Ariz. Sheriff Accuses Gov. of 'Dirty Politics' for Ending Illegal Immigration Contrac

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon

Ariz. Sheriff Accuses Gov. of 'Dirty Politics' for Ending Illegal Immigration Contract
Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Gov. Janet Napolitano ordered the state to end an anti-illegal immigration contract with a high-profile sheriff Tuesday so she can pay for a larger effort to track down thousands of felons around Arizona.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Tuesday criticized the governor's decision as a maneuver to thwart his efforts against illegal immigrants.

"Dirty politics are at work right now," Arpaio said at a news conference.

Arpaio, who describes himself as "America's Toughest Sheriff" and is best known for feeding jail inmates green bologna sandwiches, clothing them in pink underwear, and making them work on chain gangs, received praise for his anti-immigration efforts from many who believe the federal government isn't doing enough to remove people in the U.S. illegally.

But his raids and sweeps of illegal immigrants in Phoenix and nearby Guadalupe have drawn protests from community leaders and civil liberties advocates. Arpaio, a Republican, has also been criticized for letting thousands of felony warrants go unserved while he chased illegal immigrants.

According to the Arizona Department of Public Safety, there are about 59,000 outstanding, unserved felony warrants in the state. The majority are in Maricopa County, the state's most populated county.

Napolitano spokeswoman Jeanine L'Ecuyer denied that the Democratic governor was trying to cut into efforts to stop illegal immigration.

"It couldn't be further from the truth," L'Ecuyer said.

Pennie Gillette-Stroud, the DPS chief of the criminal investigations division, said Napolitano's multi-agency task force will focus on violent, repeat criminals as well as undocumented immigrants with felony warrants.

To help pay for the task force, the state Department of Public Safety won't renew a $1.6 million contract with the sheriff's office. That contract ends May 17th, DPS spokesman Bart Graves said.


I'd say Arpaio called that exactly right, dirty politics in favor of open borders, despite what the voters have to say.

He said in a press conference this morning that removing the funding won't stop his illegal alien busts.

Janet should be very worried come election time.

Go Joe!


The push is on to get the legislature to impeach Janet Naplatano for illegally diverting funds already authorized by the legislature and the Maricopa County board of Supervisors!!

There is also a private fund being set up by former Representative JD Hayworth (R, AZ) to fund the sweeps by donation. The moneys will go the the Sheriff's Posse, which is a volunteer organization not funded by the government. Members are, however, certified LEOs in the state of Arizona.
My check for $20 is already made out!!

Janet should be very worried come election time.

Isn't Janet term limited??
She can't run again!!
That's why she's looking to be Osama bin Laden's Attorney General!!
That is also why she needs to fall to impeachment and removal!!



I'll believe ya on her term limit, I'd forgotten about that completely, that makes me very happy -- except that her overall position on illegal immigration is echoed and bolstered by the presidential candidates.

I'm down with impeachment, for McCain as well, Osama's AG, oyyyyyyy, nope I sure didn't know that.

Is there a link for posse funding or a petition drive?

Lone Wolf

Lives on TB
Joe's Power base is in Maricopa county.

How does he stack up in other counties?

That would be a key to any run for the Gov's office.

Is Joe a "High Sheriff" with an under Sheriff, or does he have a Chief Deputy?

An "Under Sheriff" would be a good bet for his office should he be elected to the Gov's position.


Ariz. Sheriff Accuses Gov. of 'Dirty Politics' for Ending Illegal Immigration Contract
Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Gov. Janet Napolitano ordered the state to end an anti-illegal immigration contract with a high-profile sheriff Tuesday so she can pay for a larger effort to track down thousands of felons around Arizona.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Tuesday criticized the governor's decision as a maneuver to thwart his efforts against illegal immigrants.

"Dirty politics are at work right now," Arpaio said at a news conference.

Arpaio, who describes himself as "America's Toughest Sheriff" and is best known for feeding jail inmates green bologna sandwiches, clothing them in pink underwear, and making them work on chain gangs, received praise for his anti-immigration efforts from many who believe the federal government isn't doing enough to remove people in the U.S. illegally.

But his raids and sweeps of illegal immigrants in Phoenix and nearby Guadalupe have drawn protests from community leaders and civil liberties advocates. Arpaio, a Republican, has also been criticized for letting thousands of felony warrants go unserved while he chased illegal immigrants.

According to the Arizona Department of Public Safety, there are about 59,000 outstanding, unserved felony warrants in the state. The majority are in Maricopa County, the state's most populated county.

Napolitano spokeswoman Jeanine L'Ecuyer denied that the Democratic governor was trying to cut into efforts to stop illegal immigration.

"It couldn't be further from the truth," L'Ecuyer said.

Pennie Gillette-Stroud, the DPS chief of the criminal investigations division, said Napolitano's multi-agency task force will focus on violent, repeat criminals as well as undocumented immigrants with felony warrants.

To help pay for the task force, the state Department of Public Safety won't renew a $1.6 million contract with the sheriff's office. That contract ends May 17th, DPS spokesman Bart Graves said.

Seriously, Sheriff Joe decides himself which amendments of the constitution he wishes to enforce or obey. 14th? No - Joe doesn't care. He doesn't seem to understand what a "pre-trial detainee" is.

What about the 1st amendment? No the sheriff doesn't care. Anyone concerned with freedom would never request this: "All internet web site information for the Phoenix New Times internet site related to the web pages . . . [four specific articles on the sheriff]. The information should include, but not be limited to: The Internet Protocol addresses of any and all visitors to each page of . . . [four specific articles on the sheriff]. . ."

The fact that Arpaio attempted to request years worth of web access logs from a local newspaper, without any probably cause, is really quite pathetic. Is he a true American who is concerned about the constitution?

I am very disappointed to see those from out of the state supporting Arpaio. Many here believe he is a strong anti-constitutional force in our state, whose demagoguery allows him to be elected term after term. He knows what sells, and that's why he has been successful (in previous terms, prostitution sold; now he focuses on immigration; how times change).

Before you flame me, how would you feel if your local sheriff wanted to request the TB2K logs, or your local newspaper access logs for the past 2 years? I certainly hope you would be outraged, and I cannot understand why anyone defends Arpaio today.

Just my thoughts from Arizona.

- EB
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