Chiggers! Redbugs!.. ????


Veteran Member
Is there anything relief? Tried nail polish. It works pretty well. Using antihistimines, and calamine also. Thanks! Waiting from chigger hell.


Just grab a few leaves of Plantain,crush/mush in your hand and rub the resultant mess on the bites - instant relief. Also when I was a kiddie and went to camp on the river in Fla, I attracted every sand chigger for miles. I ended up going to the nurse's office 3 times a day to drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking SODA dissolved in it. Balances out the base/acid in the body - bitting insects LOVE acid bodies and the soda cut the acidity enough that the chiggers couldn't find me.


Veteran Member

Never heard of it. What is it? Thank you. Also never heard of sand chiggers. The chiggers around here are in moss or grass. Explain, if you please. Thanks!


Deceased I don't know how to post pictures, but here are some. It's a weed growing everywhere. Chiggers are chiggers whether in moss, grass, or sand. Not beach sand, river sand/dirt. They may have been moss chiggers, I only remember the camp nurse saying sand chiggers. I was born and raised down there Beetree - long time ago! Try to avoid going back like a plague though still have family all over the state.

Just Plain Mom

Alien Lizard Person
Ssssting Stop--maker is Boericke & Tafel. It has stuff to stop the itch and stuff to keep away biting beasties. Just don't put it near your eyes. You can buy this stuff in a health food store or herb store.


Veteran Member
Any ideas on how to keep the Chiggers off you?
They tear me up everytime Im down on the ranch!


magyar, try the teaspoon of baking SODA in a glass of water 2-3 times a day. It seems to counteract the acid in your body which attracts the chiggers.


Veteran Member
I will give it a try.
Are you the same Goatlady on Frugals?


Veteran Member
Nice to Finally meet you!

I always enjoy your post'
Thanks for all your advice!


As soon as I come in from chiggar areas, I get in the shower, lather up with lye soap and stand there for a few minutes. Gets them off. I still may get a few bites, but they go away quickly and they don't keep biting me.