ENVR Hybrids: Diet cola.


The Hybrid vehicle: The diet cola of saving the world.

So I drive a H3. Yes, I know I’m an evil, evil man who should be shunned (and if some had their way, stoned or attacked with organically feed dogs). As the price of gas increases so do the unabashed looks of disgust and sneers. Little do most know that my H3 get’s (and yes I checked it) 17 in city/hwy driving and 20 on the highway (at 65-70 mph), but I digress, this isn’t about the maligned Hummer.

Now I have absolutely no problem with people wanting to conserve energy or even save some money. I would be happy as a clam if my H3 got 30+ Mpg, but you know what? It doesn’t and that’s ok too. I buy what I like, as all Americans should. So far, we are still a free country with the choice to buy what we like. I did realize something just the other day though…

Hybrids are the diet cola’s of saving the world.

What? What on God’s green earth could he ever mean? Let me tell you.. since you asked.

You see there are many aspects to our lives and the energy, and resources we consume. The ideology behind the hybrid, and to be sure, behind the whole green cult..um.. philosophy is that we, as individuals have to do our part to conserve energy and resources so that there are both more for future generations, and of course more for the less fortunate among us, especially in "3rd" world or lesser developed nations. So, let me ask. How many hybrid drivers have plasma or LCD TV’s, two or more computers, bottled water in their refrigerator, multiple powered lawn devices, or even *gasp* a cabin "up north" or summer home?

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My thoughts exactly ;)


Contributing Member
I'll admit to having a few of those things. Wife can't live without San Pelligrino but for the most part we do live green. Our house is constructed of earthbag and strawbale and we have solar power. I think the worst thing we do is drive 45 minutes to go to Whole Foods to shop. But while we drive 45 minutes we also never drive over 55 mph. Everyone makes their choices and I would never assume to make someone elses choices for them (now wife might differ there!) Most people buy hybrids because they are now a status symbol,not for the right reason, we did so for the right reason. It would've been cheaper to buy another vehicle even when gas is factored in but we have kids and as bad as this world is I want something left for them. Everyone wants to blame someone else for gas prices and the economy and no one wants to take personal responsibility. If you are okay with driving what you drive then I can't judge you and no one else should. It is only the ones that drive the Hummers and I have to hear whine about how much it cost to fill up that I have a problem with. I hear a lot of whining around here because there are a lot of Hummers and Land Rovers not to mention other SUVs. I fillup about once a month and I average around 65mpg with hypermiling. I ride a vanpool to work which I don't pay for but get paid extra to ride. I can't beat that. Yeah, I could afford a Hummer or a Land Rover but I would rather spend that extra money on PMs or guns.

I don't think any people that are living green for the right reasons judge others for what they drive as long as they don't run them off the road going 90mph or don't whine about gas prices. If the price of gas bothers you I say get a more economical vehicle.