Is there something one can use for generic air filter for small engines?

Worrier King

5 different motors require 5 different types/sizes of air filters.

Obviously it has to fit snug to keep dust/dirt and junk from getting into carb, but is there some type of generic material I could just cut to shape that would work well as a air filter on all of them? Seems like it would be cheaper also.

Worrier King

plain o joe said:
got a wife or SO? Pantyhose, or nylon socks

Will Those work OK, That would be a simple solution. Any chance they will melt? Would I have to wad them up or layer them? Thanks for that idea...


Membership Revoked
I heard they use pantyhose in the volcano regions to keep the particles out of their engines in case of an erruption.

So, yes, I think it should work.

tsk, tsk...:wvflg:

'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked
My honda cut saw has a filter with a foam outer covering, that became missing one day, so I used an old nylon sock, placed around the metal filter .

You wanna figure a way to keep the nylon from being sucked into the carb, and not wadding it up too much so air can't get thru.


Veteran Member
Foam rubber padding

many of the small motor air filters are that all ready, and as noted many times outer pre filters are made of them as well,

most have directions to put a few squirts of oil on the foam and squeeze it out and install.

the other possibility is to replace with a oil bath air filter, pre 70's that was the standard, (I have one on my truck, generator, tractor, a few small motors),

they have a reservoir of oil and a filter medium that is saturated with oil, and it does a very good job of filtering the air, they can be messy


Membership Revoked
You can stick the intake hose in a can of oil, tied in place with wire. If the motor is not on a vehicle, it can be that simple. For a vehicle you might want to get an air bath filter at a junk yard so it can be mounted more securely.

north runner

Membership Revoked
The foam filters on most small engines I've seen usually last the life of the equipment with a little washing now and then. Unless you've got very dirty environment. It doesn't seem worth it to improvise when the originals are so good. Ymmv