Misc DHS-FBI brief casts conservatives as 'domestic violent extremists'

day late

money? whats that?

DHS-FBI brief casts conservatives as 'domestic violent extremists'

Targets people with 'grievances' against federal law enforcement

By Art Moore

Published August 17, 2022 at 3:41pm

American citizens who after the Russia hoax, the Whitmer kidnapping debacle and the burying of the Biden influence-peddling case view the FBI's raid on Donald Trump's estate with skepticism fit the profile of a potential "domestic violent extremist," according to an intelligence bulletin distributed jointly by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

The Aug. 12 bulletin, obtained by Project Veritas, explains to local law enforcement officials across the nation that the Mar-a-Lago raid has prompted calls for violence against federal law enforcement and government officials. The intent of the bulletin is to assist in "effectively deterring, preventing, preempting, or responding to terrorist attacks against the United States."

The recent developments, the brief states, "highlight the heightened threat since 2020 by domestic violent extremists (DVEs) motivated by a range of ideologies, who have grievances against a variety of targets including law enforcement."

The FBI and DHS have observed since the Aug. 8 raid an increase in threats posted online that include a "threat to place a so-called dirty bomb in front of FBI Headquarters and issuing general calls for 'civil war' and 'armed rebellion.'"

The bulletin spotlights people who believe the outcome of the 2020 election was fraudulent "and other claims of government overreach."

The upcoming midterm elections, the brief warns, could become "an additional flashpoint around which to escalate threats against perceived ideological opponents, including federal law enforcement personnel."

The attempt on Aug. 11 to break into FBI headquarters in Cincinnati is seen as an illustration of the threat. The brief says an examination of the devices and online postings of the alleged perpetrator, Ricky Shiffer Jr., indicates he was "ideologically driven" and had "personal anti-FBI beliefs."

Earlier this month, Project Veritas released a copy of an FBI document that cast symbols such as the Gadsden Flag, Revolutionary War imagery as "extremist."

This week, Atlantic contributor Daniel Panneton wrote that the Catholic rosary has become a "symbol" of religious radicalism.

In 2009, the DHS under President Obama issued a report titled "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" that cast conservatives who protest federal government overreach and oppose abortion and illegal immigration as a terror threat.

The report from the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis said right-wing extremism in the U.S. is "divided into those groups, movements and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups) and those that are mainly anti-government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration."

It also warned of "the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups."

Another report that year from a DHS fusion center in Missouri instructed law enforcement agencies to watch for suspicious individuals who may have bumper stickers for presidential candidates such as Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin. It also put a law-enforcement spotlight on people who oppose illegal immigration, abortion and federal taxes.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
I'ts amazing, up is down, right is wrong, left is right, and so on and so forth.

The right needs to make it clear, communism is antithetical to the founding papers, that made it clear, the People have the power to put an end to government over reach.... a point we hit a long long time ago. Freedom is dependent on the People to maintain, it is our duty. It is the ultimate reality they want erased from the minds of the youth.

We are in the right. We have truth and we have God. Communists do not have God on their side. They are losers.
I could rant on forever. But this choir knows the song, with a dance guaranteed.

They always accuse you of doing what they are doing. They are the tyrants. They are guilty of treason. They love their chains.


Has No Life - Lives on TB



db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
I've been watching a lot of conservative news such as OAN lately where they have people on trying to analyze what's going on in the regime. The understanding I have is that the DOJ, FIB and DHS are corrupted at the higher management levels. They also threw the CDC into the pile. The analysis is entrenched high ranking SES employees that have a political leaning that is what actually dictates what policies come out. They are the deep state because they are deeply entrenched and do not change out with each election.

These people lean heavily left, and in my opinion are most likely orchestrating all the madness going on right now. Add to them all the big tech jerks weighing in along with the far left fringe groups, and you have utter chaos.

If Trump or DeSantis ever make it to the White House, all of them need to be canned on the first day. If my recollections are correct, that's exactly what Bill Clinton did to get the fed gov to make it's left turn. Bush/Cheney did nothing to correct it, rather they just kissed their rears and got the biggest war in history going with imaginary WMD's and the Afghans some how responsible for airplanes crashing into the towers.


Goodness before greatness.
The race to the front of the line at The Devolution Carnival.

Step right up, no tickets necessary. Just commit to the purple ink pad with two thumb and index finger prints, and enjoy!


Faithful Steed
"To serve citizens."

It's a cook book!

Chambers is in the shipboard room now, and is again offered a meal. He throws it to the floor, but a Kanamit retrieves it and encourages him to eat: "We wouldn't want you to lose weight". At last, Chambers, in one of the few instances of the series where a character breaks the fourth wall, says to the audience: "How about you? You still on Earth, or on the ship with me? Really doesn't make very much difference, because sooner or later, we'll all of us be on the menu... all of us." The episode closes as Chambers gives in and breaks his hunger strike.


von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Just in case there are others as stupid as me.
"United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (more commonly referred to as the Plum Book) is a book that lists positions in the United States government that are subject to political appointment.

The PLUM book is a good starting point but the dismissals must go deeper.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon

DHS-FBI brief casts conservatives as 'domestic violent extremists'

Targets people with 'grievances' against federal law enforcement

By Art Moore

Published August 17, 2022 at 3:41pm

American citizens who after the Russia hoax, the Whitmer kidnapping debacle and the burying of the Biden influence-peddling case view the FBI's raid on Donald Trump's estate with skepticism fit the profile of a potential "domestic violent extremist," according to an intelligence bulletin distributed jointly by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

OK then

May I assume there will be an updated list released shortly?
You know, the one with BLM, ANTIFA and all their fellow-traveler anti-Constitutional or anti-American groups detailed therein?

Oh sorry; I forgot. Only the self-appointed elitist SJW Cabal has input on those they declare dangerous. No public input allowed because "we know whats best"..

Mea Culpa. . . . . FJB & his pals

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
When you work for the forces that are committing evil, you are complicit in that evil and will be treated appropriately when the time comes.

And that’s a big, wide brush.

Jeff B.

db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
One more time - PLUM BOOK!
Can you imagine the stink the rats, MSM and other assorted commie's would raise if anyone tried to dismiss these maggots? Another ordeal would be replacing them, in which the new appointees should have a term not exceeding the person that appointed them. These people are political, and need term limits, not careers destroy our country.