In God We All Trust, Presidents Trump and Putin

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
WOW! Can't believe Russia did this. Don't know if I'd be as gushing as LC is, but still a nice gesture.

Fair use

Friday, January 20, 2017
In God We All Trust, Presidents Trump and Putin


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a very complimentary gesture, the Russian Arms Foundry of Art Grani, has minted 20 precious metal coins of gold and silver to commemorate the Inauguration of President Donald Trump.

The silver coins weigh 1 kilogram of silver, and the company announces it is sending one of this limited set personally to President Trump, as the inscription reads, "IN TRUMP WE TRUST".

In the balance of things of Norwegian fake Nobel Prizes with a million dollar fraud bonus to Birther Barack Obama compared to a heartfelt gift of precious metal to President Donald Trump from an entire Russian People, carries far more weight and will be a step toward real peace between Russia and the United States.

A thank you to the kindness of the Russian people from the Lame Cherry for President Donald John Trump.

God bless us everyone. IN GOD WE ALL TRUST for President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump.

Here's the official article


On TB every waking moment
Any gifts to an elected official of any significant value are the legal property of the American people.

Even so, it is a very nice gesture.