karate bird


Truth Seeker
A guy goes into the pet store and says he's looking for something exotic. Store owner says he has the perfect thing. Points to a little bird sitting prettily on a perch and says that is a Karate bird for $10,000.

"Okay" says the customer, "Sure, I see the feathers give him the look, with a nice little Karate outfit and even a cute little black belt. But come on man how is he worth $10,000?"

"Well," says the store owner,"You see that 2 inch solid wood crate over there? Just watch."
"Karate bird, Crate!"
The karate bird leaps off his perch, circles the crate and then screams "Hi - Yah" and chops the crate into splinters.

"Perfect! I'll take it!" says the customer. "I can't wait to get this home and when I tell the wife that I spent $10,000 on a karate bird she'll immediately say You idiot Karate bird my ass!"