Mainstream media watchdogs are toothless covering Obama and Libya scandal

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Mainstream media watchdogs are toothless covering Obama and Libya scandal
By Richard Benedetto
Published October 27, 2012


When Mitt Romney chose not to directly engage President Obama on Libya in last Monday’s third presidential debate, the mainstream media wrote it off as over-caution on the Republican challenger’s part.

That might be true. Certainly a lot of Republicans think so.

But what is the mainstream media’s excuse for cautiously engaging the president on Libya? Aren’t we supposed to be watchdogs? The ongoing story is story focused on whether the Obama administration provided, or refused to provide, adequate protection for the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya when it faced the threat of attack on Sept. 11. The attack left the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans dead. Subsequent conflicting accounts coming from the administration on how the White House responded, or didn’t respond, are tailor-made for a full-blown media feeding frenzy.

Yet, the so-called media watchdogs so far have been mostly toothless.

Case in point: On Friday, reported that it “learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by the CIA chain of command... -- who also told the CIA operators twice to "stand down" rather than help the ambassador's team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.”

That’s a very chilling story. And if correct, it could be very damaging to the President Obama’s re-election chances. But looking at the websites Friday of other major news outlets, the story is mostly ignored.

It was not picked up or reported by The New York Times. The Washington Post didn’t cover it either. Same for USA Today. Neither did NBC, CBS, CNN or ABC.

CNN had a link on its Website front page to a story that says “doubts surface” on whether claims of responsibility for the Benghazi attacks was the work of terrorists. The story mostly supports administration accounts and refutes Republican critics such as Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.)

NBC’s only Friday story on Libya said in its headline. “Libya Disappears from Romney Stump Speeches.”

CBS’s latest story on Libya had House Speaker John Boehner asking Obama for “answers” about the attacks.

On Thursday, the major media were loaded with stories and videos in which Defense Secretary Leon Panetta defended the administration saying that the US military did not respond to the attack because in did not have adequate “real-time information” to put American forces at risk. Not much follow-up on that.

Also on Thursday, NBC’s Brian Williams interviewed Obama on “Rock Center” asking him what can only be described as a “softball” question on Libya: "Have you been happy with the intelligence, especially in our post 9/11 world? The assessment of your intelligence community, as we stand here, is that it still was a spontaneous terrorist attack and were you happy with what you were able to learn as this unfolded?"

A tougher question might have been, “Why have the administration's explanations of what really happened, and how you responded, been all over the map?”

So what’s going on here? Are the media just protecting Obama at a critical time in this election campaign, or are they just not following the latest CIA story because they would have to give credit to Fox News?

Whatever the reason, it is not good watchdog journalism.

This article is part of our ongoing series of "bias alerts" which focuses on calling out bias in the media. For additional bias alerts click here.

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On TB every waking moment
O had some good luck, the Frankenstorm and some bad luck, the tsunami didn't wipe out Hawaii.

With those two together, the MSM would have had no time to look into BenghaziGate, and could have 'legitimately' ignored it. Maybe they can milk the Storm until Election Day, but a tsunami in Hawaii would have done it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thank Heavens we have alternative News sites , the internet now seems to have the fangs. I think I saw somewhere that Obamas job approval rating is dropping like a rock.
The only thing I can think of is more and more ppl are getting their news from the Web. It sure is not because the MSM is reporting the truth.

Either way, the old MSM is becoming more and more irrelevant........


Resident Spook
Not only would they have to give credit to Fox, they would have to give credit to Glenn Beck who has been chasing this story since the beginning. But the bottom line is that they don't want this story to gain traction with the sheeple prior to the election. Even though early voting is heavy, November 6th is the real day.


Veteran Member
This article lists the phone numbers for CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC.


by Ulsterman on October 28, 2012 with 9 Comments in News

If you are increasingly upset over the Mainstream Media’s refusal to honestly cover the Benghazi Massacre and cover-up in order to insulate Barack Obama and his failed administration from rightful blame, for the deaths of four Americans, I urge you now to let your feelings be known by those who control the networks. This process can begin today with your collective emails and phone calls specifically to COMCAST and NBC News. (Thank you to longtime UlstermanReport reader AmericaTheBeautiful for the idea) This contact information is now provided to you here. MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD AMERICA. LET THEM HEAR YOUR THUNDER.


COMCAST Brian L. Roberts CEO L. Roberts

NBC Phone (212) -664-3720

And if you wish to contact other news media, here is that information as well:

ABC Phone (212) 456-7777

CBS Phone (212) – 975-4321

CNN Phone (404) 827-1500


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I think 1)Romney is right to leave it alone, that way noone can dismiss it as politics. 2)The media won't be able to ignore it forever, too much information is coming out, a little at a time - hopefully a big whistle blower will speak up this week or week-end.

In my little corner of the world, I have been posting videos of news shows as they come out on my FB, a couple of friends have picked them up and shared. I'm sure there are 1000's like me so word will get out even if most of the media ignores it.