Crochet Local Crochet Teacher in Spain Gets Class to Make a Giant Canopy for Shade


Certa Bonum Certamen
Not sure how it'll stand up to the bright sunshine, but WOW!

Local Crochet Teacher in Spain Gets Class to Make a Giant Canopy for Shade

Oct 21, 2021


Photograph by @myeyesshowmepictures on Instagram

Eva Pacheo, a local crochet teacher in the town of Alhaurín de la Torre, in Malaga, Spain, came up with a fun and colourful way to provide shade for the town’s main shopping corridor.. By creating a massive patchwork of crocheted tapestries and hanging them over the street.

According to Colossal, the city previously used a large and rather unsightly tarp to provide shade until Pacheo and more than a dozen of her students came up with a far prettier solution. The crocheted canopy now covers an area of nearly 500 square meters (5,380 sq ft).

A similar canopy can be found in the Spanish town of La Línea de la Concepción.







All that crochet work is pretty, but I doubt any yarn is made UV proof. I don't see how all that hard work can last more than one season there.

Now some nice big mats made by crocheting the synthetic baling twine would last a lot of years! And I think it comes in several colors, so it wouldn't be too boring, but even just one color would be more attractive than a big ugly tarp. I hope the supporting cords can stand up under the weight of what the local birds are likely to do to the whole canopy!

EDIT: Didn't mean to put down all that hard work and creativity. It really is a very pretty and well-done project.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
That IS very pretty but like Martinhouse said, I don't think it will be lasting very long if that is regular yarn.


If it's acrylic yarn you might be surprised!

My grandmother knitted me a complex sweater with braided cables when I was about 14. It was thick and warm and beautiful, and I loved it and wore it for years. Our house burned when I was 21, and we hauled most of the debris back to a ravine on our farm. SEVEN YEARS later, I discovered the sweater in a pile in the ravine, and was surprised to see it was still intact, despite 7 years of weathering. I brought it home and washed it... it didn't look new, but it was in amazingly good shape!



Certa Bonum Certamen
It’s transient - not long term at all - I know, but completely delightful! Love it!

That's part of the beauty of some art forms... the transient nature of it.

Like the beauty of each of our seasons fade, so do many art forms.

The fragrance of blossoms fade, as does perfume, and indeed the sometimes brilliant colors of the blossoms themselves fade... so best to appreciate things for what they are, when they are.

I saw this article and immediately thought of the French phrase, Joie de vivre

"Joie de vivre ; "joy of living") is a French phrase often used in English to express a cheerful enjoyment of life, an exultation of spirit."
