Misc Flower essence therapy


Veteran Member
This is partially in response to FairWillow's 'How are you feeling?' thread. I have found flower essences (FE) very helpful. Bear with me - I was also very skeptical.

Flower essences were developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach. It was inspired by his work in homeopathy. FEs are infusions of flowers preserved with brandy and highly diluted.

For those of you that don't know me, I have been a nurse for decades. I decided to go to herb school to expand my knowledge into more natural therapies and because I had become quite cynical toward Western medicine. I believe Western medicine is great for heart attacks and broken bones, but we're not great at chronic conditions. I live with a foot in each world, I guess. Any how - I went to school in Boulder. Yeah, that one. I graduated last year with certificates in clinical herbalism, clinical nutrition, and flower essence practice. Herb school is very hippie, but with lots of great botany and chemistry instructors as well. Herbs I can understand. Plants have certain constituents or chemicals that work in certain ways. The logical person in me can understand that. So when we learned about flower essences, I was less than enthused. To say I didn't believe in their effects would be an understatement.

Flower essences work on an energetic or vibrational level. They work to break up blockages in energetic flow. Several examples illustrate this a little better: Think of how you feel when a favorite song comes on -- your head starts to bob, or your foot taps. You start to hum or sing along or dance. It changes your mood. Another example would be lithotripsy - the procedure to break up kidney stones. In lithotripsy, energetic waves are passed thru the body (while you're in a tub of water) to break up the stones into pieces that can pass. FEs work to break up those type of blockages to allow emotions to pass thru and not get stuck.

The first lesson was in an afternoon, and I was really hoping to leave early. Boulder traffic is a nightmare. The instructor didn't tell us what the FE was for, just had us take it. I took it and sat quietly, going over my list of errands in my head. Suddenly I remember thinking, "If she doesn't start talking soon, I"m going to fall asleep." That list was still there, but way in the back and quiet, if you know what I mean. The FE we had taken was White Chestnut (for circular thoughts that interfere with work or pleasure. Useful at bedtime or when trying to meditate). I put this off as coincidence. I later had several other instances that made me more open to the idea that FE might work.

My second year at school, I worked with FE weekly. This work was really profound for me and made me a believer in their efficacy for mental and emotional distress. There are as many FEs out there as there are flowers. I use the FEs from the Flower Essence Society as these have been tested and evaluated by experienced practitioners, but Peralandra and Mimi Camp are other great resources. FE are essentially water. They can be used with animals, children, or elders without problems. If the 'wrong' FE is used (one that is not particularly indicated for that individual), nothing changes. The correct formula can be life-changing. People use FE formulas for a couple weeks or years. Right now, I am using one containing Gorse (for hopelessness), Sweet Chestnut (for great despair) and Rock Water (for rigidity in one's personality). I've found it helpful with all that is going on in my world (I work in an ER in a large COVID area and well.... riots are everywhere it seems).

You can buy FEs at most health food stores. The ones sold there are 27% brandy and taste like it. Standard dosing is 4 drops (not dropperfuls) 4 times a day, but it can be used more often if needed. I would suggest Rescue Remedy to anyone that is feeling badly stressed. RR is also called 5 Flower. I make my own with much lower alcohol content. I will put a thread in the Barter area if anyone is interested in buying from me, or talking to me about a personalized formula. If you have questions, please ask.


Veteran Member
Extremely interesting. I've had a free sample of an essence tucked into orders from suppliers in the past and I had no idea what they were for. The had little to no scent and no explanations on my invoice. Now I understand.

From what you are saying, I assume you ingest them by the drop?


Veteran Member
I decided to try to write a bit about each of Bach's essences as I have time. I choose essences for clients while talking to them, then have them handle the bottles to see if they feel a pull energetically. It surprises me that this type of thing has come up in several threads on TB that I've been reading. So today, I went to my apothecary to pull essences and ended up pulling 2. Don't know why, but energetically they seem to be the right ones.

Flower essences have indications, but also positive and negative qualities. I will try to note them below. And for those that might say 'it's all in your head' or any effects are placebo... well, ya know, if it works, who am I to say there's not something there.

So here goes: introducing Oak and Sweet Chestnut.

Bach states that Oak is for 'those who are struggling and fighting strongly to get well or in connection with the affairs of their daily life. They will go on trying one thing after another, though their case may seem hopeless. They will fight on .. they are discontented with themselves if illness interferes with their duties or helping others. They are brave people, fighting against great difficulties, without loss of hope or effort.'

Oak is for those people that just don't know when to quit: they work on their days off, they almost always go the extra mile. The mom/dad that hasn't had a vacation in years - because they have work to do. People in a negative Oak state set very high expectations for themselves, to the point of sacrificing their health and peace to meet them. The essence can bring strength to that, or softness to that. When I work with FE, it seems most have the ability to enhance the emotional state or lessen it.

I used Oak FE for 2 weeks while in school, and this is what I wrote about it. I feel it explains my experience with it quite well:

This second week has been challenging: 4 twelve hour shifts (that ended up being 14 hours) in a row dealing with difficult patients, difficult administrators, and feeling like my house was falling apart. There were several times when I pictured myself standing with my back to a tall strong oak. I could rest against the trunk and let the detritus of life swirl around me. I could rest against it without falling down or falling apart.

I thought a lot about oak as a wood. It’s preferred for furniture over pine and aspen due to its strength and straight grain. It’s the premium firewood: it burns slow and with an even heat. There were some other thoughts about how energy isn’t destroyed, it is just changed into another form that floated thru my head. I felt oak allowed me to stand with strength I didn’t know I had. It allowed me to give up my energy to my patients and my family with a consistency I haven’t had in a while. This was a key moment for me: I don’t have to give it everything, go sixty miles an hour nonstop in my personal and professional life. I can slow down and still get to where I need to be. I can ‘burn’ at an even rate and temperature (or temperament!) Through some experiences with other people, I felt I allowed myself to be vulnerable, yet I still felt safe – like I could show how lovely my ‘grain’ was without allowing anyone to ‘carve’ into me.

Sweet Chestnut
Bach lists Sweet Chestnut in the same category as Oak - for despondency or despair. "For those moments which happen to some people when the anguish is so great as to seem to be unbearable. When the mind or body feels as if it had borne to the uttermost limit of its endurance, and that now it must give way. When it seems there is nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face."

Sweet Chestnut is for pronounced despair, for 'the dark night of the soul', for feelings of being desperately alone or abandoned. The blocked or negative state is one where you just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore. You're spiritually exhausted. One of the sources I use phrases the effects of Sweet Chestnut in a really lovely way: "God's help is near when need is greatest." This FE helps us to say, "Thy will be done." (something I have been saying and praying a lot recently). It helps us to view a crisis as a motivation for change.

I have not used this as a simple (by itself), but in a formula with other FEs. That particular combination was almost like a Rescue Remedy for me.

Please let me know if you think this is helpful. If so, I will try to continue to post a bit on each of Bach's essences or maybe some others.


Veteran Member
I'm posting this weeks' FEs early as it will be a really busy week for me.

Again, I went to my apothecary with a certain FE in mind, and then chose energetically and got something different. Once again, I was drawn to two.... but I don't think it will always be that way. This week's essences are Vine and White Chestnut.

Bach's definition: "Very capable people, certain of their own ability, confident of success. Being so assured, they think that it would be for the benefit of others if they could be persuaded to do things as they themselves do, or as they are certain is right Even in illness they will direct their attendants They may be of great value in emergency."

Sadly, I think that few people that need this essence can see the need initially for it. They are always right. There is no need for discussion. They cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them (gosh, this sounds so like the news these days!). Women often express the negative state a little more subtly with looks or a heavy sigh or gestures to indicate their imperious desire to be obeyed, even if it's just in the correct way to load the dishwasher. I have this mental picture of a vine choking the life out of other plants around it, bending them to its will. If a person in a negative Vine state can just get over themselves, they are actually very good leaders. They have the potential to lead from a serving position rather than a domineering one.

I personally have only used this FE in combination with others. Most of the vining flower essences seem to indicate the inability to let go or release something. I can see where this essences would help with 'letting go' of situations or habits that have become so ingrained you cannot see that you are strangling others with the need to be 'right'. I think this would be helpful to children (and adults) that have bullying behaviors.

Vine has many attributes like confidence, selfless service, and recognizing the priceless individuality of others when in a positive state.

White Chestnut
"For those who cannot prevent thoughts, ideas, arguments which they do not desire from entering their minds. Usually at such times when the interest of the moment is not strong enough to keep the mind full. Thoughts which worry and will remain, or if for a time thrown out , will return. They seem to circle round and round and cause mental torture. The presence of such unpleasant thoughts drives out peace and interferes with being able to think only of the work or pleasure of the day." Edward Bach

White Chestnut was the first FE I ever tried. I put off its effects as coincidence.... until I had repeated experiences with it. This essence is probably one of the most frequently used, other than Rescue Remedy. It has a place on the insomniac's nightstand or the environment of those that meditate. It's great for postponing the thoughts of that last argument with your spouse, or the harsh words that are repeating in your head. The worries and concerns of today are gently placed in the back corner of your mind and peace flows thru instead. For those of us that struggle with reliving our day and over-analyzing what we've done and said, White Chestnut can help slow down or stop the circular thought patterns that don't allow us to relax fully. This essence can help keep you in the present moment.

That being said, most people that I have spoken with do NOT take WC and immediately go to sleep. I've found that it works best in combination with other FEs, but that it does truly help stop the mental merry-go-round.

I welcome any feedback or suggestions. If there is something you would like me to address here, please let me know.


Veteran Member
I dont know for sure, but I'll check around. The only serious complication I've heard with FE is when someone made an essence of poison hemlock. After taking A DROP,she started having numbness of her hands and lips. Hemlock is something I stay far away from, to the point I don't harvest plants even of the same family in the wild.


Contributing Member
Bach’s Rescue Remedy really works. I’ve used it for years and even recommended it to a dear friend who
lost her dad last year and was almost inconsolable. She was to the point of not being able to keep anything down. I gave her a bottle and it worked immediately. She was amazed and so appreciative.


Veteran Member
Sorry that I haven't kept up on this - life happens and family is first.

I've twice picked the same essence, but today along with it, I got a very strong reaction to another. Also I want to talk about Rescue Remedy, as I have seen a lot of that used (especially recently!).

The essence I've picked twice is Vervain. Bach's synopsis of the vervain person is this: Those with fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident are right , and which they very rarely change. They have a great wish to convert all around them to their own views of life. They are strong of will and have much courage when they are convinced of those things that they wish to teach.. In illness they struggle on long after many would have given up their duties.

Passionate idealism is the trademark of a vervain person, almost to the point of becoming a zealot or fanatic. These folks seem to have limitless energy that they expend on their choice cause. Hmmm.... does this sound like a lot of people at the moment?? This passion is exhausting, and often leads to problems like insomnia and nervous digestion. In a negative state, this energy is often off-putting to those around them and may drive others away. Schaffer describes the change from negative to positive state as 'from world savior to light bearer'. For those passionate individuals, this essence can help you to relax enough to share your ideals without losing your energy, your focus, your friends. Vervain helps to find balance, the 'middle way', moderation. It allows others to come to the table and be heard.

While this essence doesn't seem like it would be useful except for treating the negative state, it really is. Think of a time you needed passion that you weren't feeling - that you needed that extra spark to keep you going. One author talks about using it during physical rehabilitation (the specific given is someone having to learn to walk again).

Pine was the essence that pulled to me today so strongly. The word I most associate with this essence is guilt. It is for those that are stuck in patterns of self-criticism and self-blame. "For those who blame themselves.. Even when successful they think they could have done better, and are never content with their efforts or the results. They are hard-working and suffer much from the faults they attach to themselves. Sometimes if there is any mistake it is due to another, but they will claim responsibility even for that."

Pine people tend to apologize constantly. They feel undeserving of happiness, physical comfort, respect. One of my books describes it as 'melancholic obsession with past events', but I think more it is about self-flagellation mentally. Our thoughts are so important. Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become character. Of prime importance are our thoughts about ourselves. If we view ourselves as unworthy, it opens up a whole host of bad. We are not worthy of the love of others or the love of Christ. We are not worthy of respect. We feel guilty over things that are not our choices or even remotely within our control. Taking responsibility for our own choices requires discernment, not judgement.

In a negative state, Pine tends to have an emotional paralysis - lots of repetitive behaviors, apologizing, feeling horrible and guilty, then repeating the behavior. This essence can help break that pattern.

Finally a few words about Rescue Remedy. RR is actually a blend of 5 essences: Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, Clematis, Impatiens, and Cherry Plum. RR is also called 5 Flower. Think of it as being the rescue inhaler of flower essences. It is not meant to be taken long term or daily, but during times of great distress or ahead of something that might be traumatic. Say you're terrified of the dentist - take some RR before the appointment. It is helpful during grieving, after traumas (car accidents, emotional upheaval, etc). RR can be used on plants (when repotting), animals (I used it when introducing our new puppy), and people of all ages. It can be used on a poultice or dressing (obviously not a sterile dressing) for bruises or wounds. RR does not take the place of medical treatment.

I will try to keep up on this a little better (try!). If there is an essence you are interested in me talking about, or you would like one formulated for you, just PM me.