MSM I’m Horrified by My Kid’s Obsession With Toy Guns. What to Do?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
It is almost impossible to find cap guns these days. And if you can find the guns, you can't find the ribbon ammo that goes with them. They have this next to useless plastic guns with red rings you can "pop" but I remember when you could load a cap gun with a brand new paper red roll and if you knew what you were doing it was a long time before you had to "reload". LOL

I taught my brother the right way to load a cap gun. I'm also the one that taught him you could take a roll and a magnifying glass on a sunny day and really have some fun. Hey, what's a big sister for? I also pulled him for miles in his red rider wagon so long as he didn't fuss about Barbie and Ken coming along. We dug holes to China and dined on mud pies. We still grew up to be almost polar opposites in some ways but we still laugh about the "wagon train" and "cap gun" days.
I used to take entire rolls of caps, set them on the side walk and smash with a big stone. I ruined the sidewalk across the street doing this. Then I found out about pop can cannons. Mapgas and gasoline worked wonders to propel tennis balls a few streets over, lol.


Let's Go Brandon!
Sorry... forgot what stone cold killers we have here....

View attachment 472622

Oh, that's just the army. Remember who any would-be conqueror would actually have to fight.


Not to mention


Oh, yeah, and these guys.



Veteran Member
Seems like a certain type of culture that was introduced into the mainstream had disastrous effects.

Same said culture is spreading its filth everywhere...

Anyone know if curves offers twerking classes?


Veteran Member
We used to play army, cowboys and indians with our Daisy BB guns. They would sting real good. We would get our butts beat for little whelps where the BB hit bare skin. The bare skin was the Indians of course.
We would do it do it all over again. The fun was worth the butt whipping. The whipping was way worse than the BBs.


passin' thru
I'm horrified I'm t urning into one o' those ole farts that is horrified by the misuse of language- but the culture's new love affair with the word "obsessed" is annoying me :eek:


Veteran Member
We keep our grandkids overnight once or twice a month. I had nerf guns and nerf swords in a toy box here by the time they were three or four. Now they are ages 9 to 11. They still play with them sometimes.

Lots of loud, happy times here with them.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart

What to Do?​

Take him down and sign him up to the Marine Corps Devil Pup and Young Marines programs. That'll knock the sissy pants crap out of him!!
:sal: Oooo RAH!!


It was my reality, when as a 10 year old I got my first rifle. An old over and under 22- 410 brake down. Salvage, IIRC.

My mother and the full blooded Cherokee where dating at the time. And he put me in the back of his old Chevy with the rifle resting on the cab of his old truck. As we hunted rabbit by the head lights. And said, this is what that rifle is for! If you aim, and aim to kill that jack rabbit!

If its a running shoot it with the 4-10, if its still moving, shoot it with the 22 in the head!

And just like he said, I had to do the deed! Then we skinned it and cooked it and eat it. It didn't take but a few rabbit hunting trips, to realize, the 4-10 was a silly waste of ammo and shooting the rabbit in the head right off the back was way more efficient!

Then years later, I was being bullied, and oh, how I would of loved to of just shoot my bully. BUT I didn't want to eat him!

It's about mind set!

Give the kids and women the rifle! Teach them how to aim small! And the value of life! Then all good things fall into place.



Veteran Member
We took a piece of 2 x 4 lumber, put in in my Dad bench vise, and with a course rasp file, made a very serviceable rifle stock. Strap on a piece of pipe, and fashion a locking bolt of somekind, and you had a functional gun that shot China Berries very well with a single Black Cat firecracker. Stung like hell when hit in the back. We banned the use of acorns pretty quick.


Veteran Member
That was MY MOM! When I was a kid, I couldn't even have a cap gun. Nothing!
Mom lived alone down in Flagler County FL. After dad passed, I got her to get her concealed carry. She took lessons, as one of her students husband(Mom taught quilting) was an instructor. She went shooting every week for 2 years. Loved to go.

I was proud of "Pistol packin' Pat!"
These are cases of overly sensitive females trying to get their male children to think the same way they do. If males are allowed to be males, they will never think like a female--and that's okay. Many women out there need to learn to understand this, and call up their girlfriends if they need someone to talk the "feelz" with, not try to force their feminine mindsets on men.


Veteran Member
I close my eyes and can still see my little brother dressed in his cowboy outfit with his toy cap guns.
I also watch my neighbors not allowing their kids out of the house by themselves. I wonder what kind of adults they will grow into. They don't seem to have a problem letting them play video games though.


Veteran Member
These are cases of overly sensitive females trying to get their male children to think the same way they do. If males are allowed to be males, they will never think like a female--and that's okay. Many women out there need to learn to understand this, and call up their girlfriends if they need someone to talk the "feelz" with, not try to force their feminine mindsets on men.
This. Its not a new thing for this day and time. Been happening since man began I suspect.

My mother was very overprotective.
My dad died when I was 8. She had never even let me go go fishing with him. Said she was afraid I would drown. After he died she became worse in the over protective department. I rebelled big time but not in the way most kids rebel. I was tired of being poor with nothing being done about it. For a long long time, even after I was long grown, I resented her for being that way. I refused to let her hold me down.

First deer on the table was from sitting in the apple tree beside the pea patch from light of the outdoor security light we had in our yard across the road, with apples rubbed all over me for cover scent. I learned alot from Fur Fish and Game magazines. Learned the nighttime hunting stuff from my cousins and Uncle. We never wanted for meat again.

She was asleep. Scared the crap out of her when the shot went off. I was tired of eating peas and corn bread all the time. We couldnt really afford meat. I did not get a whipping for that one. My getting a whipping days were over.
She used to drag me around to every funeral of anybody she knew or had known and make me view the body in the casket.
And say “dont ,he or she, look peaceful?”
Last whipping I got was when I said “No they dont, the mortician makes them look that way on purpose”.
“You’re gonna learn control your mouth young man”
I was being honest not disrespectful.

Anyway, not bashing my mother here, she meant well, but life had to change at that point and I was the one that had to change it.
Her being over protective just pushed me harder the break the chains she was trying to hold me down with.

I think a lot of mothers are influenced by society to be over protective.The mother in the OP is mostly likely just brainwashed by the anti gun culture brewing in the pussified society we now live in. She lacks the mental acuity and strength to see things for what they are. She is like so many in this now failing nation. She lets MSM tell her what to think.
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Veteran Member
You can still buy rolls of caps at Bass Pro.

Assuming they're in stock..

A LOT of black powder enthusiasts buy them to create their own percussion caps.

Percussion caps have been almost completely unavailable for the past 2-3 years.

And when I go to Bass Pro.. I immediately go to the toy section...


Veteran Member
This. Its not a new thing for this day and time. Been happening since man began I suspect.

My mother was very overprotective.
My dad died when I was 8. She had never even let me go go fishing with him. Said she was afraid I would drown. After he died she became worse in the over protective department. I rebelled big time but not in the way most kids rebel. I was tired of being poor with nothing being done about it. For a long long time, even after I was long grown, I resented her for being that way. I refused to let her hold me down.

First deer on the table was from sitting in the apple tree beside the pea patch from light of the outdoor security light we had in our yard across the road, with apples rubbed all over me for cover scent. I learned alot from Fur Fish and Game magazines. Learned the nighttime hunting stuff from my cousins and Uncle. We never wanted for meat again.

She was asleep. Scared the crap out of her when the shot went off. I was tired of eating peas and corn bread all the time. We couldnt really afford meat. I did not get a whipping for that one. My getting a whipping days were over.
She used to drag me around to every funeral of anybody she knew or had known and make me view the body in the casket.
And say “dont ,he or she, look peaceful?”
Last whipping I got was when I said “No they dont, the mortician makes them look that way on purpose”.
“You’re gonna learn control your mouth young man”
I was being honest not disrespectful.

Anyway, not bashing my mother here, she meant well, but life had to change at that point and I was the one that had to change it.
Her being over protective just pushed me harder the break the chains she was trying to hold me down with.

I think a lot of mothers are influenced by society to be over protective.The mother in the OP is mostly likely just brainwashed by the anti gun culture brewing in the pussified society we now live in. She lacks the mental acuity and strength to see things for what they are. She is like so many in this now failing nation. She lets MSM tell her what to think.
Good on you that you took your life into your own hands. Some men who are raised by overprotective mothers never get over it, and just absorb her ideas into themselves. Unfortunately, my husband is one such man; he means well, but the kids are going to be little bundles of anxiety and fear if we do things the way he learned growing up. Dad is supposed to be the one who teaches the kids that it's good to take some risk and make mistakes--that's how we learn.


Contributing Member
Meanwhile I'm over here explaining to my daughter why trapping a 5ft cane break rattler is a bad idea lol! She put a bucket over the snake and wanted me to come see it. Imagine my surprise, and the color of my underwear when I tipped the bucket over ...... 11 rattles and a button. How can 1 be proud and upset at the same time.....