Low Grade Sinus Infection


Since 1999
DH swears he has a low grade sinus infection...and he thinks he's had it for months.

Snots up nasty green crap (sorry for being so graphic). Has an occasional sinus headache (mild). And occasionally has nasty bad breath that nothing will make go away.

Any cures?...he of course won't go to the Dr....no insurance, so we only drag in to the doc on our death bed.



Opinionated Granny
I use fenugreek to keep the exudate thin enough to drain off. It keeps the pressure down to help with the pain. I also use colloidal silver to kill the infection. The CS will also kill yeast/mold that might be causing a problem as well. A bowl of steaming water with a drop or 2 of tea tree oil for a steam treatment might make him feel a bit better, too. Just put a towel over his head to form a tent over the bowl to keep the steam in and breathe for 10 minutes or so.

Hope this helps. Hope your DH feels better



Veteran Member
I'm quite certain others will have knowledge of other helpful herbs and formulas but here is what I do when I have a low grade infection. And I sometimes get a low grade tonsillitis due to having had strep many times as a child (almost died from it). Anyway what I do other than the rest and vitamins (c, zinc, a&d, e) is to eat RAW garlic. Several good sized cloves a day--as much as your stomach will allow. I eat a bite of garlic with a bite of compatible food, sometimes just a bread and butter sandwich. One of my daughters eats hers with salsa and chips. The important thing is for it to be raw garlic and to chew or crush it thoroughtly so that the compounds in garlic can do their thing.


Garlic. I swear by garlic for infection!

Still... love the answers coming in on this thread. Please keep adding! You never know when a "tried and true" technique will become ineffective for a person. Sometimes germs just need an attack from a different side.


Opinionated Granny
I forgot to mention olive leaf. It works in a similar way to elderberry by stopping the reproduction of virii and bacteria. We finally used it for a horrible virus last year and got better after fighting it returning 4 times in 8 months. We encapsulate bulk olive leaf and take 3 capsules 3 times a day when sick.



Since 1999
Thanks for the info...I'll try to give him the garlic first. If that doesn't help I'll go to the Cololidal Silver.


Here is what I have done in the past for others.

The garlic is great.
On a hot wash cloth drop 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and make a hot pack over the sinus area. This will start the drainage.

Next snort salt water several times a day.

Im not sure how mushroom is using the fenugreek but I would make a tea, drink the tea and snort the tea when luke warm.

Up your vitamin C to 6000 mg daily. This helps combat the infection. But do also make the suggested steam bath for your face. Add the tea tree but also add the eucalyptus oil too. The eucalyptus is a good vasodilator and will start drainage.

Most important is the hot packing. You actually get the essential oil to absorb and breath in the vapor for the sinus infection. It helps with killing the infection. Hot packing also relieves the pain of a sinus infection or any injury.

The salt snort keeps the sinus open and helps remove and restore the sinus to its natural saline PH which will keep infection down.

Olive leaf is very good too. We use it in place of Goldenseal as Goldenseal is becoming over harvested in the wild and it needs a rest from harvesting.

Other herbs good for infection;
Pau De Arco
Yellow Dock
Red Clover blossom

Lastly in conjunction with all this the C-Silver you can spray or snort into the sinus to also kill infection.

Blessings as this is most painful.


Dumb question alert => Since the sinuses are part of the respiratory system, the remedies listed in this thread might work for pneumonia as well???


Opinionated Granny
Herbie, I take 2 capsules of fenugreek at each meal for my sugar management. The side affect is the clear sinuses. My DD used the same approach when she was flying and had the same results. She only had time to take them twice a day, tho. She only had allergy problems and not an infection.



Good deal Mushroom. I will remember that one. I use the fenugreek, about 1/4 tsp to my recipe for spegg sauce. It adds a really unusual flavor.

Trek. Not a dumb question at all. But and I say it depends. The sinus infection is a localized infection, meaning it only resides in the sinus. Now Pneumonia is an infection in the lungs. It does spread but not to the sinus cavities. See the difference?

Taking lung formulas while in the midst of a cold keeps the phlegm coming up and out. If it becomes stagnant in the lungs then one gets lung infections as well as pneumonia. That is the mother of all lung infections. There are steps we do during a cold, change herbs as needed and topical therapies as well as stem inhalers with essential oils. The whole trick is getting the evil stuff out of the body.

Most cold medications suppress. They hold stagnation. Stop that annoying coughing and such. Herbal medicine believes in coughing as it is the bodies natural method of removing the infection from the lungs. If we cough too much, we use herbs that coat and soothe the airways while the coughing continues. We use teas as the warm moist heat is soothing to the ariway tissues and heat creates movement while cold stangnates. Never drink cold fluids when sick. Warm is best.