[INTL] 'ULTRA' Far Right?


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One of the biggest unions in Ontario, our most populous province wants province wide strikes & economic disruption to protest our curent gummint's 'ulta' far right policies. Uh huh. We're talking a gummint that is conservative, is cutting taxes, trying to force accountability in education, etc. Have they made some mistakes? Sure. Would I vote fofr them again? Tomorrow..


Well they must be doing something right to come under attack. Can't be the commies doing it though, the cold war is over, dontcha know?

Funny thing is that Hitlery was saying the same thing about the new administration just the other day. Funny how great thinkers say the same things. duh.



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Best gummint we've had in ages. We had years of Liberal gummints & the defecit went up & up... Then folks got sick of the Liberals & elected something called the New Democratic Party. Any party with the word 'democratic' in it, isn't. It was a farce. They were hoping to make opposition, not gummint & were completely unprepared.

We had, get this, NDP candidates who'd been on welfare suddenly getting into Cabinet. They darn near trashed the province. Debt ballooned & gross incompetency was the order of the day.

The public revolted. The current gummint promised tax cuts, big ones & a much needed cleaning up of welfare & other social policies. They're delivering. We just had another 10% provincial tax cut. Welfare was tightened up, business axes are also dropping & schools are now doing mandatory testing in third, sixth & ninth, tenth grades. Results have been so bad, the province is now bringing in mandatory testing in ALL grades. Ya don't pass, you don't move up. But oh man, are the teachers ever screeching. Tough.

If the unions aren't happy, too bad. Nobody owes anybody else a living & cradle to grave security makes you fat, dumb & blind. A little struggle never hurt anyone.

Has this gummint made mistakes? Sure; who doesn't. NO sane person expects perfection. But it sure beats tax & spend.