Kerry Says Nuclear Threat Worse


Bucktoothed feline member
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John Kerry says the US is at a greater risk of nuclear terror despite President Bush's assertions to the contrary.

The Democratic presidential hopeful says in the two years after September Eleventh, less nuclear material was safeguarded than in the two years before the attacks. And he says North Korea has grown more dangerous today than it was before Bush took office.

Kerry spoke to reporters in Boston shortly after Bush spoke at
the Oak Ridge nuclear weapons lab in Tennessee.

Bush was highlighting the Libyan nuclear equipment housed there.
It was turned over to America after Moammar Gadhafi agreed to scrap his weapons programs. Bush says rogue states have gotten the
message: America will use its power to stop the spread of weapons of mass murder.

But Kerry says the facts on weapons proliferation "speak for
themselves." And he says Americans want "real results, not
