washington d.c.

  1. Melodi

    GOV/MIL Robert E. Lee statue removed from US Capitol

    I suspect after this Nightwolf may send in an application for the Son's of the Confederacy - he qualifies...this is madness, especially the reasons for it..Melodi https://thehill.com/homenews/531103-robert-e-lee-statue-removed-from-us-capitol Robert E. Lee statue removed from US Capitol BY...
  2. MinnesotaSmith

    CRISIS Will Sen. Chris Murphy (D) infect the whole US Senate w/ Coronavirus?

    https://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/25294 Will Sen. Chris Murphy infect the entire US Senate with COVID-19? Iranian FM Zarif and his entourage were likely COVID-19 carriers at the Munich Security Conference. The Democrat party senator who met with him for over an hour...
  3. Doomer Doug


    :siren: The DC Madam's former lawyer has begun releasing the phone records despite the bought and paid for shill Chief Justice Roberts denial. Shipley has released a detailed list of what groups called for escort services. This includes: the FBI, IRS, US State Department, Embassy of Japan, as...