Climate Harvey Garden


Veteran Member
Thank you Huricane Harvey.

My garden was pretty much completely destroyed. Time to plant anew...

...but my chickens (only 2) survived.


Veteran Member
I'm sorry about your garden being ruined. I know you probably put a lot of time and effort into it. We are hurricane haters, here in south Alabama.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Sorry about your garden, all that hard work gone. What kind of shape did the flood leave your garden soil in, any contamination?

I'm in west Ga. and winter gardens do very well here, hope you can get one in this year.

There is never a good time to have a stroke, but mine happened at planting time this fall. A friend put in some collard plants for me and I'm going to try to plant some carrot seed and turnips this weekend. Usually everything is in and growing by now.

All things considered though I'm grateful that a garden is even a concern this year.


Neither here nor there.
Just saw this now, sorry to hear about your garden. NC Susan posted an October garden planting guide here in the Garden room, hopefully it will benefit you and your future gardening endeavors.