Misc Different kinds of needle crafting


TB Fanatic
I'm not sure if the title is accurate, but:

I started knitting when I was very young, so i could do that in my sleep. Nothing fancy, just basic knitting. I can remember going on a date in my early 20's to a movie. I took my knitting along, I must not have liked the poor fellow very much.

Crocheting I learned to do after I retired at 62. I went to a local fabric store and asked one of the employees if they knew anyone who taught crochet. She gave me the name of a lady that did crochet classes at a local nursing home. I called and was invited to attend. Bless her heart she had just turned 75, now she is 87 and just lost her husband of over 60 years, but as usual I digress. She these nice ladies went to the nursing home once a week to work with any resident who was interested. The lady group were making lap blankets for nursing home residents, more than just the one where they met weekly. I joined the group for a few months, pretty much I never got beyond making neck warmers, made them for several family members, although I'm sure my DILs never used theirs. From time to time I'd get the bug to crochet. When my oldest granddaughter was born I made her a knitted blanket with crocheting edging. I though it was nice.

Tatting is something else I became interested in, bought all the things and even a video. But I never got very far with it, although I still have all the things needed to do it.

After I got the aforementioned headband I've gotten the itch to dig out some yarn and make a few.

When I watch tv I really need something to do with my hands, needle work is good, for awhile I've been doing a game on my phone, which is mind numbing to say the least.

I use to make all most all of my clothes, but it just killed my back to lean over a sewing machine, so I moved on to thrift stores for clothes.



Spinning on a lap spindle is fun to do while watching videos (You can pick up supported spinning by watching Fleegle spin on YouTube). I, too, can't sit still to watch anything on a screen without working something in my hands. Hand sewing clothing isn't nearly as time consuming as it sounds (you have to carefully choose what you want to make that way, however). It is easier on the back. I remember that pain - spent half my childhood hunched over a sewing machine.

Never tatted. Have tried fine string crochet, and Irish crochet, but my eyesight just doesn't support that. Must admire from afar. I inherited a bag of gorgeous net lace, bobbin (?) lace, and small scale filet crochet, etc. from my grandmother. She told me she knew I would appreciate it. I do! But, I know better than to attempt those sorts of projects, even with excellent prescription eye-wear. I don't know how women back a hundred plus years ago accomplished that work.

Once I figured out how to hold the yarn and hook so my hands wouldn't cramp, I came to really like crochet. It is a nice "palate cleanser" after a couple hours stooped over some complex knitting. On a granny, that hook can fly - a good way to straighten my spine and clear my head after 7 stitches/inch, US1 needle, rounds of K/P combos (currently knitting a gansey). The grannies are also a pleasant way to test out yarns and colors that I might want to purchase in multiples for larger knitting projects. I purchase every color card I can get ahold of, if I use that brand of yarn, BUT even those bits of actual yarn don't show the way it knits up. Sometimes, the color itself noticeably changes in stockinette.