[food] Hibachi baked brownies for a Father's Day treat!


Well I'm still at it, trying to perfect baking techniques on our little cast iron

Today after grilling a nice sirloin steak, I tried to bake brownies. Used a mix again. Betty Crocker's Brownie Mix (Smart Size). Just add an egg and some oil. Used both a cast iron pan and a muffin baking pan. Turned out pretty well. They did not rise very high, but were tasty. More chewy than cake-like. Wish I had added nuts, but wanted to try this method at least one time before using nuts. (Didn't want to waste the nuts if the brownies turned out to be a real disaster.)

However, this past Monday night I tried baking a pan of pre-made Pillsbury brownies on the hibachi. (All you have to do is bake 'em.) Well tropical storm Allison had just torn through our neighborhood leaving a huge oak tree limb deposited in and on our roof. And moments after the impact, we lost power when a neighbor was hit, and their tree fell on a power pole. We didn't have electricity for hours.

Well, I'd planned to grill dinner anyway...so no problem there, but it was so dark when I put the brownies on that later I couldn't really see that they were burned on the bottom. (LOL) After removing the downed limb with his chain saw and repairing the damaged roof, poor hubby ate his anyway. The tops were good, it was just that the bottoms were black! (My vision isn't the greatest anyway, and it's worse in darkly-lit conditions.)

So guess I'll add some Betty Crocker brownies to our stash. They could end up being a really good comfort food.
