…… Expired vitamins


TB Fanatic
Going through some things and I've run across vitamins that have expired, like in 2012. They are still sealed, I'm wondering if I should toss them all or would they still be viable and safe to take.

Thanks in advance

God is good all the time



Veteran Member
If they are oil based (vitamin ADEK, fish oil, lethicin, etc), I would toss them and they will go rancid. If you smell them, you will KNOW if they are rancid. Water based vitamins will S_L_O_W-L-Y lose their potency, but I would still use them.


TB Fanatic
B vitamins turn *really* stinky and (IMHO) only good to be tossed within 2-3 years of expiration.

I tossed those already, they stink even when new and my stomach doesn't like them new. I have small bottles of Echanesia and also some with golden seal, all sealed.



TB Fanatic
I can understand tossing them, but I may not have to money to buy new. Any benefit that taking them would be better than nothing.

They have been stored in my she shed that has ac in the summer.

God is good all the time

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Veteran Member
I tossed those already, they stink even when new and my stomach doesn't like them new. I have small bottles of Echanesia and also some with golden seal, all sealed.

Are they liquid? If so, they are probably tinctures - and the alcohol will preserve them almost indefinitely. Don't toss.

If they are capsules, in theory, they should not have been exposed to much light or oxygen, they might still be OK, just not as potent.