I need help with congestion


I have had this crud since Dec 20th.

My sinuses are plugged. No headache, but my ears are plugged solid, and I can't hear worth a darn. I am uncomfortable sleeping, as my sinuses will let loose, and I wake up coughing and choking. No congestion in my chest(thank God). I need to have tubes in my ears, but this is impossible until I get my "day job" with insurance.

Went to the doctor on Dec 23. Prescribed antibiotics (Z-pack) which I faithfully took. Also a decongestant - phenylephrine. I have taken most of them.

Without overlapping meds, I have also tried two nights of NyQuil, and with a day "off" am now trying Claritin-D (12 hr).

I have also had my vaporizer running every night. Last night DH added 1/2 teaspoon of tea tree oil to it.

I am sick of being sick! Can anyone help? Last year this time, I actually ruptured an eardrum with this same crud. I remember the pain well, and I don't want to go through this again. Scares me to death!


Contributing Member
Ocean nasal wash, buy the store equivalent. It's salt water. Rinses out crud and dries the tissue in there for a while. Innocuous if perhaps unpleasant at first. Be gentle if you've blown an eardrum. There's a lot of stuff going around that just won't let go it seems. Feel better.

fruit loop

Tree oil

Make sure you're not allergic to this. Lots of folks are.

Ask the doc for a cortisone nose spray. This might help with the ear congestion.


Docs have recommended a steriod nose spray. With insurance, it costs $64.00/bottle. supposed to help keep the eustacean tubes open.

I have a saline nose spray, it seems pretty ineffective. I can breathe through one nostril at a time, but not both. I can live with that, I just need the darn ear plugs to go away.


Fruit Loop,

Where are you getting your information? I haven't run into anyone allergic to Tea Tree oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia) so far. I'm sure it's possible, but never heard of it being a common allergy.



I hope your feeling better soon. You are already doing everything I would have done, so I don't know what to suggest. Just sending you wishes of improved health soon.


Thanks Trek,

It just gets so annoying not being to hear clearly.

I know I'm not allergic to Tea Tree Oil. I've had these symptoms for almost 3 weeks now, and last night was the first night with the TTO.


I give up.
Sorry you're not feeling well, Wasabell. You might want to try NasalCrom, it's what the folks around here use, me included. Keeps my sinuses very dry. You only need one spray in each nostril in the morning and one at night. I had never heard of it before, but have been told it's generally available in pharmacies all over. Maybe you can look them up online: Pharmacia Consumer Healthcare, Peapack, NJ 07977, or call toll free 1-877-925-5374. I hear it used to be prescription and is most useful for allergies, but believe me with my sinuses it really helps. I have never known such relief!

Good luck.



I would advise drinking hot liquids -- tea, chicken soup, whatever. That will help the sinus area, and I think it should help the eustachian tube as well? In any case, it can't hurt, doesn't really cost anything, and it won't conflict with your medication.

Also, apply heat (hot washcloth, heating pad, whatever -- I use hot water in a rubber ice bag because it's not stiff) to the sinus area and also perhaps ear area and throat under the ears. Again, I don't think this can hurt, it's pretty near free, and it won't conflict with your medication.


You might try elecampane tincture. You can take it internally or snort the tea. It is a drying herb especially good for excess phlegm. Other herbs that move phelgm out of the body are coltsfoot, eucalyptus tea. You can also put a little peppermint and tea tree oil in hot water and make a tent to open nasal passages. Some chinese essential oils with wintergreen do the same thing.

Stop eating foods that create phlegm like milk, cheeze, white breads, gooey foods. Reducing the intake of these foods will help with the congestion.

Making nasal hot packs to put over the nose and sinus will help move phlegm along. Stop using any scented cleaning items in the house as well as scented shampoos, soaps and perfumes will help.

Try eating a little horseraddish each day. This food also moves mucous along and drys the excess mucous.

Try a really bland diet for a while and see if there is a difference. Look for a digestive aid like full spectrum enzymes and bitters. They also help with digestion to not let foods accumulate in the gut causing more mucous.


Thank you all for your responses. I am sorry it took so long to respond, but I had to work all weekend.

I am still plugged up, but only in one ear today!:D

The Claritin-D seems to be working better than anything else I've tried. I did add some Vicks to the vaporizer, too. The house reeks of it right now, but I can get it aired out today.

I've been using the saline nose spray, too.

Herbie, as far as the mucus... we dont eat a lot of dairy for that reason anway, but I didn't know about the horseradish. I love horseradish, so I'll just start eating it more often now. And I'll start drinking peppermint tea (breathing the steam too):D

Thanks again, folks.

NC Susan

ER Doctor here said it was "Infectious Sinusitis", would take weeks to overcome.

Have known a dozen folks on prescriptions, but only time seems to heal.

Use alot of garlic, Chicken Broth, Cayenne Pepper Tea, Sleep in a COLD bedroom, and stay away from prescription drugs which damage your natural immune system.



My ears are finally starting to "pop" today. I am still plugged, but am hearing much better.

Cold bedroom, vaporizer (with Vicks), Claritin-D, peppermint tea, my regular vitamins plus chopped up fresh garlic. Oh.....and time. And patience....

Thanks folks.
