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Photo Junkie
A few I took in Colorado in the early 2000's...both shot on film, in a medium format camera...

Castlewood Canyon


Clearing storm over Halette Peak, Estes National Park, from a day trip the good Padre and I went on...


Thanx for lookin!


Another Infidel
What can I say, D?? I've never seen you shoot a bad pic after the years I've known you! Fabulous!!!

M :rs:
Estes Park is where the haunted hotel from the movie The Shining was actually based on.

I love the mountains. Have you got any photos from around Taos NM?

Would love to see them.
I believe it was History Channel or maybe Travel Channel that did a special on that hotel, one of their haunted hotel series.

Maybe you can look that up on their website and get a look see.


Thanks DD, that was really nice. It's an impressive hotel, I'm glad they renovated it. I'd love to stay there someday.