
  1. O

    GOV/MIL Antifa's Battle Plans & suggested counter measures

    This vlogger exposes Antifa's thinking and tactics via their internet comments. He also makes some suggestions as to counter measures. I had to laugh at some of the comments. - OGM Fair use Antifa's Battle Plans The Thinkery Published on Apr 21, 2017 In the wake of their defeat at the Battle...
  2. N

    POL The Unbearable Lightness of Feminism

    From Sultan Knish (Daniel Greenfield): The Unbearable Lightness of Feminism [link] " In Nigeria and Iraq, Muslim armies are selling women as slaves. Iran hanged a woman for fighting off a rapist. ISIS was more direct about it and beheaded a woman who resisted one of its fighters. But we...
  3. dstraito

    POL Liberal Leftist Columnist Strategy - Discredit the Source

    In Today's Star Telegram a columnist wrote an article exemplifying the typical Liberal Leftist Strategy when faced with an opposing viewpoint: Discredit the person with a different view. Here is the article followed by my response to the Editor...