FOOD Kombucha question


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Should one adjust to kombucha slowly? My tummy got a bit weird the day after I first tried kombucha. Nothing terrible (and perhaps not even related), but I am trying a smaller amount now. Just wondering if it is customary to start in slow.


Veteran Member
I've spent the last few months working on that perfect scoby and am about to start some second fermentation bottles. I've done this several times over the years and my biggest issue is adjusting the taste. By that I mean, it's kind of harsh to me when starting a new scoby and mellows with subsequent batches. While I never have any tummy issues, I think it's better to start out small and gradually increase the amount you drink. When I finally hit that sweet spot with the taste, it's hard to start out slowly.

Edited to add....if you have trouble drinking it as is, mix it half and half with ginger ale at first.


Veteran Member
That stuff...somebody offered me a small glass once. One sip - tasted like warmed-over vomit. Never again.

Side effects? Your body is trying to tell you something. Don't go there.
LOL. I am guessing you didn't get a very good brand.


Veteran Member
If you get to drinking too much kombucha, it can acidify your body and cause breathing issues temporarily.

Its good but too much isnt.

We use to make our own but stopped and just buy some occasionally.


Veteran Member
The last two batches of my kombucha were sweeter than usual. Yuk!
I make it the same every time. The scoby’s are healthy.