just a feeling but she has learned to pay attention to them.

She was standing in the airport waiting on her friend. She’s known her for forever. They grew up together all over the world. College and military careers pulled them different places, but they would always be friends. Now, work was bringing them together.

The people started coming down the jetway. She held up a sign so her friend could see her when she came off the plane. There! She saw her and judging by her expression, she had seen her, and the sign as well.

The non-descript woman in the Vassar sweatshirt walked up to her shaking her head.

“V&V Adventure Tours. Really?”

“Well, I figured it was better than Ivar-Silas Boondoggle Crew Assembly point.”

The pair embraced for a moment before the taller one spun and, dropping an arm across the other one’s shoulders, started down the hallway towards baggage claim.

The woman in the Vassar sweatshirt spoke first.

“What the hell are you wearing? It looks like someone drug you through a bad 80’s preppy movie. I mean, you have pink and green plaid and look like I should be calling you Muffy. Are we going to go meet Biff at the mall? I mean really?”

“Hey! These are my work clothes, V!”

“They sure don’t look like military issue to me, V” The woman in the sweatshirt replied.

“Look, when I’m on scene, I’m easy to spot, the other cops can find me at a glance. Besides, with the busy pattern, I could hide a howitzer. Who would expect a federal agent to dress this way?”

“You have a point Veronica. So, what’s the plan?”

“Well, we go get your luggage, hop in the van and head out.”

“OK, I only have one bag. So, how much did Pappa tell you? Dad only told me he hijacked you to pick up some piece of shit and you really needed someone to back you up he trusted. I’m sure you have some other agents who could have helped but he went through channels and…Actually it had to be Pappa Ivar who pulled the strings. Anyway, what did he tell you?”

“Pappa has this ****tard who tried to kill one of his troops. It was that Armorer Dad sent us the picture of. The one who looked like you. Tried to beat her to death inside the Armory.”

“And he needs us why?”

“Dude is connected and he needs us to hide him. Dad and Pappa are shipping him out to Dugway and having us do the transport since evidently some of his connections have been interfering with the plan.”

They kept talking while they waited for the baggage. Veronica noticed her friend seemed tired. No, Correction, Exhausted.

“Violet, you looked seriously shagged out. What’s up with you?”

“Between all the various crap going on, followed by Dad calling and setting this in motion, I haven’t slept in about three days. I was hoping to get some sleep on the flight, but with everything jacked up and the last-minute tickets, I ended up with packed flights, five connections and middle seats all the way through.” Violet said as she scooped the small bright yellow duffle bag off of the conveyer belt.

“Well, tell you what. We have ten or twelve hours of driving ahead of us. Why don’t we grab some food, you get a good nap on the first part while I get us down the road. That should help you recharge your batteries some.”

“Sounds good, Let’s go.” Violet said, slinging the bag on her shoulder.

“What do you want for food?”

“How about pizza?”

“I think I can do that. The van is out here on the curb. Government plates and the badge has its advantages.”

Moments later, they were headed west.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
They sat in the diner near the hospital, having breakfast and reviewing the plan. They both knew it would be a long day and they body needs fuel or at least that’s what Violet would say as she heaped food on her plate when they were younger.

“So I guess Dad figured we were his most trusted assets?” Violet said as she shoveled French toast into her mouth.

“I think it’s both of ours getting a case of the clevers. With me at Hill and having the connections at Dugway, the thing snowballed from there.” Veronica said as she looked at the briefing papers her father sent her.

“Yeah, but I’m not a cop. We didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn last night.”

“True, but you ‘can assist’ another military member, who happens to be a Federal Law Enforcement Officer if she runs into trouble.” Veronica smiled.

Violet saw it was that same smile she remembered from all those times growing up, the one that said she was being tricky and would need Violet to back her up when it went wrong. Violet shook her head softly before replying.

“And it had to be me, instead of one of the half a dozen agents you have at your disposal?” Violet said, wondering for the umpteenth time why she was here. Not that she minded backing up Veronica but it all seemed kind of squirrely to her.

Veronica knew she had to sell it some more. She was able to read between the lines of the briefing papers and the phone call she had gotten from her father setting this whole thing in motion.

“Look V, I don’t have any female agents I would trust to back me up physically against this guy. He’s six foot something, two fifty plus and spec ops trained. He’s a bully, a charmer and he hates the idea of women in the military. He got called out on it by the Armorer chick with solid evidence and he snapped and tried to kill her. Poppa wants him to rot in Leavenworth and your Dad wants to keel haul him lengthwise under the training building before beating him to death with a tube sock filled with his own excrement. They figured it would add insult to injury to have women transport him to his fate and he needed some he couldn’t charm or bully or beat. My only other female agent is hell on wheels and a great Agent but she is not much more than five feet tall and if anything started to go down, she or I would have to shoot him, a lot and early. Poppa knows you teach the Instructors and would know all the moves and both of us are old enough to be charm resistant to him.” Veronica took a breath and then sipped her coffee, giving Violet time to think on what she said.

Veronica just sat and watched Violet think. She was normally the one to do the planning and Violet trusted her planning, but she also was the one who would have to ‘cover the gaps that showed up’ Veronica missed. Not that there were many gaps. Veronica learned or inherited her ability to plot and scheme and plan from her father. She was always the one with the plan, Violet was always the lifeguard.

Violet finished the last of her French toast and looked up at Veronica.

“So we are here at the hospital because….?”

“Because we are here to reassure the victim and their associated loved ones and friends we are doing everything possible to bring the attacker to justice.” Veronica said, glad that Violet seemed to be more on board with things now.

“Well, I’ll let you take the lead in there. I don’t want to say too much. I usually don’t end up talking to abuse or assault victims until it’s time to teach them how to fight back.”

“Not a problem, I got this. Finish your coffee and let’s get going.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Veronica showed her badge to the guard outside the room in the ICU. He checked it off his list before motioning them inside. Violet walked in first, followed by Veronica. Veronica’s gaze swept the room as Violet spoke to the only other person in the room, not counting the unconscious one in the bed.

“Hi, you must be Sabine. Relax. Artichoke.”

Veronica stepped forward past Violet, extending her hand to Sabine.

“Hi, I’m Agent V, and this is Sergeant V. No relation.” Veronica shook Sabine’s hand. “I’m with Air Force OSI out of Hill AFB, UT, just up the road from Dugway. We were brought in TDY, or TAD for you Navy types, to bring the Captain over to the Dugway holding facility pending final relocation for trial. They brought us in since there is no way we are involved with the accused.”

Sabine shook Veronica’s hand and started asking questions.

“So do you know why he didn’t get sent the other day?”

Violet wasn’t sure why she did it but she jumped in and started answering Sabine’s question.

“From what we understand, the command staff detected some potential issues with the current staff available to make such a trip with him. He then requested we come to do this. We will rest up and drive out tonight with him. The sooner he is away from here, cut off from his support base, the better everyone will sleep, I’m sure.” Violet was answering Sabine’s question but her eyes kept going to the bed and the broken body there.

This was when two other people came in, a small dark featured woman and a giant of a man. A repeat of intros all around was followed with a simple rehashing of the last few minutes of explanation.

Veronica spoke again.

“We wanted to come see how she was.” gesturing to Paige. “This is the sort of thing that burns us up. Don’t worry, he will get to a nice dank isolated cell in the middle of nowhere to wait a long time for his trial. There is plenty of evidence, both physical and eyewitness. He won’t be seeing the outside of a cell for a long time. From what I understand, your commander wants to bring back keelhauling, not that he will get it.”

Violet added “Your Commander and Sergeant Major are working hard and have a special interest in this case. They will make sure you are taken care of.”

Veronica touched Violet on the shoulder. “Come on, we better go. I need some sleep before we get to work.”

“What you need is a volume knob on those pants. I know where we are going, we can crash, dinner, then paperwork, and pick up the prisoner.” They continued their discussion as they walked down the hall.
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
“This is bullshit. There should be some way to get this guy. He deserves more than a paperwork and boot. This asshole probably has enough connections he will walk or get a slap on the wrist.” Violet was angry now. She hated seeing what devastation the bully had done to Paige. She could see how the event had broken her three friends. She didn’t know how to fix it, but she knew she wanted to.

Veronica could see how worked up Violet was. She knew bullies were her weakness. It’s one of the reasons Violet taught self-defense classes to women since she was about fifteen.

“So, Violet. Are you pissed enough for one of my plans?”

“What do you have in mind?” Violet asked as the elevator doors closed.

“We are picking this guy up at night, in the dark.” Veronica started explaining.

“And we drive him out into the desert and impale him with a Saguaro cactus up his ass and leave him to die?” Violet cut her off.

“No” Veronica said, a little startled at Violets outburst.

“What then?”

“They have his attack on video. He will try to spin it as her being in the wrong and he snapped. We need him to admit, on record, what he did and why.”

“So, smart ass, how do we do that Veronica?”

“We push him way over the edge emotionally, but in a way he can’t get it thrown out.” Veronica smiled, the idea forming in her head as she worked on it.

“What’s the plan, Brain?” Violet knew that grin. Veronica had a plan.

“The same one we have every night, Pinkey.” Veronica completed the phrase.

Veronica stepped back and looked Violet up and down.

‘OK, think along with me. This jackass has tried to kill Paige. He knew it looks bad but he is hoping she won’t wake up and testify against the bullshit story he was going to sling. If we get a uniform from these guys, we can **** his head up something fierce. We have you pretend to be here as the escort.” Veronica grinned as Violet looked at her sideways.

They stepped out into the lobby. Veronica was in full plotting mode now.

“I don’t know. How could we pull it off?” Violet asked.

“Look, let’s get some coffee and I will explain, you poke holes in it and we see what we have.” Veronica steered her by the arm towards the cafeteria.

Coffee in hand, the two sat in a corner away from everyone else.

“So, I spool him up with an additional list of charges he is going to be hit with, and he sees you there, his defense hopes dashed. I tell him at the outset to not talk, and show him the pocket recorder. It’s all on tape, including me telling him to be quiet. Anything he blurts out is admissible and he WILL blurt when I’m done with him.” Veronica grinned again.

“OK, say I go along with this. What happens when I am there? If I open my mouth, I won’t know what to say or how to sound or any of it.” Violet countered.

“That part is easy. The JAG says you are not to talk to him at all, period. That makes it possible to avoid giving it away that way.”

“If we push him this hard, he might snap.” Violet countered.

“I know, and it’s only because it’s you and I know how good you are that I would even consider this. You can take him, right?”

Violet sat back and thought. She knew what they were teaching to these guys. Hell her real job was teaching the guys who taught this stuff at the schoolhouse. With that knowledge, she should know what he knows and be able to anticipate his responses. The problem would be when he isn’t successful in his first couple of attack passes and he gets pissed or desperate. This could end up a case of good vs lucky.

“Yeah, Veronica, I should be able to take him. So, miss have a plan for everything, once I stop him and we stuff him back in the van, he will obviously know I wasn’t Paige. How do we cover up the mind screw?”

“I got a plan for that too.” Veronica smiled again.

“And that is?”

“We impeach the credibility of his recollection. How about something like ‘gee sir, he was high on drugs, he was spouting all kind of stuff. Did he tell you about the aliens too?’” Veronica had a sincere, pious look on her face at the last statement.

“Do I want to know?” Violet said, worry appearing on her face now.

“I have some baseline samples for testing. Just small slips of paper with enough for chemical analysis crosschecking or K9 training. One of those under his tongue should be enough to spoil a drug test and clear sailing from there.” Veronica said in a flat tone.

“Veronica, you’re a damn cop and you think like this? You worry me.”

“You want to get the bully or not?”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Veronica walked past the guard and back into Paige’s room, Violet close behind her. The three visitors were still there with Paige. Veronica started talking right away.

“So, we were talking and we have an idea. It’s unethical, wrong, and maybe even fattening, but it won’t get you guys in trouble. To make it work better, however, we could use your help.”

The big guy next to Paige’s bed, Henrik, was the first to speak.

“It would help if you explained more. Right now, I’m just confused.”

“OK, that’s fair…” Veronica started to say when Violet interrupted her.

“Stop beating around the bush. I bet the same reason he called us is the thing we thought of. Let’s explain, instead of all the cryptic stuff.”

Veronica hung her head in exasperation, then threw up her hands.

“Fine, why don’t you explain?” She said to Violet.

“Well, don’t get all snippy. I’ll explain, that way you won’t get your ‘agentness’ in trouble.” She turned back to Henrik. “The Sergeant Major had a problem. He has a woman hating ****tard who also had political connections he needed to transport. He was suspicious at some things happening with the transport he arranged to an out of the way holding facility. He reached out to us. He figured females transporting him, we wouldn’t be under his influence, especially once we were told of what happened.”

The small dark-haired one, Andrea, was getting impatient for the new part and said so.

“We already got that part, so what is this new ‘thing’ you came back in to talk to us about.”

Veronica answered her.

“Some of it is about why the Sergeant Major thought of us. Paige reminds him of her, or at least how she looks.” She gestured to Violet.

All eyes turned to Violet, then to Paige, and back as they compared the two. It was hard when Paige was bandaged and tubes and swathed, but the three of them had plenty of other memory images to work with. The more they looked, the more they could see the similarities.

“And?” Sabine asked Violet and Veronica.

“And he figured to stick it to the Captain by having women deliver him to his fate. We,” Veronica pointed to the both of them, “came up with an idea once we saw Paige and realized the resemblance. Our idea is to stick it to him even more. How well did the Captain know Paige?”

Sabine answered Veronica’s question. Violet got the impression she might already know where they were headed with this line of questioning.

“The Captain hasn’t been here that long, a couple months maybe, and unless he had a lot to do at the armory, she doesn’t wander around much in the team rooms.”

Violet spoke with a flourish.

“How bad would it stick it to him if Paige were one of the two women who took him to prison?”

Andrea jumped up.

“**** yeah! That will mess with his head! What do we need to do?”

Violet took a deep breath. What could they help with so she could impersonate Paige?

“I’m going to need one of her uniforms and some help with the details, like how she does her hair, her makeup, her perfume, anything to help blur things. It will be at night, and in the dark, I might be able to pull it off.”

Sabine looked skeptical and had questions.

“So, how is it the Sergeant Major happened to know two women who were able to fill this unique need, at the drop of a hat, with all the military and the country going nuts, that he trusts like this?”

Veronica looked over at Violet. The look was the same one they shared time and time again through the years. Volumes were said, trust implicit.

“We should tell them the rest, Violet.”

Violet knew Veronica was right. Hell, she could always trust her feelings in things like this.

“If they are going to be accessories, then they should know the rest, I guess, Veronica.”

Veronica draped her arm across Violet’s shoulders as she looked across the others in the room.

“He saw the resemblance even before Paige was hurt. He told Violet about it a month or two ago. I think it’s part of what makes this so personal to him on top of his rage at such a thing happening at all, much less within his unit to one of his people.”

The guy was still confused. ‘So, who are you and where does he know you from?” he said looking at Violet.

Violet smiled a little sheepishly. “I’m just a simple Marine NCO.”

Andrea’s reply was quick and succinct. “Bullshit! Who are you?” she then looked over at Veronica, “and while we are at it, who the **** are you?”

Veronica smirked. “Violet and I have known each other since we were in the second grade. Our fathers were stationed together off and on throughout their entire careers.”

Sabine’s eyebrows went up. She thought she knew but Violet confirmed it.

“The Sergeant Major is my father. The Commander is Veronica’s father.”


Veteran Member
This is where telling it from another point of view is VERY handy. Beats the tar out of a couple of dry "In previous episodes...." recap like in a two-parter weekly series. First paragraph or two, I was racking my brain trying to remember enough details to pick up without going back to where this storyline stopped and re-reading. You've managed to bring it all back front and center. Masterful!


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
This is where telling it from another point of view is VERY handy. Beats the tar out of a couple of dry "In previous episodes...." recap like in a two-parter weekly series. First paragraph or two, I was racking my brain trying to remember enough details to pick up without going back to where this storyline stopped and re-reading. You've managed to bring it all back front and center. Masterful!
But, for those of you who need/want a review point:
START Part II Market Day | Page 36 | Timebomb 2000
START Part III Market Day | Page 59 | Timebomb 2000
START PART IV Market Day | Page 98 | Timebomb 2000

This might also help those who are totally anal retentive and have to validate everything - this last is why I don't read anything jointly w/ my wife the Applications Programmer.

Now, nobody should be getting lost.
Well at least until we get all the groups on the same relative ground......

Then, its back to making 8.
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Retired, practising Curmudgeon
It was a demarcation point in many ways. For me it signaled story arcs vectoring off on parabolic paths but starting on a return course fairly quickly.

We'll see though.......
I think it will be more shades of colour, more texture.
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
It’s kinda funky, but four is the only one so far not starting at the beginning around the time of the quake. Plenty of time away from the known actions here with the Vs to expand and clarify as well as show ’old things in a new light’

hope it works for you all. More real soon


Veteran Member
I innocently check in’s today expecting to see another batch of “Moar please” comments and moaning wanting more of your words.

And WOW! Part 5 started! Just as I was sitting in a waiting room with an hour to kill.

Thank you. It also just dawned on me how you manage to bring together coincidental happenings and history to support the story line. I normally don’t believe in coincidences, but this story makes them seem so natural.

Thanks again, keep it coming as you can.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Andrea was talking a mile a minute to Violet as they left the hospital.

“We have to get this this this…” Andrea was stuck for a word.

Violet laid a hand on hers.

“We’ve got him, we just need to push him that one extra step.”

Andrea turned and looked at Violet for far too long in Violet’s mind considering their speed of travel.

“So, you are pretending to be Paige and she’s supposed to be still in a coma so it’s a surprise and it freaks him out and and and.” Violet interrupted her ramble.

“Andrea, so what do I need to know to act like her?”

This set Andrea off on a whole different tangent and angle.

“Well, she’s about the same size and height as you. You might be a little taller, but everyone is tall to me. She’s pretty quiet and shy, not like me. She always said people noticed her in a room because she obscured the wallpaper. She’s kind and gentle and normally wouldn’t hurt a fly. That’s part of what has most of us so pissed. She would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it.”

Violet was amazed at Andrea’s energy and passion. She was also amazed they hadn’t been killed by her driving yet Violet started to ask a question to distract herself, but Andrea didn’t give enough of a pause for Violet to get a word in edgewise. She didn’t slow the car either. It seemed the more Andrea talked, the faster she drove

“She’s real strait-laced. That was one of the things that surprised most people about how well we got along initially. I’m the bit more outgoing and adventurous of the two of us. I liked right away the part where she didn’t condemn me for my lifestyle choices. She even asked questions every now and then, until she would embarrass herself, blush and run away to think. I remember one time; she was wanting to know how two women figured out who would lead when they danced. It wasn’t a smartass question. She was genuinely curious. She was not prepared for my answer.”

“Which was?” Violet grinned, knowing something hilarious was coming.

“I told her ’Whoever’s hips wiggled the best in bed was the girl’. She turned so bright red, I thought she would burst into flame. She made a squeak and ran to her room. That was back at our first apartment.”

Violet could see the bright smile on Andrea’s face. There was an extra twinkle in her eyes Violet though. There might be more there, but it was none of Violet’s business. Instead, she went with another question.

“So, Paige didn’t mind you bringing your girlfriend over to the apartment?”

Andrea glanced back out the windshield before looking over at Violet again as she answered.

“I never did. It didn’t feel right there, but once we got the house, there was no problem. It’s not like she was a prude. I kept telling her I wasn’t trying to convert her to the ‘dark side’, it’s not like I get a free toaster for each new lesbian I create.”

Violet could hear the deep feelings Andrea had for Paige. The only friend she had she had feelings that deep for was Veronica. Better one good friend and a hundred false ones. Back to the task at hand. She was still nervous about this whole idea. She needed more to pull it off.

“So, how does she walk? Is it striding out, marching slinking? How would you describe it?”

Andrea seemed to think for a moment before answering. She wanted to get it right.

“When she walks, it’s like she doesn’t want anyone to notice her. No so much like she’s sneaking about, more like……..I don’t know…….It’s like most of the time she is apologizing for disturbing you with her presence. It was worse before she met Henrik. He has helped her assert herself in more than just her professional work. Somewhere at the house she has a cup I got her with what we teased her about having as her catch phrase- ‘I’m sorry, don’t mind me I’m just….’ She says it all the time.”

Andrea paused again. Even though the floodgates were open, there were occasional times she stopped and took her time, thinking about those special things about her that made Paige ‘Paige’.

“She doesn’t like to impose on anyone or anything, unless it’s a work thing. Then, it’s a scientific thing. All numbers and equations, problems and solutions. I remember one time, we were over at the range and this O-6 came over and bitched about the rifle he was shooting being all jacked up. It was actually one of her loaners. She told him it was fine, he should pay more attention to his technique. Well this guy blew up at her, demanded her boss, so on and so forth. She took the rifle from him, walked forward to the line, ran a five shot string, producing a nice tight group, had the target brought up, and inspected the target. She next turned to the sputtering O-6 and told him the only problem with the rifle was the out of spec gooey attached to the end and if it would listen to the instructors, he should be fine.”

Violet could just picture such a thing and was laughing along with Andrea. She had seen this played out time and time again on the mats. She was usually the one providing object lessons to the jocks and hard heads who still though more muscles would win in the end. Well, she would normally show them the error of their ways. Her musings were interrupted as Andrea continued.

“I used to braid her hair so it would wrap tighter in a bun. It took me forever to teach her how to do it herself. She better pull out of this, otherwise I don’t know what we are going to do.” Andrea let out a sob, then choked it back and turned to rage to regain control. “We need to make you perfect so you can crush that assholes psyche and his soul!” Andrea’s hand bounced off the steering wheel.

Violet was taken by surprise at the outburst. She hadn’t counted on how intense this was going to get. This was supposed to be all ‘act like the beat-up chick and freak the bull y out sort of thing. Now she was down the rabbit hole of who this girl is, her friends, lovers and everything. And here she was, the volunteer to turn herself into her. If she was going to do this, though, she better embrace it. Better reassure Andrea, even if just for herself.

“Don’t worry, if anyone can help me do this, it’s you.”

Before long, they had a hair dye kit and were back at the house Andrea Sabine and Henrik shared with Paige. Violet got a cozy feel at their place. There was no hiding things, the clutter felt real, not sloppy. No, she didn’t know what that meant, but she was trying to get a better feel about who this person was. She was going to need to crawl inside her skin.

Soon, they were in the master bedroom closet. Andrea was rummaging and making a pile of uniform parts. She kept holding one up, then discarded it into another pile. She had one set aside she was comparing them too. She seemed to be looking for an older one, one faded and broken in.

At one point, Andrea looked from the pile of clothes over to the bathroom where Violet was at the sink, reading the instructions on the hair dye box. Violet knew this was quite a bit farther than she had originally thought she would go when her dad called her for a favor.

“You’re going to be in the van with him, right?” Andrea asked over her shoulder as she gathered her pile of uniform parts.

“Yeah, he is behind a mesh partition, but only about three feet away if he leans forward. The floor shackle points should keep him at least that far away. Why?” Violet said, looking at the box and the color, then up to her face, trying to see what the color would look like on her.

Violet noticed another level of concern when Andrea started speaking again.

“Well, that brings a whole new level of fooling him into play. It’s not like he is just seeing you walk by. You will be close to him for hours. You need to smell right. Shit! I don’t have anything to give you an example of how she talks! Your accent is completely different than hers!”

Violet was both relieved and concerned in the new worried tone in Andrea’s voice. She was glad she could help that a little.

“That’s OK Andrea, Veronica already has that covered. If he tries to talk to me, she will tell him, I was advised by JAG not to engage him in conversation and I am merely going along as a matter of convenience to both help drive and to give another deposition when I get there. Two travel goals in one.”

“Well isn’t she the devious little shit!” Andrea laughed. The laugh cheered Violet up and eased her worries some.

“You have no idea. Growing up, she was the ringleader and I was the muscle. She and I went through so many scrapes we should have gotten in trouble for but didn’t. Her father went prematurely gray, all because of her, or so he says.”

“I wish I had a friend like that growing up.” Andrea said wistfully. Violet could hear some serious sadness in Andrea’s voice.

“Well, it wasn’t all Yoo-hoo and Twinkies. Most of the time we only had each other, when we weren’t stationed different places in the world. Back to Paige and you.” Violet had to keep her on task.

“Yeah, Paige kept me sane when I showed up out here. Small town America, even in California, isn’t always friendly to people with my sexual preference. Hell, hanging out with Paige so much, I was worried people would get the wrong idea about her and I, not that I would have minded, but she didn’t want that and I didn’t want people to make assumptions about her.”

Violet could hear the fierceness and protectiveness resurface. She knew there was so much more behind that rage. There was a pool of deep-seated love. She understood. She felt the same about Veronica. She would do anything to keep her safe or protect her. She needed more to be ‘Paige’.

“So, what else do I need to do to pull off the perfect ‘Paige’?”

Andrea smiled at Violet. “First we do your hair, then you need to get naked.”
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Violet was in the shower. She was still trying to get her head around all of this. She was trying to become this other person. In the books and the movies, it would be just a simple montage of new outfit, new hair and poof, the same actress that played the original was the new fake. Unlike the character in the movies, she had never colored her hair before and it was disconcerting to see the change in the mirror earlier.

Well, this wasn’t a movie. She was going to be imitating someone’s victim from five feet away from hours and hours. “Well, hopefully I have a good screenwriter and I’m able to pull this off, otherwise, Veronica might get fried, she will get fried and maybe both our dads as well” she thought to herself.

She looked at the bottles and bars in the shower with her. Andrea told her which soaps, shampoos and conditioners to use.

Violet was startled out of her thoughts when Andrea’s head popped into the shower with her for a moment, looked, no stared at, her tits, then ducked back out.


“That’s what I thought, you’re a big ‘B’ or little ‘C’ cup, right?”

“Yeah, why? And you could have just asked!” Violet wasn’t necessarily shy, but she wore a one piece at the pool and didn’t usually flash her tits to just anyone, and Andrea just saw everything.

“Paige’s chest is a little bigger than yours. She’s a big ‘C’ or little ‘D’. I think I have something upstairs that will help in that department. It will make the right shape and wouldn’t be seen through the shirt, even a compression shirt, which is what she mostly wears under the uniform top.”

Violet heard sounds of Andrea’s feet on the stairs as she stood there trying to get her racing heart back under control. She was talking to herself again. She wasn’t sure if she was saying things out loud or only in her head at this point.

“OK, Tit size is important. A kick to the head wouldn’t make her cup size change. She could have asked though.” Another stray thought went through her head as she blushed briefly. She had just been oogled naked by a lesbian. A tiny part of her wondered how she measured up., not that she was interested in women like that, but she did figure they would be an expert.

By the time Violet came out of the shower and dried off, Andrea was back. She had one of Paige’s bras on the bed along with a compression undershirt, the uniform top and bottoms, a hat and a belt. Andrea was over at the dresser shuffling stuff back and forth.

“Aha! Found one.” she said, holding up a watch. You are going to have to put that watch of your in your pocket. That thing is far too traditional looking for her. She wears, especially at work, these cheap looking plastic digital things, not polished steel and gold.” She held out the plastic clunky looking G-Shock.

Violet looked down at her wrist. The chunk of stainless on her wrist was her constant companion. It was the first one she had able to stand up to the brutal banging her work and training could dish out. Once she had it, she wore it all the time. It was almost superstitious with her. This thing has gone through two deployments with her and she rarely let it out of her sight. The last couple of time she was without it, some bad things happened. The last time wasn’t the worst but it was when she broke up with Greg.

Violet unbuckled the GSAR analog watch from her wrist. It would go in her pocket, then right back on her wrist as soon as they had this asshole dropped off.

Andrea came over to Violet, handing her the plastic watch as she kept talking.

“I found the push up gels I had upstairs. You just drop them in the bottom of the cups to add a shelf for them to sit on. It will bump you up to her size without being too uncomfortable. Before you get the shirt on, let’s do your makeup.” Andrea pointed Violet over to a chair next to the dresser where a few makeup items were laid out.

Violet didn’t do make-up at work. One sweaty hand across her face in a move, and she would look like a mutant. She did use make-up in her dress uniform or when she was out on the town, but that wasn’t the effect they would be going for this time. This was more theatrical, trying to change her into Paige.

Violet still wasn’t comfortable with her new strawberry-blonde hair. It didn’t look like her to herself in the mirror. Soon, it would get worse.

Andrea had Violet’s hair up in a braided bun so fast, Violet didn’t have any idea how she did it. This got the hair out of their way for the next step. The makeup was a cross between trying to look like no makeup and trying to change the shape of Violet’s features into Paige’s features.

Paige’s nose was a bit narrower, so Andrea used some shading and blending to slim down its appearance. Paige’s cheekbones were a little more rounded, so they softened the shadows of Violet’s chiseled cheeks. They adjusted the eyebrows for both shape and fullness. Violet was amazed at what such subtle elements could make so big a transformation. Violet kept looking and turning her head as Andrea worked.

After Andrea was finished with Violet’s makeup, she handed her some perfume to put on. Violet finished getting dressed in the clothes on the bed.

Andrea watched her get dressed, trying to figure out how Violet moved and trying to figure out what to tell her as far as how to adjust her stance and walking to be more Paige-like. They went back and forth a few times in the master closet and bathroom, trying to get Violet to match the picture in her head of Paige.

Finally Andrea stood next to her with both of them looking in the mirror. She then glanced at her phone. She remembered she had a picture she took of Paige in uniform in there. She moved Violet around until she matched the pose then shot a picture to compare. Putting them side by side, the resemblance was uncanny.

“Holy shit! You do good work.” Violet exclaimed looking at the two pictures. Even though she knew she was one of the two people in the pictures, she wasn’t sure who was who. “You have to send me these!” she exclaimed to Andrea who was grinning ear to ear in pride.

They heard gravel crunching in the driveway. A spooked look came across Andrea’s face for a fleeting moment as she struggled with an urge and finally made up her mind about something. She turned to Violet.

“Alright ‘Paige’, here comes your biggest test” The huskiness of Andrea’s voice tapered off as she spoke.

Violet turned from Andrea to the stairs as Henrik came down to the master bedroom.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
I remember one time; she was wanting to know how two women figured out who would lead when they danced.

“I told her ’Whoever’s hips wiggled the best in bed was the girl’. She turned so bright red, I thought she would burst into flame. She made a squeak and ran to her room.



This is outstanding bring up vivid imagination and thoughts.

“So, what else do I need to do to pull off the perfect ‘Paige’?”

Andrea smiled at Violet. “First we do your hair, then you need to get naked.”

But no pictures.

You do know how to keep your readers reading.

Thank you.

Last edited:


Contributing Member
#5619, 18th par, 5th sen, nervus should be nervous. Thank you Sir, you been busy last couple days. When they goin after the miscreants they've run into, they'll have to take care of them soon or have major problems, bozos will be out searching for the good guys.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Henrik walked down the stairs to the master bedroom. It was quite obvious he wasn’t prepared for what those two were able to create.

There, standing in the middle of the bedroom was Paige as far as his expression was concerned.

Violet could see how stunned he was. Andrea did a great job in her transformation of her into Paige.

“What do you think?” Violet tried to speak softly; less pushy Andrea told her.

Henrik was chalk white and shaky. Violet saw all the blood drain from Henrik’s face. She hoped it was a good thing. Andrea saw it as well and stepped forward.

“Henrik? Are you ok?” Andrea turned to Violet. “Violet, you might need to help me catch him.” They both moved up to Henrik. Violet reached out to steady him. He would be a bitch to catch if he fell.

Violet watched Henrik’s face for a few moments as he collected his wits. Finally, he spoke.

“It’s really good. There is only one little missing touch.”

He walked over to the closet and retrieved a small bottle before returning to Andrea and Violet.

“Here, rub just a couple drops on your hands like hand lotion.”

Violet looked at the bottle. It was gun oil. With Paige’s job, it makes sense.

It seemed with that exchange; Violet was turned over to Henrik for the next step.

“I take it I am convincing enough?” Violet turned a slow circle, her arms out to the sides.

“Scary convincing. Unsettlingly convincing. Andrea surely outdid herself with her eye for detail.”

“Well, from what she says, she’s been her roommate for some time and you can pick up on a lot if you’re paying attention.” Violet said, still lightheartedly.

Violet didn’t want to give away anything about what she suspected. She didn’t know how Henrik might feel having one of their roommates secretly lusting after his girlfriend. Then again, the four might be poly amorous. Not her place to judge or interfere.

“Well, we should probably go, we have a decent drive ahead of us still. Wait, where are my manners? Did you want some coffee for the drive? I need to make a cup for myself anyway.” He looked at her face expectantly.

“Sure. Coffee sounds good. It’s going to be a long night.”

The pair walked upstairs to the kitchen. Once the coffee was done and loaded into travel mugs, it was out to the Cherokee and the road to the base.

Henrik kept a banter of small talk between the two of them going for most of the drive. He wished he had grabbed some aspirin. This was primarily to keep Violet talking so he kept Violet ‘Violet’ and not Paige. They kept this up until they were about ten minutes from the base. Then Violet got serious. She had to. She had to force herself into the role she was playing.

“I think Paige will make a full recovery. You will have her back soon. She has the best thing pulling for her; people who love her. You guys wouldn’t have gone to this much trouble otherwise.”

Violet was trying to push positive thoughts and energy to Henrik. She knew the intangible power of positive thinking. Henrik’s worry, bordering on panic was written all over his face and permeated the tone when he spoke.

“I’m scared she won’t. I don’t want that bastard to have taken her away from us.” He had a little tremor in his voice. He continued. “I hope you have him locked in a cage all the way there. I don’t want either of you two to get hurt by this asshole too!”

Violet laughed, a full body rolling laugh at that. She needed it to release the tension building up in her. God! She felt nervous herself, but not because of the threat of physical danger. That was the least of her worries. Better make him feel at ease so he doesn’t blow it at the last moment. She grinned as she replied to him.

“Trying to make trouble with us because we are ‘girls’ would be about the stupidest thing on the planet. We are driving through the middle of nowhere, Veronica is an awesome pistol shot, and I don’t worry about him physically attacking us.”

“What makes you so confident? He’s a big guy with plenty of training. He’s already done it before, too!”

Violet could hear the worry, border lining on panic now. She needed him to calm down.

“Shit! I forgot, we never told you what my job is, did we?”

“I figured you were another cop like Veronica?” Now Henrik was obviously puzzled.

“I’m a Marine Martial Arts Instructor Trainer and a Krav Maga teacher.” Violet smiled, her pride beaming through.

‘Paige’ got out of the passenger seat, walked around the front of the SUV and up to the driver’s door. She leaned in, planting a kiss on Henrik. She spoke softly.

“I’ll be fine, Get back to Paige”

“Give me a call when you’re on your way back, Paige, and I’ll meet you here.”

“Be back soon.” And she walked over to the van. She didn’t even look in the back when she climbed into the passenger seat.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Ok CCG, it is 1015 hours and no new chapter.

Guess the Moar Hounds will have to impatiently wait.



Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Veronica in the Van

“Well, this was going a bit farther than I was figuring.” Veronica said to herself.

This whole thing was running on a half-assed plan and was working without a net. So, in her mind, about normal and what she should have expected. She was ticking off the things still to do. She needed a billeting room to shower, rest up and change into uniform in. The transfer paperwork was supposedly already waiting for her at the LE desk.

For at least the twentieth time she checked the ID card and worried if she had grabbed the right matching uniform. She had documents in three different name configurations. It wasn’t like she was secret squirrel hidden identities though. Nothing so clandestine. When she got married, she hyphenated her last name and her husbands. This way, she could go by her maiden name, her hyphenated name or her husband’s last name. For this trip, she chose to use her husband’s, i.e. her married name. This way it would be harder for people to put two and two together and see the relationship with her father. This was also why the orders said plus escort and didn’t have Violet’s name on them.

All of this could work, as long as she brought the right uniform with the right name tag. Lately she had been using the ones with her maiden name the most, when she had to wear a uniform. She thought of the reason why. Tim wasn’t acting like a husband, why should she treat him like one?

The assignment was so he could get ahead. The next assignment boost was supposed to be for her career. She had everything lined up. She was supposed to go down to Lackland and take over the DO slot at the Counter-Terrorism section. Tim had screwed everything up. He was supposed to be in DC for a career broadening slot for a year then they were supposed to go together to Lackland.

That snake! That underhanded asshole! He went behind her back and got his buddy to zero things out and get his broadening short turned into a four year, then told her they might be able to find a slot over at Boling or Andrews as an overman. That would be another four years and the death knell of any hope of getting a good posting ever again!

It wasn’t her haste to leave Utah. She loved the people she was working with, she loved the house, especially since she basically had it set up for her and she had it all to herself. She had it to herself. That was a lot of it. The other half was his career was more important than her.

When they were dating, he said all the right things, made all the smooth moves. ‘Hunt? Fish? Outdoors? Sure!” They bought all the stuff and did all the activities, but looking back, it was always her initiating it, always her saying let’s go hunt, or fish, or camp. If we are fishing, he had to have the boat, and it had to be top of the line. Motor big enough to power the space shuttle, metal flake sparkly enough to blind the sun.

Had to have something to tow the boat, and it had to be the biggest, most luxurious. All flash and no bang. Had to have the huge house for all the toys. They ended up with so many garage doors, the place looked like an old school train station. At least she had enough space for all her outdoor stuff. His ‘man cave’ had all sorts of sports memorabilia, all displayed on their shelves and such. She hadn’t been in there for months at a time. She mainly went in to drop off his junk mail until recently.

She told herself it was in preparation for the move. She had moving boxes filled with most of his clothes from the master bedroom. She had them all separated into boxes labeled things like ‘shit with price tags he will never wear’ and ‘hunting gear, only worn once, in the store’.

Veronica spent most of the drive to the base thinking about whether she was ready to admit to herself and the world around her she had failed at marriage. She was finally willing to admit to herself at least, she was done with him, especially since evidently he had been done with her for years. Damn. What was wrong with her? Was it her or was it him?

Now she was angry with herself. This was not the time to have all of this on your mind! She needed to focus on the transport of a very dangerous prisoner and the mental mind **** she needed to do along the way. She needed to jot some notes and get her script in her head. This is no time to half-ass it.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon

You didn't post the good part about the Captain.

You know this story as well as most following it; I bet you can find that sequence in about 1 minute (if you didn't bookmark it already) :)


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Veronica walked into the Law Enforcement Center on post. It was a small place, not really meant for long term confinement, which was why she was there to take the trash away she thought in her head as she waited on the paperwork. Her uniform was spotless. As a Special Agent, she had very little on it. No rank, no specialty badges, nothing to give away how much or little experience or rank she had. It was all to be face value. It was this anonymity that worked in favor of the Agents when you might have a E-5 clapping cuffs on an O-6 Col.

Veronica stood and bullshitted with the guy at the desk as she waited. Cop shops are the same everywhere and she had been in many of them over her career. The front desk guy was an E-6, been in long enough to have a good ear to the ground. He might tell her some more useful tidbits so she listened more than she talked.

“So, evidently, this guy really screwed the pooch and hit someone over in spookville. And they want his ass off the base like yesterday.”

“All this for hitting someone?” Veronica asked innocently.

“I don’t know. They had the medivac bird in here the other day. If it was for the one who got hit, it must have been more than a punch or two. The part I don’t get is, they had a couple of us slated to drive him up to the big brig at China Lake the other day. We were all ready for it, then Gunny got pulled along with a couple other guys to drive out on another recovery support gig.”

“That probably makes you guys pretty short-handed. Must be why I’m here.” Veronica said as she fiddled with the pen on a chain.

“Short-handed is right. You must be out of China Lake. I didn’t know we had Air Force on China Lake.” The guy looked puzzled now.

“We don’t and I’m not. They had me drive all the way up here from Kessler AFB. It’s the closest location still operation with criminal psychologists on staff. He is pleading, or at least his lawyer is claiming he will plead not guilty due to insanity so they are shipping him there. Lucky me, I get to drive him.”

“Kessler AFB, where the hell is that? Never heard of it.”

“Biloxi Mississippi. A real shit hole unless you love mosquitos and humidity.” Veronica said with a theatrical shudder.

“You’re driving him all the way there, by yourself? That doesn’t sound safe.”

“It will take two days. We go from here, down to Ft Bliss in El Paso where we stay overnight, then the next day we go the rest of the way.”

“Still doesn’t sound safe, just the two of you.” He grumbled. It just didn’t sound right.

“I’m not going to be alone. You guys are providing a translator to go with use and share the driving with me.”

“Translator? He speaks English. I don’t understand.”

“I never learned to speak squid.” She signed the last of the paperwork as she stood there.

“I appreciate all your help at the last minute tonight guys. I’ll bring the van around. If you can have the guys just go ahead and put him in the van when they bring him out, I’ll be out front waiting for my co-driver.”

“Sure thing. Have a nice drive.” He said as she waved and walked towards the door. She stopped as she looked outside then turned.

“God! I am so ****ing jealous of you guys and the snow.” And she turned and walked out the door.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Veronica was in the front seat of the van, thumbing through the paperwork, both real and fake. She was psyching herself up. This was like reverse interrogating someone, and adding physical danger and heaping helping of borderline illegal crap on top. She looked over. On the seat next to her was the body cam with the note telling Violet to put it on along with the tiny Ziploc of drug-infused paper if it became necessary. She knew she needed a real record of what went down if it all came apart and…and… and.

There they come. Damn, he’s a big slab of meat! Not quite as big as Paige’s boyfriend, but big and square. For the first time she wondered if Violet could take him. As a kid, she never second-guessed her skills and strength. She was like a force of nature on the playground. It was sometimes like watching three different kung fu or karate movies at the same time back then.

But this time. This time he is big and has already tried to kill with his bare hands. This wouldn’t be for lunch money or bragging rights. If it gets physical, it would be for all the marbles.

What was it Violet kept telling her growing up? Defeat starts in the mind, so does winning. Violet better be right. Veronica looked over again. They were almost there. Time to get in character and sell it like Violets life depended on it. She rolled the window down.

“Good evening gentlemen, Capt. Frickel. Since he is known to be violent, please lock him to the floor ring. Capt. Frickel, we are going for a little drive to your new home while awaiting trial. If you behave yourself properly throughout the trip, all will go smoothly. Do not give me trouble of any kind. If you do, the outcome will not be pleasurable for any involved and it will only worsen your pending outcome. Thank you, gentlemen that will be all. My co-driver will be here momentarily.” The dome light went out as they could hear the van doors being shut.

Veronica sat in the dark silence. She knew most might be worried at this point, the silence might be uncomfortable. Good. Now he is out of his turf and into some one else’s control. Someone he hasn’t got the measure of yet. Time to take away everything he thought he knew. Veronica turned in her seat and spoke at Capt. Frickel, her voice equal shades of boredom and disgust. Looking down on the commoner.

“Look Captain, I meant what I said about behaving yourself. I have your jacket of charges here and it disgusts me. I haven’t seen such a laundry list in a long time.” She started leafing through the papers on the clipboard. “Let’s see what all they will be addressing at your article 32 hearings. You are being charged with violating the following articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, in numerological not chronologic order: 80, 81, 89, 90, 92, 93, 120, 125, 128, 133, 134-3, 134-4, 134-26, 134-35, 134-36 and 134-47. This is quite the list. You should just sit back and contemplate the errors of your ways.” Veronica tried to sound like someone confirming the delivery of a washing machine someone ordered on line. She was just delivering.

Veronica saw as she talked, Frickel was getting more and more confused and angry and indignant. How dare anyone speak to him this way! This wasn’t what he had arranged for. What was this! Good! They had him!

“What the hell are you talking about? I don’t even know what most of those are! I was told I was charged with assault, of which I am contesting for cause. What are the rest of those you rattled off?”

Veronica had a smirk as she replied. He was an idiot. She could have added twelve more and he would have never noticed. The important thing was all the ones she said, she could make a half-assed case for, maybe, to a non-lawyer.

“Well that is between you, your lawyer and the arresting officers. I am just going over what I have. If you let me continue, they have you for much more. Let’s see. What are the highlights?”

She made a show of flipping through the pages on the clipboard. “I’ll skip the numbers since you don’t understand the UCMJ. I guess you must have slept through the military justice section of OTC, you don’t have the bearing for ring knocker or the common sense for ROTC.”

Speaking slowly to make sure he understood and further drive her point home “Attempted murder, conduct unbecoming, disobeying a lawful order of a superior officer, it looks like there are twelve counts of that, Unlawful conduct as a sentry in time of war, and they have the camera footage from inside the armory for most of this.” Veronica’s eyes lit up as she got to another page and she smiled. This was the one she figured would be the harpoon to really drive him over the edge. She thought of it while watching the TV as she was getting dressed in billeting. “Oh, and it will be interesting how you ‘contest with cause’ the raping of her six year old son!”

Frickel came unglued. The veins were bulging his face was crimson. He tried to pull free. Veronica thought he might stroke out right there in the van. ‘I guess unhinged accomplished’ she thought to herself.

“Rape her son?! What the **** ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?”

Veronica grinned inwardly as she had her flat witness for the prosecution demeanor on as she thumbed back through the pages before looking up at him through the security screen.

Veronica turned to look across the cabin of the van towards the passenger side. She saw Violet in uniform walking towards the van. She seemed to be walking deliberately different. She couldn’t tell how but it didn’t look like the Violet she knew. The closer she came, the more she didn’t look like Violet.

“Calm down Captain. All I am doing is reading the charges sheet. And all I am reading to you are the items with checkmarks and numbers links to the material evidence. My co-driver is here now. You need to sit back and shut up if you know what’s good for you.”

Veronica held up a small audio recorder high near the roof where presumably the Captain could see it, then placed it prominently on the dash of the van. In the rear view mirror, she could see Frickel see who her co-driver was. He had to look two or three times. He couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing. He started screaming and thrashing about again.

“Wait, what the hell is she doing here? She can’t be here. What kind of ****ing trick is this? She’s supposed to be in a coma! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!”

“Calm down, be quiet. We are just taking a drive. Do not irritate the Special Agent who is driving and can add more charges to your list!” Veronica wasn’t loud, but she was forceful and harsh, the tone cutting through the Captain’s noise like a knife. She had to regain control. They had to make him believe but he had to engage them in a way it would work on tape and get them their slam dunk.

Violet opened the door. There was Veronica, behind the wheel. On the seat in front of her was a piece of notebook paper with a note

‘Put on the camera, just in case’

Attached to the small camera was the tiny Ziploc. This Violet put in her pocket. She clipped the camera onto the front of her uniform. She tried to look natural as she avoided looking directly in the back when she climbed into the seat of the van.

Once her seatbelt was clipped, Veronica started the next part of their play. Violet kept telling herself to play along with whatever Veronica said. She was driving the interrogation. She was just a prop unless it went really wrong.

Once Veronica saw Violet was settled in and seemed ready to play her part, she began talking.

“Ma’am, here is the map so you can follow along and help navigate. The van has already been fueled and has enough for the entire trip. I will repeat what the JAG briefed you. Do not speak with the prisoner, otherwise there might be more interaction required at the far end. Do you understand?”

Violet/Paige merely nodded as she thought she should to agree to the request by the Special Agent.

Veronica put the van into gear and started off the base. Things were quiet for a few minutes other than the Captain squirming and wiggling in his seat. Finally, the Captain could contain himself no more and had to speak had to know!

“What is this bullshit about your son? What kind of shit is this? I thought you were in the hospital! Sergeant! You better answer me! I am a Captain in the….”

Veronica had to make him powerless again, had to keep him off balance. She stood on the brakes and uncorked a sliver of her temper as the van slid to a dead stop in the middle of a turn on the mountain road.

“Look. She is not to speak to you. She has been ordered not to. She actually knows what orders mean and what to do when given them. Oh, and as for rank, a bottle cap has more rank than you do while you are in custody. Your rank is ‘Prisoner’. In case you didn’t read you booking papers, your rank and privileges afforded due to such have been suspended. If you are exonerated, your rank and privileges will be returned, but considering the charges and the evidence against you, I wouldn’t count on it! At this point, I think you should devote all your energy to praying for solitary confinement. Child rapists in Leavenworth don’t fare well in general population. Now shut up!”

Veronica’s eyes were hard as flint. There is a certain amount of self-preservation hardwired into the genetics. Veronica seemed to tap into Frickel’s at this moment.

At the words ‘child rapist’ a sob came out of Violet. Veronica was so proud of Violet at this moment. She didn’t act surprised, she played it true to character. Atta girl!

The Captain sat stunned for a few moments. The only thing visible to Veronica in the mirror was Frickel’s eyes, big as saucers, as he rocked back and forth muttering over and over. ‘this can’t be happening, this can’t be happening, this can’t be happening’

Veronica put the van back in gear and accelerated. She wanted to make some time down the road in case this asshole had any accomplices who would look to waylay them on the road. She hoped the false trail she pointed to in the LE shop would keep them going the wrong way, but she couldn’t count on it.

The quiet mumbling was all that was said in the van for several hours. Veronica wanted to talk to Violet, but couldn’t risk it. They had him on the ropes and needed to keep him there. They couldn’t give him any tiny little crack to exploit.

Eventually, the Captain screwed his courage or his outrage up enough he had to pop off again. He tried talking to Veronica again.

“Look, I was told she was in a coma, how are you up and walking around? If you’re up and walking around, how is it attempted murder? None of this shit makes sense! I want to talk to my lawyer! This is bullshit! Where’s my lawyer? He didn’t authorize this move. This has to be illegal!”

Veronica hid her smile. Here it really begins. We planted the seed and now it’s blooming! Veronica’s voice was weary sounding.

“You can talk to your legal representation when he gets to the holding facility. He’s a little busy right now. That’s part of the reason I keep telling you to shut up. Your lawyer isn’t here and we do not want to question you without him. I am a federal law enforcement officer. You say shit to me and it’s admissible. I am not asking you questions. I am in fact commanding you to shut up. You are only hurting your case.”

Veronica paused. She needed him to keep talking, but she needed to push him just a little more. Maybe dangle his planned defense and how it’s already been defeated? That could work. Hold on, Violet, another turn or two and he will bite the hook and we will have him!

“Actually, go ahead and talk, I don’t care. Your case probably couldn’t get much worse. You probably would have been better off if you could have hit worth a shit and actually killed her.”

Veronica’s voice went soft and consoling for a moment. Come on! Play the victim part for me V! She thought as loud as she could.

“Shit! I’m sorry ma’am, but it’s the truth from that point of view. Then you couldn’t have testified about the sexual advances on you and the rape of your son. He was trying to shut you up and get away with it again.”

Veronica heard soft sobs coming from Violet/Paige. She was really selling it. Good! Damn! We should have planned this out more!

The captain lashed back. He wasn’t quite there yet.

“What do you mean again? What kinda shit are you trying to hang me with? And what do you mean couldn’t hit worth a shit?”

Now she had to really slam it home. Time for Veronica to turn it up to eleven. Anger, disgust and contempt coming right up.

“I mean your punch was as limp as your dick! Punching her was probably the biggest boner you had since her son. If it wasn’t so weak, she couldn’t have played dead, knowing she had four cameras recording the whole assault. She just had to put up with your pathetic ass making a fool out of yourself for a few minutes, then she would have all the evidence to finally put you away! We already have investigators pouring through the other units you were in. Some have already come back with examples of a ‘pattern of behavior’. This will lead us to your other victims. Like I said, you shouldn’t be flapping your gums. You should be praying for solitary.”

By the end of her tirade, Frickel had a shellshocked look on his face. He was totally lost. He was really terrified for the first time. He sat trying to figure out what he could do.

Veronica knew he was terrified. She could smell the piss that he had released.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Middle of the High Desert, Dark of Night

The next ploy from Frickel played out early in the morning.

“We need to stop. I have to piss.”

Veronica rolled her eyes and looked over to Violet, then over her shoulder at Frickel. She figured it would be something like this. She was already prepared somewhat.

“We are only stopping once. You sure you want this to be your one?”

There was a look of desperation in his eyes. He thought he hid it, but Veronica saw it in the mirror. He was trying to regain some of his assertive authority again, even if for a moment. Just long enough to make his escape.

“I know my rights. I have to piss. Food would be good too. Any fast food place would work for both.”

“We will see what we can do.” Veronica’s tone was halfway between ‘placating’ and ‘whatever’.

Twenty miles later, Veronica saw what she wanted; a small interstate rest stop. There was no way in hell she was unlocking him in a populous area. She knew it wasn’t about peeing. Still, she had to do her part. His request was part of the official tape so she needed to work it as if she believed him.

She glanced over at Violet. She saw the set of her jaw, just like all those times before they were headed to the playground. She knew Violet didn’t like to hurt people but she hated bullies and had no quit in her.

Veronica hated she had put her friend in this position, but she could have called stop at any time as well. They locked eyes for a moment. Violet was ready.

“Alright, we are stopping here. The rules will be as follows. The vehicle stops. I go in. She goes in when I come out. Then we unlock you. You go in, do your business, come out, we lock you back in the van. When we get to someplace for food, we will go through the drive through. We will then stop at the next interstate crossover, open the passenger compartment and give you your food. We are not opening your section inside a populated area. End of story.”

This was obviously not what the Captain was looking for. This wasn’t getting him what he needed and it showed in his mannerisms and his voice.

“That seems a bit excessive. Look, just swing into a burger joint and we can do it all in one shot!” There was a little bit of blatant desperation in his voice now. Veronica continued signaling for the exit.

There was only one other vehicle in the lot. An 18-wheeler was parked in the dedicated truck area. Veronica pulled to the curb closest the rest room door. Veronica and Violet immediately got out and closed the door. Veronica went around the van and joined Violet about twenty feet from the van. With their backs to the van, they could finally talk some without Frickel seeing or hearing what was said. Good.

“I thought he was never going to say something! I’m about to bust! You stand here with the street lamp behind you. It will keep you in the shadows and looking more ominous. The longer he thinks your Paige, the better.” Veronica said as she started for the bathroom.

“We will talk when he goes in” Violet softly replied to her receding form.

Veronica went in. She was gone for at least ten minutes. Violet stood in her best ‘Paige’ pose; the shadows draped over her face. She could see Frickel staring hard at her, watching the way she moved. She knew he was looking for evidence of damage from his attack. She knew she was wigging him out and would continue to do so whenever she could.

Violet was thinking all the way along in the van. She was trying to puzzle out and guess when Frickel would crack again. She also wondered what other devious little tidbit Veronica would pull out of her hat. It was so hard to not laugh when Veronica would stab him again and again with her words.

Veronica finally came out, so it was Violet’s turn. She went in and offloaded her bladder. She wasn’t going to admit it to Veronica, but she was also about to bust. She was glad to empty out. She felt in her heart he was going to try something and she wanted something as sensitive as a full bladder to not be an available target. The camera showed her checking and touching up any of her makeup and hair. It was all still good.

Violet came out of the female’s bathroom and immediately went to the male’s rest room to get the lay of the land in case they had to go in after him. She wanted to at least know the immediate area around the door so she wouldn’t be jumped the moment she came inside after him. Returning to Veronica, she nodded to her. They were ready.

At the van, Violet stood back while Veronica opened the door. She leaned in, unlocking the chains from the floor ring. This was the tense part. The point where it might just come to Veronica having to shoot him in spite of all their preparation and planning.

“Alright, Frickel, Let’s go.” She stepped back out of reach.

He started walking towards the restroom. He stopped at the door.

“You gotta unlock the waist chain, otherwise I can’t drop my trousers.” He pulled on the chains, making a show of how restrictive it was. Everyone involved knew for his plan to work, he had to have his chains free.

“You said you had to piss. Fish that tiny worm through your fly.” Veronica sneered, trying to keep him a bit off balance.

“If this is my only stop, I need to take a shit as well.” He tugged at the chains again, trying to sell it.

“Fine. I unlock, you go in, you step back out the door, I relock the belly chain, and we get back in the van. You give me any problems; you will greatly regret it.” Veronica’s voice was stern and brooks no deviation.

Violet was watching closely as she said this. She saw Frickel briefly smile. It wasn’t a friendly thing. She already knew he would try something, but by showing it outwardly, it told her he didn’t have as much control as he thought he did. She might be able to use that.

After Frickel went in, Violet and Veronica stood together talking quietly.

“Rape my six-year old son? No more binging SVU and Criminal whatchamacallit.” Violet shoot her head. Her friend, what a conniving and twisted person. And she loved every bit of her. She just had to make sure Veronica used her powers for good.

Veronica chuckled. “I was thinking of having him rape your dog, but I decided that would be a little too far.” She recognized the smile Violet had on her face. It was the one she usually had when she was warming up before a competition. Humor helps her, Veronica remembered.

“You know he’s going to try something.” Violet asked Veronica.

“Yeah. The question is, how bad do we hurt him when we have to stop him?”

“That’s up to him. I’m not going to let him hurt me to keep him alive.” Violet said in a flat and heartless tone.

They were standing outside the restroom door for about fifteen minutes when an older gentleman walked out. His t-shirt caught both their attention. It had a silhouette of a busty woman on a pole, the words on it said ‘I support single moms’. He looked around until he spotted them. He walked straight to them.

“Excuse me, ma’am’s, is the individual in the bathroom yours?” He was holding his hat in his hands.

What kind of shit is this Veronica thought before she spoke up. “Yes, he is in our custody. We are transporting him to another detention facility. Why?”

“Well, he was trying to convince me he needed help. I was supposed to come out and tell you he was sick and throwing up to convince you two to come in. I figure he is looking to jump you when you do.”

“And you didn’t help him because?” Now Violet was curious about how this was developing.

“In spite of what my shirt says, it was a gift from my daughter who put herself through college by dancing before she went in the Coast Guard, I don’t buy into the anti- woman bullshit he was spouting. Besides I was in your shoes back in the day.” He put his hat on his head. Veronica and Violet read the hat. It was simple letters. It read BORTAC.

“I bet you have!” Veronica started laughing.

“I don’t get it” Violet didn’t understand.

Veronica turned to her.

“BORTAC, it’s the Border Patrol High Risk SWAT Team.” Veronica was half laughing before she could finish her statement. Violet started laughing as well. Their Federal Prisoner tried to convince a Federal Cop to conspire to let him escape!

“Do you girls need a hand?” The offer seemed genuine

“Thank you, sir, but we should be ok. This is why I brought her. It looks like you’re on, Sergeant Violent.” using her old nickname from high school. Veronica turned to her friend. IF she wanted help, she knew Violet would say so.

Violet pulled out a pair of black leather gloves from her pocket and slid them on. She nodded to Veronica and the gentleman before she walked into the bathroom.

“Shouldn’t we help her? He’s twice her size!”

“I’m not going in there; it would just crowd her. If someone other than her walks out, I shoot them, simple as that.”

Moments later, a bloodcurdling scream two octaves above middle ‘C’ came from the restroom. Veronica rested her hand on the gentleman’s bicep.


“But she might be hurt!” He was obviously concerned for Violet’s safety.

“She will let us know if she needs us. Have faith.”

He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he wasn’t going to leave until she came out. He wanted to be able to help if they needed it. If he left and read about it going wrong, he didn’t know how he could live with himself.

More sounds of banging and thudding followed.

Veronica didn’t realize it, but she was clenching her fists so hard, her nails had pierced her palms. Either her friend walked out of there, or she would go in and kill him. Her pistol was just under the tops of her clenched knuckles. She rubbed them absently across the butt of the gun as she waited.
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
The Restroom

Violet took a few breaths to prepare before she went in. She knew she had to keep winning the psychological war as long as she could. This would keep him for focusing on the nuts and bolts of the technical fight. As long as she could keep his emotions more involved than hers, she had a shot. She knew he was big, strong, trained and desperate. She had to us unpredictable and keep him off balance, both mentally and when possible, physically.

Half the lights were out in the restroom when Violet walked in. She didn’t go far. There were not too many places for Frickel to gain an advantage. This was an older style rest stop facility. There were concrete and tile stalls with simple metal doors. He was bent over one of the toilets making heaving sounds.

This yielded the middle of the floor and invited her to come closer, to the confined spaces where she would be at a disadvantage. If she let him get a hold of her, she was done.

His acting was horrible as well. Violet sure wasn’t buying it. She wouldn’t even without the warning they got. Her mind was working a mile a minute. She wanted to keep the advantage she had for as long as she could. Time to keep ratcheting up the Paige angle to keep him off guard. The moment she showed her real skills, he would know and act differently. She had to avoid that moment, delay it.

“May as well get up, Frickel. The trucker is retired federal law enforcement. He told us your scheme.” She pitched her voice soft and kind of weak.

Frickel stood up, all pretense gone. He had a predator’s grin on, sure he could intimidate this one, again.

“Pretty bold coming in alone. The Special Agent needs another sacrificial lamb?”

Violet knew she had to take the calm out of him, piss him off again. She needed him to rush her, full of anger, fury and ready to underestimate her horribly.

“No, I told her I would take care of it for her. I’ve already taken your best punch. It hurt, but not too much. I could have jumped up and kicked your ass in front of those two, then posted the camera footage on the web for everyone’s amusement, but that would have been over quick. Instead, I went for the long game. Just taking some kicks and getting bruises was worth putting you away forever. Behind bars forever, being used by every guy as their personal sex toy. You will be the ‘helpless woman’ in that equation. You will be the one ‘giving blowjobs and polishing nightsticks.’” She turned the last of that upward into a sneering taunt. Nanny-nanny boo boo, full of contempt.

He was now enraged. He was ready to attack.

Violet knew she had to keep it up. She needed the rage to last past the first attack pass. The only way she could think of was massive pain, without it being some snazzy skill. She had an idea earlier.

Her training had prepared her for what was about to happen. She anticipated this sort of physical confrontation. He would go by the book in his attack, use what he knew, especially when he was angry. His first charge would be designed to sweep her into the wall. Then use his mass to ball her up and let him pummel her at his pace not hers. She would make sure it did not work this way.

She could see the moves before he tried them. She knew them like a trained chel knows how to make a simple rue or a cake. She just had to make sure she wasn’t too busy anticipating to actually react as she had to in order to stay unhurt.

In Violet’s active duty job as well as her off duty job, she taught women to defend themselves against bigger and stronger men. Her coworkers would use her to surprise and humble the big guys in the classes. They would attack and she would take them apart. Those were training evolutions though.

Now it was up to her to put the training into action. This one was for all the marbles. There was no doubt in her mind if she screwed up, Frickel would kill her here in a men’s room in the middle of nowhere Nevada. She wasn’t about to let that happen. She would cheat early and often as she was taught by her father. She could hear his words in her ears

“If you are in a fair fight , it’s either a game or you screwed up from the time you woke up that morning.”

She watched his movements. Most people will lead with their non-dominant side. Most people have the same dominant eye. She was going to use these assumptions to keep him off kilter. She was going to disassemble him as much as possible before she really got within a dangerous envelope of fighting.

When he charged, she was able to feint one way, then dart to the opposite side. As he went past, she kicked his knee softly, just enough for it to buckle. This pitched him off balance. He saw her hand coming in for an open-handed slap against his head. His reflexive action was to duck his head a bit and turn to the side. He figured he could spin further to the left and reengage as he came around. An open hand slap to the head, he figured he could take without problems. He was wrong.

The open hand slap was actually camouflage for the object in between her fingers. Violet buried the two-and-a-half-inch long drywall screw into his left eye socket. She held on to it as they went by one another. The horrible scream emanating from Frickel was unsettling. She knew she had his attention now. Cheat early and often. Fair fights are for suckers!

“What’s wrong? Don’t like it when a woman screws you? Get used to it. Other people are going to be screwing you night and day.” Violet still tried to sound the indignant fury of the woman getting revenge instead of the cold calculating assassin from the novels. Was that what she was? No. He could stop at any time. She was counterattacking. He is the committed one, she is just fighting back!

As he fell sideways clutching the half empty socket, Violet reached out and caught his right arm, jerking savagely down and back with a twisting motion to destroy all ability to use his shoulder. While she had the arm in her hand, she planted a solid kick to his armpit, crushing the lymph node bundle and corresponding nerves. She kicked again.

She saw all the vulnerabilities she had been taught of the human body. She spent over twenty years learning how to manipulate it with blows, kicks, strikes, pressure, massage, stretching. For all kinds of purpose. Shoot, she had a degree in physical therapy! She knew just the kicks to the armpit would never fully heal in a complete range of motion. If he stopped now, she would too. She knew he wouldn’t though.

Violet had outfitted herself for the coming fight. She gave up about a hundred pounds of muscle and almost a foot in height to him. She had to even the odds some way. Her boots were old school jungle boots. The rigid sole transmitted much more force to the kick than the newer boots with squishy soles would, giving her extra punch.

The leather gloves each held almost eight ounces of shot. She had no illusions about the strength disparity between Frickel and herself. She needed the force multipliers to make up the differences. She knew she had the upper hand in knowledge. The schools Frickel attended, she taught the instructors.

Violet worked with a retired military guy, who was now a civilian government employee. This former Marine helped invent the style back in the day. She knew the moves Frickel was trained on. She had countermoves ready. She was aware as the pain was ramped up, it would make him panic. Then he would forget some of his training and start improvising. Mistakes will happen, giving her openings. She had to keep calm and stay ahead of him.

The fight was long and drawn out, not because it was anything like a fair or even fight. Violet worked hard at avoiding it becoming that way. She had years and years of so many styles she had learned and competed in, she had a perfect answer for almost every move he came at her with. She broke his knee sideways, hard this time. This was to take away his mobility and balance. She broke his jaw on the right side to balance out the pain from his left eye socket. The second swing broke the cheekbone on the right side. She let him get close enough to give him hope. She did this to get a good hold on his left arm. It earned him an elbow bent the opposite way. With the offensive weapons reduced, she started in on the torso.

She had a blueprint in her mind of his intended injuries. She spent time studying the police photos and trauma description of Paige’s damage. She wanted the same pattern, turned up to eleven. She field goaled the ribs several times until he was gasping and vomiting blood. She stepped up the taunting as well. God did she hate bullies.

“I know your type. You’ve been a bully all your life. You’ve looked down on women and all those who don’t measure up to be a part of your ‘click’. You attacked me because I actually called you out on your bullshit.”

“You were all ‘how dare a woman do this to me!’ and shit. Well, you finally found one that won’t roll over and spread their legs in submission at your smile or your threats. You will now be the weak one, blind in one eye, crippled in movement, you will now reap what you created for so many.”

“You ‘victimized’ me. As I lay there with you kicking me, I swore I would be the last. Welcome to your new position in life. You knew I was your vengeance when I got into the van. That’s why you pissed yourself then. I was smelling it the whole drive. That’s how we knew you were going to try something; you had already pissed for the evening.”

Her words were punctuated with kicks. He had several broken ribs now. Trying to block swings earned him shattered fingers and wrist. He finally rolled over in the fetal position, just trying to avoid the blows. This was what she was waiting for. A very deliberately aimed kick struck the base of his spine where it joined the pelvis. She knew her blow was successful when his legs went limp. She leaned over closer to him.

“Welcome to your new life. You will be the helpless cripple, used and derided by all who see you. You were the ‘Badass Spec Ops Marine” who got his ass kicked and crippled by the little woman you couldn’t break.”

Her last kick was for the side of his head. She needed him unconscious for the next part.

He was out. She leaned down and checked a pulse. It was there. Good. She pulled out a small folded scrap of paper from a Ziploc baggie in her pocket. Opening it, she placed the small slip, no bigger than a thumbnail, under his tongue. She went to the door to get the others.


Senior Member
Dang that was a butt kicking, Its all about the training. He deserved that and more, but to add insult it was done by a woman.
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