Phil Ca

Yesterday was the 60th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift, which transported 2 million tonsof coal, foood, and other necesssary items over the nexxt appro. 11 months, via 270,000 sorties made by USAF personnel.

Yesterday, because of that event I decided to view a video called, "The Big Lift", starring Montgomery Clift and Paul Douglas. They portrayed two NCO's in the USAF who were involved in the airlift. There are a couple of scenes in the film taken at the Victory Column which still had a lot of destruction around about the area.

Fast forward to yesterday, present time, and Obama making a "Campaign" spech, to enraptured Germans and a few Americans in Berlin. I found it interesting that Obama chose to make a speech in a foreign spot dedicated to past victories.

It was also interesting to note, in watching the 360 degree view of the venue and the crowd, hundreds of people had thier arms outstreched and holding small digital cameras in their hands. It almost reminded me of good "burghers" saluting a meglomaniac some 70 years ago when with this same type of salute. (Sieg Heil anyone?)

You can go on the net and see for yourself. look for two females in the crowd near the camera that are wearing Obama Tees inblue and have several pins on them/ there is one young male in the crowd weaing a ""brown" T-shirt that seems fitting somehow. It is a Obama shirt with print and web addy on back. The USSS detail is watchful and one wonders if any got the similie between the outstretched hand with cameras in 2008 and the outstretched hand of yesteryear. (Nah, the SS detail are all too young to make th connection)

Go here for he 360 degree view.\

I tjyped in the correct URL but upon pushing the enter button the result was several droppped letters/words Try Google with Obama Berlin speech + 360 degree view.(Michael Stoss is the photog)

BTW, Obama did make mention of the Berlin Airlift in his speech.